
  • 网络blue brittleness;Blue-crisp
  1. 拉伸加工中蓝脆与氢脆的产生及预防

    Occurring Reason and Guarding Against Blue Brittleness and Hydrogen Brittleness During Drawing Manufacture

  2. 除此,还发现隐藏在蓝脆区的氢诱发裂纹。

    Besides , the hydrogen induced cracking hidden at the blue brittleness area had been also discovered .

  3. 当温度低于或高于蓝脆温度时,材料具有循环软化、疲劳强度较低、循环蠕变速率较大的特点,循环蠕变对疲劳损伤起着加速的作用,断口具有延性断裂特征,循环蠕变孔洞较多;

    When temperature is beyond blue brittle temperature , material exhibits cyclic softening , higher velocities of cyclic creep and ductile fracture appearance with many dimples and cavities of cyclic creep .

  4. 结论蓝巩膜、骨脆、进行性耳聋为遗传性成骨不全的特征性表现,尤其蓝巩膜为本病首现及易显体征,为诊断必备条件。

    Conclusion The authors suggested that the triad of blue sclera , osteopsathyrosis and progressive deafness is the characteristic manifestations of the disease , especially blue sclera , which may be regarded as an initial and suggestible physical sign , and an essential criterion for diagnosis .