
  • 网络standard earth
  1. 并在VC++环境下,以标准地球空间数据交换格式(VCT)作为基础,实现了常用GIS数据的集成与共享。

    It states how to achieve the high integration and share of GIS data on the basic of VCT in VC + + .

  2. 基于不同天文标准计算地球引力对卫星轨道的影响

    Effect of Gravitational Perturbations on Satellite Orbit via Different Astronomy Standards

  3. 值得注意的是:科学家将火星列入可居住星球的范围,其衡量标准是与地球大小基本相当,温度适宜液态水。

    And it 's worth noting that scientists'requirements for habitability count Mars in that category : a size relatively similar to Earth 's with temperatures that would permit liquid water .

  4. 其次,小说体现出现代都市已进入高消费阶段,最大程度满足物质需求是现代人的生活标准,揭示地球资源日益匮乏的根源。

    Second , the novel reflects the modern city has entered a high stage of a consumer society . Satisfaction of their material needs is their life norm . In this case , the novel partially reveals the causes of the increasing scarcity of resources on the Earth .

  5. 再加上光速是恒定的,知道这样一盏“标准蜡烛”离地球多远(根据地球上观测的视觉亮度计算得出)就能知道它是多久以前爆发的。

    Since the speed of light is constant , knowing how far away such a " standard candle " is ( calculated from its apparent brightness seen from Earth ) is to know how long ago it exploded .