
duò lún
  • steering wheel;helm
舵轮 [duò lún]
  • (1) [steering wheel]∶ 控制船舵运动的手轮

  • (2) 见舵柄

舵轮[duò lún]
  1. 本文给出了对任意的阶数n,舵轮图Hn的强协调标号。

    In this paper the strongly harmonious labelings of Helm graphs with any order are given .

  2. 舵轮图Hn是由含n个顶点的圈Cn内添加一个与Cn的每个顶点都相邻的顶点,且再在Cn的每个顶点上都添上一条悬挂边而得到的图。

    A helm graph H_n is obtained from C_n , the cycle with n vertices , by adding one extra vertex which is joining to every vertex of C_n , and adding a single pendent edge to each vertex of C_n .

  3. 他急速打着舵轮,把我们搞得摇来晃去的。

    He spun the steering-wheel so that we yawed from side to side .

  4. 本文中证明了,所有舵轮图都是强协调图,因而回答了[2]中一个open问题。

    In this paper , it 's proved that all helms are strong harmonious graphs , hence an open problem in [ 2 ] is answered .

  5. 利用力反馈设备PhantomDesktop模拟舵轮,实现手动操舵的虚拟仿真过程。

    Based on functional requirements , we use force feedback devices PHANTOM Desktop to simulate manual steering process .

  6. 《赫尔姆斯&伯顿法》引起的美加冲突文中给出了舵轮图helms的强协调标号。从而解决了该图类的协调性和强协调性。

    The U.S. - Canada Conflict Evoked by the Helms - Burton Act Strongly harmonious labeling of helms is given in this paper , and therefore , helms are harmonious and strongly harmonious .

  7. 他站在舵轮前,凝视着前方的中间地区。

    He stood at the helm , gazing into the middle distance .

  8. 舵机和舵轮的运动不一致。

    The steering gear is not in step with the steering wheel .

  9. 在驾驶室里,德怀尔已经跟舵轮较上劲了。

    In the pilot house , Dwyer was already fighting the wheel .

  10. 基于坐标变换的具有可操舵轮的移动机器人运动学建模

    Kinematic Modeling of Mobile Robot with Steerable Wheels Based on Coordinate Transformation

  11. 为了不被水卷进大海,他紧紧地抓住舵轮。

    He clutched the wheel to prevent himself being washed into the sea .

  12. 舵轮式双环带分区分种(肥)多功能穴播器研究

    Study on helm-shaped multifunctional hill-drop planter with double zoning girdles to distribute seeds and fertilizer

  13. 他掌稳舵轮把船驶进了港囗。

    He took ( ie grasped ) the wheel and steered the ship into port .

  14. 舵轮转,重船抢风加速灰帆扬旗快去远航。

    The bows turn , the freighted ship tacking speeds away under her gray sails .

  15. 舵轮图都是强协调图

    Helm Graphs are Strong Harmonious Graphs

  16. 舵轮嘎嘎响白帆在海风的歌声中抖动。

    And the wheel 's kick and the wind 's song and the white sail 's shaking .

  17. 舵轮式杠杆开启穴播器的设计分析及穴孔形状仿真模拟

    The Design of Steering Wheel and Lever-opening Dibbler and Analog Simulation of the Shape of Soil Hole

  18. 可能会兜圈子,只要它的主人和舵轮还在。

    More than likely to go in circles , if only its master and this spellcaster remain aboard .

  19. 只要不时用个手指去碰一碰舵轮,她就会整天按照航线行驶。

    She would hold her course all day , with a finger to the wheel now and again .

  20. 当虚弱男子钢舵轮上时他的脚跟和双膝感到疼痛。

    The feeble man feels an ache on his heels and knees when he kneels on the steel steering wheel .

  21. 如果三天期满,怪物还不出现,掌舵的人把舵轮转三次,

    After this three-day delay , if the monster hadn 't appeared , our helmsman would give three turns of the wheel ,

  22. 又一闪电使他看到有四个人紧紧地抱住了折断的桅杆和帆索,而第五个人则紧抱着那破裂的舵轮。

    Another flash showed him four men clinging to the shattered mast and the rigging , while a fifth clung to the broken rudder .

  23. 副翼舵机拉杆应基本上垂直于副翼转动轴线。在驾驶室里,德怀尔已经跟舵轮较上劲了。

    Aileron servo pull rod should be vertical to the shaft of aileron basically . In the pilot house , Dwyer was already fighting the wheel .

  24. 把住舵,看能否使船头向着风。为了不被水卷进大海,他紧紧地抓住舵轮。

    Take the wheel , see if we can make her come to . He clutched the wheel to prevent himself being washed into the sea .

  25. 连续曲率曲线算法主要解决的是移动机器人在转向过程中,避免舵轮转向角突变的问题。

    Continuous curvature curve algorithm is mainly to solve the problem of Mobile Robot in the steering process to avoid the problem of steering wheel steering mutations angle .

  26. 如果没有舵手,他自己会一把抢过舵轮,而不会改变航向、游移不定,让美国的敌人安心。

    If not , rather than let drift and uncertainty give any comfort to America 's enemies , he had acquired the habit of seizing the wheel himself .

  27. 该移动机器人采用四轮结构,前轮为转向舵轮,两后轮分别由两个同步的步进电机进行驱动。

    Four wheeled structure is used in the Mobile Robot in this paper , the front wheel as the steering wheel , two rear wheels are driven respectively by two synchronous stepping motor driver .

  28. 唯有那个看航路的舵手,比较镇定,面貌很清楚、很严肃,灰白的头发贴在前额,痉挛的手放在舵轮上,他好像是还在深深的海底驾驶着他那只遇难的三桅船!

    And the helmsman , standing alone , calmer , his face smooth and serious , his grizzled hair plastered to his brow , his hands clutching the wheel , seemed even yet to be guiding his wrecked three-master through the ocean depths !

  29. 机器人行走机构采用1个舵轮和2个从动轮的轮式结构,舵轮由电机驱动,控制车体行进方向,机器人前进的动力由使用者提供。

    The walking mechanism of the robot is the wheel-structure . It has one steering wheel which is driven by the motor and two universal wheels . The steering wheel controls the marching direction of the robot . The progressive power of robot is provided by the user .