
dà dé
  • great virtue
大德 [dà dé]
  • (1) [outstanding merits and virtues]∶大功德;大恩

  • 吾且不以一眚掩大德。--《左传.僖公三十二年》

  • (2) [noble character]∶品德高尚

  • (3) [noble man]∶德行高尚的人

  • (4) [integrity]∶大节,坚定地按照道德、艺术和其他价值准则办事

  1. 我想,这应该就是大德与小德,书读通与半瓶子醋之间的差别吧!

    I think that this is the difference between great virtue and petty virtue , profound man and shallow person .

  2. 为什么庄子会说,修得大德的人,对小节是不会那么在乎的呢?

    Why did Chuang Tzu ; however , say that he , who possesses of great virtue , doesn 't care for mistakes in trivia ?

  3. 不以一眚掩大德。

    Don 't allow one error to obscure great merits .

  4. 那你可是积了大德啊。

    You must have accumulated many spiritual merits .

  5. 其作为三大德系豪车品牌替代之选的声誉日盛。

    It is gaining credibility as an alternative to the three German premium carmakers .

  6. 大罪、大错、大德.这两个意见都大错特错。

    Cardinal sins , errors , virtues , etc Both of these positions are erroneous .

  7. 我要宣告耶和华的名;你们要将大德归与我们的神。

    I will proclaim the name of the LORD . Oh , praise the greatness of our God !

  8. 老子提出大德应该是慈、俭、不敢为天下先。

    Me the Dade should be " kindness , thrift , not dare for the world first " .

  9. 最后,优化诚信道德教育的大德育体系环境,充分发挥环境育人的功能。论高校大德育观的构建

    Finally , optimize the social environment for credibility education . On Construction of Moral Education at High University

  10. 人要传说你可畏之事的能力。我也要传扬你的大德。

    And men shall speak of the might of thy terrible acts : and I will declare thy greatness .

  11. 要因他大能的作为赞美他,按着他极美的大德赞美他。

    Give him praise for his acts of power : give him praise in the measure of his great strength .

  12. 彼得亦因此说:“你们被拣选,为要宣扬那呼召你的神的大德。”

    Peter adds , " you were chosen to tell about the excellent qualities of God , who called you . "

  13. 但我要说,即使是圣人大德,也不可能高过你们每个人内中的至尊

    But I say that even as the holy and the righteous cannot rise beyond the highest which is in each one of you

  14. 大罪、大错、大德.侵权行为是一种过错行为,但它有别于犯罪。

    Cardinal sins , errors , virtues , etc A tort is a wrong , but it must be distinguished from a crime .

  15. 于短短数年间,圣大德机械有限公司与中国的建筑、桥梁、铁路、市政等行业的广大用户建立了良好的合作关系,业务逐年增加。

    In just a few years , we have built up very good relationships with the companies in different fields like Construction , Roads and Bridges , Railways and Municipal etc.

  16. 为提高学校德育的实效性,必须培养德育教师、社区工作者及广大社区居民的德育环境意识和大德育观。

    In order to raise the actual effect of school moral education , we must train the teacher , the community worker , and the community resident 's consciousness of moral education environment .

  17. 绝色无大德也;一如自然劳碌终日,但求无过,而无力之制成上品。

    Neither is it almost seen , that very beautiful persons are otherwise of great virtue ; as if nature were rather busy , not to err , than in labor to produce excellency .

  18. 大德是钦:记忆深处的福建协和大学伟大是一种值得深深热爱、推崇和钦佩的精神境界(马修阿诺德)。

    The Highest Morality Deserves Admiration : Fukien Christian University in the Depth of Our Memory ; Greatness is a spiritual condition worthy to excite love , interest , and admiration ( Matthew Arnold ) .

  19. 到了元代大德年间,王桢发明了用木活字印书,可惜这些都没有传本,国内现存最早的活字印刷实物是国家图书馆藏元朝的《御试策》。

    of which none has come down to the present day . The oldest moveable-type printed book in existence in China is Yushice in the Yuan Dynasty , which is now collected in the National Library of China .

  20. 第四部分主要讲的是元大德本《后汉书》的价值,其中包括其版本、文献学、收藏以及校勘学价值。

    Value of " Historical Records of the Eastern Han dynasty " carved in the Dade age of Yuan Dynasty is discussed in the fourth part , including value of its edition , study of documents , the collection and Emendation Study .

  21. 第三部分对元大德本《后汉书》的情况做了详细的介绍,包括其刊刻背景,板式,刊刻人,以及其现存情况。

    Situation of " Historical Records of the Eastern Han dynasty " carved in the Dade age of Yuan Dynasty is introduced at length in the third part including its carved background , its format , the carved person , as well as its extant situation .