
róu liàng
  • compliance
柔量[róu liàng]
  1. 且当平面P波入射时,法向柔量对反射P波和转换波的影响均大于切向柔量的影响。

    It is showed that the normal compliance has much influence on P-P and P-S reflections than that shear compliance do when the incident wave is P-wave .

  2. 随着固态增塑剂P含量的增加,高温α-转变的tanδ峰温下降,峰值增大,柔量亦增大。

    As solid plasticizer P increases , the peak temperature of tan δ in α - transition decreases , and the peak value for tan δ and the compliance increase .

  3. 含RF填料复合树脂的柔量明显小于普通填料复合树脂(P<0.01)。

    The creep compliance of the composite resin reinforced with RF is significant smaller than that of NF composite resin ( P < 0.01 ) .

  4. 利用广义Burgers模型分析得出了材料的粘性变形参数&粘性变形柔量G,并结合壳牌的车辙预估方法提出了沥青稳定基层永久变形的预估方法。

    Viscous parameter G can be got by making use of generalized Burgers model . Based on rut prediction of shell a new method to forecast the unrecovered deformation is put forward .

  5. 分数阶黏弹性模型的蠕变柔量:广义Zener和Poynting-Thomson模型

    Creep compliance of fractional viscoelastic models : generalized Zener and Poynting-Thomson models

  6. 选用柔量D/FZ,应力差值比(F1-FZ)/(F0-FZ)和能量比W2/W1作为评价指标并加以阐述,以更有效地评价SBS改性沥青的低温性能。

    Compliance D / F_Z , stress difference ratio ( F_1-F_Z ) / ( F_0-F_Z ) and energy-ratio W_2 / W_1 are selected to appraise more effectively the low-temperature performance of SBS modified asphalt .

  7. 随样品存放时间增长,PHBV蠕变柔量逐渐下降,平衡应力下降。

    With the store time goes on , the compliance and the balance stress of PHBV fibers decrease , due to the increase of crystallinity .

  8. 该试验结论指出,Burgers模型可较好地模拟蠕变试验的蠕变柔量曲线,并使用粘弹性理论分析了SBS改性沥青混合料具有较好热稳定性的原因。

    Burgers model is applied to simulate the test and it is concluded that Burgers model is a better way to simulate the creep compliance curve of the creep test , and to elucidate the reason why modified ( bituminous ) mixture has better thermal stability with viscoelastic theory .

  9. 本文测定了燃气用PE80管材热板焊接接头的蠕变柔量,研究了蠕变对焊缝裂尖应力场的影响。

    In this paper , the creep compliance of Hot-plate welded joint of PE80 pipe is measured , and the effect of creep on the crack tip stress field in the weld is investigated .

  10. 采用固化后的环氧沥青混凝土小梁,在MTS810材料试验机上进行弯曲蠕变试验,利用数值计算将蠕变柔量转换为松弛模量,运用Boltzmann叠加原理分析环氧沥青混凝土钢桥面铺装层的温度应力。

    The cured beams of epoxy asphalt concrete were tested using MTS-810 by methods of Binding Creep Test , and the gained compliance modulus was transformed into relaxation modulus . Based on the Boltzmann Superposition Principle , the thermal stress of steel-deck pavement of epoxy asphalt concrete was calculated .

  11. 沥青混合料蠕变柔量的一种实用模型及其应用

    A practical creep compliance model of asphalt mixtures and its application

  12. 层状裂隙岩体蠕变柔量估计的合理方法

    Reasonable method to estimate creep compliance of rocks jointed by parallel cracks

  13. 回应客户有关产品安全和柔量调整的质询;

    Respond to customer inquiries related to product safety and regulatory compliance ;

  14. 由应力松弛试验数据确定松弛模量和蠕变柔量

    Evaluation for Relaxation Modulus and Creep Compliance from Stress Relaxation Test Data

  15. 研究方法可以用于固体推进剂其它力学参数的转换计算,如体积松弛模量和体积蠕变柔量之间的转换计算。

    This method can be used in conversion of other mechanics parameters .

  16. 松弛模量与蠕变柔量的实用表达式

    Practical Expressions of Relaxation Modulus and Creep Compliance

  17. 粘弹性边值问题的蠕变柔量边界元法边界积分方程&非连续边界元离散方法及其应用

    Creep Compliance Boundary Elements Applied to Viscoelastic Analysis Several problems associated with discontinuous boundary elements

  18. 裂隙岩体蠕变柔量分析

    Analysis on creep compliance of cracked rock

  19. 结果表明:由松弛模量计算蠕变柔量的理论值与实验值吻合;

    The results obtained from relaxation modulus show good agreement with experimental data of creep compliance .

  20. 热处理对涤纶松弛模量和蠕变柔量的影响

    Influence of the Heat Setting Process on the Relaxation Modulus and Creep Compliance of Polyester Fibers

  21. 该转换表达式避免了数值积分法求解蠕变柔量值产生舍入误差和采用拉氏变换的繁琐计算。

    This expression avoids rounding error brought by numerical integral method and complex calculation of Laplace transforms .

  22. 巷道围岩支护系统粘弹性分析蠕变柔量法

    Creep compliance method for visco elastic analysis of the surrounding rock and supporting system in road way

  23. 考虑裂纹内水压的节理岩体蠕变柔量分析

    Analysis of creep compliance of jointed rocks with consideration of the influence of water pressure in saturated cracks

  24. 选取55℃作为参考温度,获得长时蠕变主曲线和柔量曲线。

    It was proper to choose 55 ℃ as reference temperature for master curve of creep compliance function .

  25. 杉木压缩木材在热处理过程中,木材细胞壁主成分发生降解反应是各柔量增大的主要原因。

    The decomposition of the main components of wood cell wall leads to the increase of the compliances .

  26. 圆形隧道围岩蠕变柔量的确定及粘弹性力学模型的识别

    Determination of the creep compliance of surrounding rock of a circular tunnel and the identification of its mechanical model

  27. 复柔量-蠕变柔量和复模量-松弛模量转换公式的讨论

    Discussion on Transformation Formulas Between Complex Compliance and Creep Compliance , Complex Modulus and Relaxation Modulus in Linear Viscoelasticity

  28. 热处理温度越高(特别在200220℃),时间越长,相应的试材在绝干状态或吸湿解吸过程中的瞬时柔量越大,某一时刻的蠕变柔量越大。

    The higher the temperature , the longer the time , then the higher the instantaneous compliances or the creep compliances under certain conditions .

  29. 柔量&时间半对数曲线直线部分的截距a值和斜率m值越大,混合料的高温性能越差,相关性相对较差。

    As the intercept and slope of the compliance-time semi-logarithm curve gets larger , the stability decreases , but the correlation is not so obvious ;

  30. 根据蠕变柔量实验原理,自建一套测定高压环境下玻璃化转变温度的实验装置。

    In this paper , based on creep compliance experimental principle , an apparatus for testing T_g of polymers in high pressure environment is established .