
  • Ultimate bending moment of the hull;【船】ultimate bending moment of ship hull
  1. 单层甲板屈曲时船体极限弯矩统计特征值的计算

    On the Calculation of Statistical Characteristic Values of Ship-hull 's Ultimate Bending Moment When Single-hull Deck is Buckling

  2. 在用简化方法计算船体的总纵极限弯矩时,需要掌握四周支承在骨架上的矩形板包括后屈曲及后崩溃阶段非线性性能在内的完整的平均应力-平均应变关系。

    To calculate the ultimate longitudinal bending moment of ship hulls , it is essential to command the average stress strain relationship of the compressive rectangular plates , including the nonlinear post buckling and post collapse behavior .

  3. 船体破损后外载荷与船体极限弯矩

    External load and hull ultimate bending moment of damaged hull