
  • 网络pillow structure
  1. 水下喷发火山岩典型标志为珍珠岩、玻璃质结构、枕状构造、纹层状凝灰岩和膨润土。

    Typical features of subaqueous volcanic rocks include perlite with glassy structure and pillow structure , lamellar tuff , bentonite .

  2. 枕状构造是砂层中一组呈“凹”形弯曲的变形沉积体,它的原始层平行于枕状体的底面,顶面则是一个平直的截切面。

    Pillow structure consists of a suit of deformed concave upward bodies made of silt and sand whose original layering bent round parallel the basal surface and it truncated at the top surface .

  3. 岩石呈灰绿色,块状构造,局部可见枕状构造,可见变余交织和变余粒间结构。

    The spilite is greyish-green , display massive structure and locally pillow structures with palimpsest interweave texture and intergranular texture .

  4. 传统认为蛇绿岩套由超基性岩、含枕状构造的基性熔岩和硅质岩组成,是大洋岩石圈的碎片,具有完整的5个或4个层序。

    According to traditional view , ophiolitic suite , the fragments of ocean litho-sphere , is composed of ultrabasic rocks , basic laves with pillow structure and siliceous rocks , and included 5 or 4 complete sequences .

  5. 南悉尼盆地二叠系的软沉积物变形包括地裂缝、震褶层、液化脉、沙火山、负荷构造、火焰构造、枕状构造、球状构造、枕状层、滑塌构造、角砾岩化等。

    The soft-sediment deformation of Permian in the southern Sydney Basin consist of seismo-cracks , seismo-folds , fluidized veins , sandy volcano , load casts , flame structures , pillow structures , ball structures , pillow beds , slump structures and brecciation .