首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 上兰地区空气中尘污染来源的研究

    The Source of Dust Pollution in the Air in Shang Lan Area

  2. 画一辆小汽车,再把它涂上兰色。

    Draw a car and color it blue .

  3. 本文研究气液并流向上兰相流化床的一般流体流动性质。

    In this paper , the hydrodynamic properties in a cocurrent three phase fluidized bed without feed and effluent of solid particles was studied .

  4. 他睁大双眼停在门口,但狼却没停下,他们的眼睛盯上兰尼斯特,嗅到了他的气味。

    The boy stopped by the door , wide-eyed , but the wolves came on . Their eyes found Lannister , or perhaps they caught his scent .

  5. 多孔硅红外光激发上转换兰光特性

    Infrared - excitation Upconversion Blue Light Characteristics of Porous Silicon

  6. 美国保险法上的兰波&韦斯顿规则述评

    Review on the Rambo-Weston Rule in the Insurance Law of the United States

  7. 事实上,兰多夫无法总结任何如何更好灰熊主教练霍林斯要经营进攻。

    In truth , Randolph couldn 't have summed up any better how Griz coach Lionel Hollins wants to operate offensively .

  8. 大港歧口沿岸带位于太行山基底和鲁西基底接触的断裂带上&聊兰断裂北延段,沿海岸线呈NNE向展布。

    The NNE-striking Qikou coastal zone is located along the northern extension of Liaolan fault separating Taihang Mountain from Luxi basement .

  9. 我喜欢躺在沙滩上,看着兰色的大海和蓝天白云。

    I like lying on the beach , looking at the blue sea and the white clouds in the blue sky .

  10. 上周六,兰尼斯在上海中欧国际商学院组织的一场奢侈品研讨会上发表了上述讲话。

    Lannes was speaking on Saturday at a conference on luxury goods organized by the China Europe International Business School in Shanghai .

  11. 现在一个22岁的年轻人就能创业。王上22:1亚兰国和以色列国三年没有争战。

    A startup now can be just a pair of 22 year old guys . Three years passed without war between Aram and Israel .

  12. 象扎根在泥中的莲属植物或漂浮在水面上的凤眼兰一样,部分或全部生活在水中的植物。

    A plant that grows partly or wholly in water whether rooted in the mud , as a lotus , or floating without anchorage , as the water hyacinth .

  13. 特别是诸如耐万古霉素肠球菌(VRE)、多重耐药的葡萄球菌等临床上特殊的革兰阳性菌引起的感染,有很好的抗菌治疗效果。

    In particular , it has a strong antibacterial effect to the special clinical gram-positive bacteria , including multi-drug resistant staphylococcus , vancomycin resistant enterococcus and so on .

  14. 假如穆托姆伯要花180万,再加上签卡尔-兰德里,放弃鲍勃-苏拉,总共要超出奢侈税280万。

    Assuming Dikembe at $ 1.8 million , signing Carl Landry and waiving Bob Sura , the Rockets would be $ 2.8 over the luxury tax line .

  15. 在意象分析上主要选取了兰、梅和薇三种意象,考察了它们在采摘诗中所具有的独特内涵。

    In the imagery analysis , I mainly selected three kinds of images : Lan , Mei and Wei , to probe their unique connotation in picking poems .

  16. 我叔叔会陪我上鹰巢城,兰尼斯特必须跟我走,但你和其他人没有理由不留在这里好好休息,恢复元气。

    My uncle will see me the rest of the way to the Eyrie . Lannister must come with me , but there is no reason that you and the others should not rest here and recover your strength .

  17. 在此基础上,产生了兰台令史、东观修史官员、秘书监等兼职修史官员,充分体现了兼职修史的连续化。

    Based on this , had the blue Taiwan command history , east the view to compile a history the official , secretary to supervise and so on to hold concurrent jobs to compile a history the official , has manifested concurrent job compiling a history continuous fully .