
róu ruǎn xìnɡ
  • Flexibility;pliability;limpness;lithesome
  1. 结果表明:在打浆过程中加入CMC作为纤维润胀剂,可降低纤维内聚力,提高其柔软性,使成纸物理性质得到改善。

    Results showed that with the addition of CMC during beating , improvement can be obtained of physical performance of handsheetswith a decrease in fibrous cohesion and an increase in its pliability .

  2. 利用含肽键的蛋白质与含酰氨基的聚氨酯共混,既可改善酪素和大豆蛋白质材料的柔软性和耐水性,又能保持其生物可降解性。

    The blending of the protein containing peptide with polyurethane containing amide groups can not only improve the pliability and the water-resistivity , but also keep biodegradability .

  3. 工作流视图源自数据库的视图概念,主要为了支持Web服务环境中工作流的互操作性和对外界面的柔软性,以适应各种不同应用的需要。

    Workflow views adapted from the concept of views in databases are mainly used to support workflow inter operability and flexibility under Web service environment in order to meet the needs of different applications .

  4. 通过分析比较得出,双组分PE/PP纺粘法非织造布在断裂强度、柔软性、拒水性、透气性等性能上均优于单组分PP纺粘法非织造布。

    The conclusion is that PE / PP bicomponent spunbond nonwovens excels PP spunbond nonwovens in strength , softness , air penetration and water repellent .

  5. VAc/BuA共聚物膜柔软性的研究

    Study on the membrane softness of vac / bua copolymer

  6. VESA上浆的碳纤维具有较低的硬挺度,较好的柔软性。

    VESA sized carbon fibers were of lower stiffness and better flexibility .

  7. 微乳液中加入少量有机酸酯(NZ)和亚硫酸氢钠(NS),可有效降低泛黄性,且不增加成本、不降低柔软性。

    Adding a little of NZ and NS in microemulsion , the nature of its yellowing is considerably reduced with no concerns of increasing cost and decreasing softness .

  8. 文中所有电力市场的信息均采用基于可扩展置标语言(XML)的简单对象存取协议(SOAP)语言进行描述,保证了通信系统与电力市场其他子系统对接的柔软性和扩充性。

    All of the information involved in electricity market is described in SOAP ( simple object access protocol ) based on XML ( extend makeup language ), which guarantees the flexibility and extensiveness of this channel when integrated with other sub-systems of the electricity market .

  9. 对弯曲常数Kb、弯曲功Wb及弯曲终点应力Fe与羊皮服装革的手感柔软性的关系进行了讨论。

    The relationships between mechanical parameters , which were bending coefficient ( Kb ), bending power ( Wb ), bending force ( Fe ), and softness of leather , which was evaluated by hand , have also been discussed .

  10. 结果表明,以线性体为原料制得的环己氨基硅油在单程转化率、离心稳定性、柔软性、滑爽性及亲水性等方面均优于以D4为原料制得的环己氨基硅油;

    The result showed that hexanaphthene amino modified silicone oil with linear substance as material was superior to those with D 4 as material in single pass conversion , flexility , smoothness and hydrophilicity .

  11. 测试结果表明,丝素中加入适量PVP后,可使共混膜具有良好强伸度、柔软性,吸湿性以及良好的透汽性,改善了丝素创面保护膜的性能和应用效果。

    The results showed that the blend film had good strength and elongation , flexibility , hygroscopic absorption and fine vapor permeation when the content of PVP was appropriate , improving the properties and application of the wound-covering silk fibroin protective film .

  12. PTT纤维的强度不如PET,但断裂伸长却远高于普通PET纤维,与高收缩PET相近,拉伸模量也比PET小,尤其是纤维的初始模量小,说明PTT具有良好的延伸性和柔软性;

    The conclusions are as follows : 1 . PTT fiber has lower breaking strength , lower initial modulus and higher breaking elongation than PET fiber , whose breaking elongation is similar to high shrinking PET fiber , and all these indicate that PTT fiber has good extensibility and softness .

  13. 在丝胶水溶液中添加占丝胶质量30%~40%的PEG-DE,采用流延法制得的丝胶蛋白膜具备很好的柔软性和很高的断裂伸长率。

    Sericin films with 30 to 40 percent of PEG-DE against sericin prepared by casting , showed good flexibility and high elongation at break .

  14. 提高硅含量、增加氨值,可改善APEPS的柔软性与滑爽感,但对织物的吸湿性影响不大。

    By increasing Si content and amino equivalent of APEPS , the softness and smoothness of finished fabrics is improved , but fabric rewettability is little changed .

  15. 本文采用KES-FB-2纯弯曲试验仪测试了苎麻纤维的柔软性。用弯曲刚度及弯曲滞后矩表述试样的柔软性,对两者进行了比较。

    And the flexibility of ramie fibre was measured by the KES-FB-2 pure bending tester then the bending rigidity , and the bending hysteresis moment were compared .

  16. 产物用于棉织物整理,织物具有很好的柔软性和抗皱性,柔软等级能达到4级,棉织物的折皱回复角由170.1o增大至260.6o。

    The finished fabrics have good softness and wrinkle resistance with the level of softness reached level 4 , the wrinkle recovery angle of cotton fabrics increased from 170.1o to 260.6o .

  17. 结果表明,随着ADMPS的氨值的增加,经其整理的棉布的弯曲刚度减小、柔软性增强,折皱回复角增大、弹性提高、抗皱性能增强,吸湿性显著提高,而白度略下降;

    The results showed that when the amino value of ADMPS was increased , the bending rigidity of the treated cotton decreased and its wrinkle recovery angle increased , which enhanced soft hand feel , the elasticity and the anticrease performance of the treated cotton .

  18. 触摸法评价物体柔软性的感知觉力学原理分析

    Mechanistic principles of sensory analysis on object softness by touch means

  19. 隔火层包带应具有较好的柔软性便于绕包加工。

    The tapes shall be flexible enough to facilitate wrapping process .

  20. 但传统的大型服务器的资源管理缺乏柔软性,在资源配置、资源调整等方面都需要用户付出巨大的代价。

    The traditional servers is lack of flexibility in the resource management .

  21. 皮革柔软性测定系统中的计算机技术

    The computer technology applied in the leather softness measurement system

  22. 涤纶的柔软性和芳香性整理

    Functional finishing with flexibility and fragrance on PET fiber

  23. 涤纶织物碱减量后光泽与柔软性探讨

    A Study of Lustre and Soft-Handle on PES Filament Fabrics after Alkali Treatment

  24. 呈铁灰色,柔软性和延展性与锡相近。

    It is iron-gray and fairly soft and ductile .

  25. 一种提高大型可分区服务器柔软性的方案

    A Method for Improving the Flexibility of Partitionable Server

  26. 产品具有良好的柔软性、耐老化性。

    The cable has good flexibility and ageing resistance .

  27. 在质量、光泽及柔软性方面,大豆丝绸都很有价值。

    Soy Silk is valued for its quality , shine , and softness .

  28. 适用于车锁用钢览及要求柔软性的场合。

    Cable of chain lock and flexible occasion .

  29. SF/PEGG共混膜具有良好的柔软性和弹性。

    The SF / PEGG blend films have fine flexible character and good elasticity .

  30. 最早使用的氨基硅油可赋予织物良好的柔软性,但吸水性较差,且易黄变。

    The earlier amino silicone oil can make fabric soft but hydrophilic and yellow .