
róu máo
  • pubescence;lithe hair
柔毛 [róu máo]
  • [lithe hair] 细软的毛发

柔毛[róu máo]
  1. 植物表面聚集的毛状物称为柔毛。

    The collective trichome cover of a plant surface is called pubescence .

  2. 可以想象,柔毛能形成一个阻障,特别是对幼小的若虫。

    It is conceivable that pubescence forms a barrier , particularly for young nymphs .

  3. 应用长柔毛野豌豆凝集素(VVL)粘附法,从小鼠脾中分离出对VVL有结合特异性的细胞(VV~+细胞)。

    A cell population which could adhere to Vicia Villosa lectin ( VVL ) was separated from mouse spleen cells .

  4. 柔毛路边青挥发性成分研究

    Studies on the Chemical Constituents of the Volatile Oil from Herba gei

  5. 分生孢子还可以转化成长柔毛分生孢子。

    The conidia may also transform into villous conidia .

  6. 秆可达1。5米;稀疏的无梗小穗的上面颖片具柔毛。

    Culms up to1.5 m ; upper glume of sessile spikelet thinly pilose .

  7. 蒴果长圆形,长约1.4厘米,被长柔毛。

    Capsules oblong , ca. 1.4 cm , pilose .

  8. 叶子上有柔毛的欧洲山柳菊属植物;有时归为山柳菊属。

    European hawkweed having soft hairy leaves ; sometimes placed in genus hieracium .

  9. 不同群落类型中柔毛淫羊藿无性系构件的形态特征及生物量配置比较

    Comparison of Morphological Characteristics and Biomass Allocation of Epimedium pubescens in Different Communities

  10. 挪威云杉和柔毛桦引进技术的探讨

    Introduction techniques of Picea abies and Betula pubescens

  11. 叶柄(2-)4-11厘米,白色具斑点,密被长柔毛。

    Petiole ( 2 - ) 4-11 cm , white maculate , densely villous .

  12. 她抚摩着猫的柔毛。

    She stroked the cat 's fur .

  13. 柔毛野豌豆根瘤菌接种效果试验研究

    Effect of Rhizobium inoculation in Vicia villosa

  14. 复伞房花序,花序梗、花柄都有长柔毛;

    After an umbrella room , stems , flower inflorescence inflorescence handle all have pilose ;

  15. 欧洲的一种桦树,树皮白色至浅灰色,枝有柔毛,下垂。

    European birch with dull white to pale brown bark and somewhat drooping hairy branches .

  16. 萼筒外有长柔毛,萼片内外两面无毛或内面顶端有毛。

    Calyx tube outside have pilose ; sepals inside and outside glabrous or reversing the top hairy .

  17. 柔毛霉素、骆驼蓬总碱防治兔后发性白内障的实验研究

    Effect of daunorubicin and total Alkaloid of Harmaline on prevention of posterior capsule opacification in rabbit eyes

  18. 多年生草本,具茎,5-10厘米高,全部的被微柔毛,很少疏生微柔毛或无毛。

    Herbs perennial , caulescent , 5-10 cm tall , puberulous throughout , rarely sparsely puberulous or glabrous .

  19. 它的胳膊和腿上也覆盖着柔毛,而它还长着手和脚。

    Its legs and arms had soft fur all over them too , and it had hands and feet .

  20. 花萼和花瓣均为紫红色,花瓣边缘流苏状并有一排粉红色的胡须状长柔毛。

    Each flower has rose-colored sepals and petals , the petals fringed and lined with long , pink whiskery hairs .

  21. 叶互生,无柄,圆柱状,肉质,基部扩大的,先端钝或具芒;叶腋束状具柔毛。

    Leaves alternate , sessile , terete , fleshy , base expanded , apex obtuse or aristate awned ; leaf axil fascicular pilose .

  22. 一般来说,柔毛的机械作用取决于毛状体的四个主要性状:密度、直立性、长度和形状。

    In general , the purely mechanical effects of the pubescence depend on four main characteristics of the trichomes : density , erectness , length , and shape .

  23. 叶互生,近革质,倒披针形或长圆状倒披针形,长10-15厘米,宽2.5-3厘米,全缘,上面无毛,下面初时密生浅褐色丝质长柔毛;

    Leaves alternate , nearly leathery , oblanceolate or oblong-oblanceolate , 10-15 cm long , 2.5-3 cm wide , entire , glabrous above , initially densely brown villose beneath ;

  24. 木槿,美洲芙蓉:北美洲东部的一种高沼泽植物(剪秋罗属芙蓉葵),长有覆盖在白色细柔毛下的叶子和有猩红色基部的白色、粉红色或玫瑰色花。

    A tall marsh plant ( Hibiscus moscheutos ) of eastern North America , having leaves covered with whitish down and flowers with white , pink , or rose petals with crimson bases .