
  • 网络structuralism;constructivism;structural psychology;contextualism
  1. 从构造主义、行为主义到精神分析,主流心理学在理解人的高级心理现象时,显得贫乏和无力,面对现代人道德迷失、生命失重,主流心理学难以回答。

    From structuralism 、 behaviorism to psychoanalysis , main-stream psychology appears so powerless and inadequate in understanding higher psychiatry phenomena .

  2. 布伦塔诺和冯特关于意动与内容之争开创了随后的构造主义和机能主义对立之先河,对20世纪的心理学影响巨大。

    The controversy between structuralism and functionalism began with different opinions of Wundt and Buentano about act and content , which influenced the development of psychology in20th century .

  3. 三代实证主义分别影响着激进的行为主义、构造主义、新行为主义。

    Three generations of positivism has affected classical behaviorism , structural psychology and neo-behaviorism respectively .

  4. 追溯学科发展的历史进程,其经历了构造主义学派的初创时期,行为主义流派的停滞与格式塔流派的合并等低迷时期。

    In the development of psychology and music psychology , attention researches began from the period of structuralism , then through the periods of behaviorism and gestalt with overlook .

  5. 他构造了以奥林匹克主义为核心的现代奥林匹克运动的思想体系,为奥运的发展奠定了坚实的思想基础。

    He conceived the Olympic thought system with Olympism as its center , and laid a solid foundation for the development of the Olympic Movement .