
  • 网络Shipping
  1. 船舶运输产生的环境污染及其防治

    Environmental Pollution Caused by Shipping and Its Prevention

  2. 船舶运输系统分析的若干问题与方法

    Several problems and methods about shipping system analysis

  3. CNG船舶运输新技术应用研究

    Study on shipping technology of compressed natural gas

  4. 对于我国而言,要使用这种能源,就主要是依靠海上LNG船舶运输进口。

    For using this kind of energy , the imports of LNG mainly depend on the sea in China .

  5. 我国LNG主要依靠海上LNG船舶运输进口,该船舶具有高技术、高危险、高附加值的特点。

    Our needs mainly rely on importing by LNG carriers which have high technology , high risk , high value-added features .

  6. 本论文所研究的课题是上海船舶运输科学研究所承接的科技部科研院所技术开发研究专项资金项目《集成平台管理系统》(IntegratedplatformManagementSystem,IPMS)的一个子课题。

    This paper is originated from " Integrated Platform Management System " ( IPMS ) carried on by Shanghai Ship & Shipping Research Institute , supported by special fund for research institutes supplied by the Ministry of Science and Technology .

  7. 本文结合散装谷物船舶运输中配载的实际情况,具体分析了谷物的特性和IMO对散装谷物船舶稳性校核的要求。

    This paper particularly analyze the characteristic of bulk grain and request of stability check of IMO combining the loading practice in transport of bulk grain carrier .

  8. 鉴于当前LNG船舶运输业务的增长需求和双燃料电力推进在LNG船舶上表现的突出优势,有必要对双燃料推进技术进行必要的关注。

    It is suggested that the attention to the dual fuel electrical propulsion technology should be necessary when considering the growing demand for LNG marine transport and the outstanding advantages of it employed on LNG carriers .

  9. 分析了LNG船舶运输的特征及船型的发展趋势,建立了LNG船舶经济论证的评价指标,得出了单船和船队营运情况下的优选船型。

    This paper analyzed the character and developing trend of LNG ship , Put forward series of evaluation index for the ship economical analyses and demonstrated the optimal ship type in the condition of single ship and fleet .

  10. CDJ-5型电磁计程仪是交通部上海船舶运输科学研究所获得船舶检验局认可证书的第二项产品。

    CDJ-5 Electromagnetic Log is the second product of SSSRI that has got the approval certificate of ZC .

  11. SHC型水位自动测报系统由上海海监局海测大队与交通部上海船舶运输科学研究所等单位共同开发和研制。

    SHC type wa - ter level automatic measuring and reporting system was developed , researched and produced jointly by Shanghai Harbour Superintendence Administration and SSSRI .

  12. 2+网络系统结构上实现了通用化、模块化及标准化,硬件品种少,维修方便,是组成船舶运输控制系统(SCS)的基础设备。

    In the construction of the 2 + net work system , he normalization , modularization and standardization have been realized . This system is a basic device for ship transportation control system ( SCS ) with few hardwares and easy maintenance .

  13. 外国公司船舶运输收入免征企业所得税证明表

    Certification of Income Tax Exemption on Shipping Income by Foreign Enterprises

  14. 基于数据仓库的船舶运输智能决策支持系统

    Intelligent Decision Support System for Shipping Operation Based on Data Warehouse

  15. 船舶运输管理模拟实验系统的设计与实现

    Design And Achievement of Maritime Transport Management Simulation Experiment System

  16. 船舶运输精矿粉的安全监管

    Safety control and management of vessels shipping the mineral concentrates

  17. 船舶运输业可持续发展安全、质量综合管理理念的探讨

    Discussion on Continuity Development Safe Quality Total Management in Shipping Carrying Trade

  18. 船舶运输成本分析与控制

    Analyzing and Controlling Research on the Cost of Ship Transportation

  19. 山西省小型客运船舶运输管理存在的问题及其对策

    The Problems and Countermeasures of Small-Sized Passenger Ships Transportation in Shanxi Province

  20. 第二章研究了船舶运输成本的生存环境和生长趋势;

    Studied the environment and growing trend of the cost in chapter two ;

  21. 外国公司船舶运输收入税收管理中存在的问题及对策

    Issues of Tax Administration on Ocean Transportation Income of Foreign Companies and Countermeasures

  22. 第一章主要讨论并认清什么是船舶运输成本;

    It discussed and recognized what the ship transportation cost was in chapter one ;

  23. 伊利湖可用于船舶运输货物。

    Ships used the lake for transporting goods .

  24. 所述方法对海上船舶运输和港口管理等具有重要意义。

    The method presented here will be helpful in marine transportation and harbor management .

  25. 压缩天然气船舶运输新技术及前景

    New technology and prospect of CNG marine transportation

  26. 船舶运输与海洋环境保护

    Shipping transportation and ocean environmental protection

  27. 船舶运输现代化管理的研究

    A research for shipping modern management

  28. 三峡工程施工通航期的船舶运输组织问题

    Ships organization during Constructional Navigation Period

  29. 船舶运输业的发展为世界经济的繁荣提供了重要保障。

    The development of ship transportation has always provides an important guarantee for the world economy .

  30. 予以许可的,向申请人颁发《国际船舶运输经营许可证》;

    Where approval is granted , the International Shipping License shall be issued to the applicant ;