
lín fù chǎn pǐn
  • forest by-product
林副产品[lín fù chǎn pǐn]
  1. 陕北黄丘区林副产品资源的营养成分和饲用价值评价

    Nutritious Components of Forest By-product Resources and Evaluation of its Forage Fodder Values in Gullied hilly Loess Area in North Shaanxi Province

  2. 本研究只对森林生态系统的生态功能、社会功能进行了评估研究,不涉及林木资源经济价值及林副产品和林地自身经济价值。

    In this paper , ecological and social services were assessed , excluding wood resources economic values , forest by-product and woodland .

  3. 超临界萃取技术在林副产品加工中的应用

    Application of Supercritical CO_2 Extraction Technology in forest products processing

  4. 金平县马鞍底乡林副产品资源及利用探析

    On Resources and Utilization of Non-timber Forest Products in Ma'an'di Township , Jinping County

  5. 森林的木材及林副产品只是森林价值的一部分。

    The wood and forest byproducts of forest are a part of forest value .

  6. 其中对林木、林果、林副产品等林业资源的经营管理,可以增加林农的收入。

    Also , the management of forestry resource such as woods , fruit tree and Forestry by-products can enhance the income of agriculture and forestry .

  7. 并对加大方竹笋的深加工技术作了研究和探讨,为提高林副产品利用率和附加值,具有至关重要的作用。

    And study on further processing technology of this species is carried out , it has important role on increasing the use of by-products and added value .

  8. 在过去,中国竹类资源主要被农户作为林副产品自用,很少与市场关联。

    In the past , utilization of bamboo resources in China has been traditionally dominated by direct consumption of local farmers as minor forest products with weak linkage with market .

  9. 国有林区是我国最大的森林后备资源培育基地和木材及林副产品供应基地,同时也担负着生态建设的重任。

    The state-owned forestry region is the largest reserve resource of forest and supply base of timber in our country , bearing the important task of ecological construction at the same time .

  10. 发展食用菌生产能充分利用农、林副产品,具有生产周期短,投资少,见效快,效益高等特点。

    The agriculture and forestry products can be fully used by the environmental pollution . The edible fungi industry is characterized by short period , less invest , quick effect and hing efficency .

  11. 在各项价值构成中,保持养分价值最高,达总价值的73%,而林副产品和木材生产价值仅占总价值的1%和3%。

    Inside these kinds of value constitution , the value of trapping nutrient is the highest , and it reaches total value of 73 % . But the timber and forest by-product only occupy total value of 3 % and 1 % .

  12. 作者认为,林副产品饲料营养成分丰富,饲用价值较高,而且收集容易成本低,因此具有较高的开发利用价值。

    The author also points out that forest by - products used for forage are rich with nutritious components , its value for feeding animals is high , and it is easy and inexpensive to collect , so the forest by-product has a high value in exploitation and use .

  13. 东北国有林区是我国林产品和林副产品的主要生产基地,是国家生态环境建设的重点地区和生物多样性保护的栖息地。

    Northeast state-owned forest area is one of the biggest production bases of timber products and other forest by-products , and it is also an important area of ecological environment construction and the biggest habitat of biodiversity protection .

  14. 蛙类的皮肤中含有许多具有特殊分子结构和不同生理功能的生物活性物质,林蛙皮作为生产林蛙汕的副产品,具有很大的利用价值及潜在开发前景。

    Rana skin contains many biological activity ingredients with special molecular structures and different bioactive functions . As byproduct of Oviductus Ranae , rana chensinensis skin has a great value in use and potential development prospects .