
  • 网络charles university;Univerzita Karlova v Praze
  1. 苏格兰的斯特林大学和捷克的布拉格查理大学中的研究人员表明,可能是大蒜的抗菌作用减少了腋窝中产生刺鼻气味的细菌的比重,因此腋窝的汗味也就没那么难闻。

    Or , it could simply be that the antibacterial action of the garlic makes the armpits smell sweeter by reducing the density of the microbes which cause the nasty odours , the researchers from the University of Stirling in Scotland and Charles University in the Czech Republic said .

  2. 回到家中,照顾他爸爸的冲印店,好让查理去上大学。

    And then come back and take over his dad 's print shop so that Charlie could go .