
  • 网络Bow;Stem
  1. 在船舶碰撞中,船艏是主要作用方。

    Ship bow is the main action part during ship collision process .

  2. 高强度钢缓冲型船艏研究

    Study of Ship Buffer Bow Constructed of High-strength Steel

  3. 本文研究了Mariner型船舶在定常风作用下的运动性能,将模糊控制理论应用于该船艏向及位置的自适应控制。

    A ship model of mariner is used for the study of its steering characteristics under uniform wind , and the fuzzy control method is applied for the adaptive control of its heading and position .

  4. 船艏横向框架对船艏碰撞性能的影响

    Effect of Transverse Frame to Collision Character of Ship Bow

  5. 自航耙吸式挖泥船艏吹施工工艺及效益分析

    Bow-blowing Technology and Benefit Analysis of the Self-propelled Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger

  6. 基于测量船艏挠角模拟动态检测方法

    The Dynamic Simulation Test Method in The Longitudinal Orientation of the Measuring Ship

  7. 不同形状船艏开口对船体阻力性能的影响。

    Effect of the shape of notch in bow on ship resistance performance .

  8. 不同型线结构船艏表面压力特性对比实验研究

    Comparison of surface pressure characteristics of bulbous bows in different profiles through wind tunnel tests

  9. 撞击船艏部形状对被撞船体舷侧结构碰撞性能影响研究

    Study on the influence of striking bow shape to the side structure during ship collision

  10. 利用有限元数值模拟方法计算了一艘4万吨船艏的碰撞损坏实例,显示了上述碰撞特征并讨论了提高碰撞数值模拟计算精度的方法。

    The approach of collision simulation and the technique for enhancing the precision of calculation are also discussed .

  11. 在撞击过程中船艏结构的典型损伤是外壳板和内加筋的褶皱,撕裂和弯曲。

    The typical damage of ship bow are crushing , tearing and bending of ship bow shell and stiffeners .

  12. 为减少碰撞事故损失,从碰撞的观点出了一种研究船艏碰撞特性的方法及表达船艏碰撞特性的特征量,据以改进船首设计。

    A method for studying the collision characteristics and parameters expressing collision characteristic of bow structures were brought forward .

  13. 上层建筑的前端壁的起始点不宜过于接近船艏,否则会有呆笨的感觉。

    The forward end of the superstructure should not be too close to the bow to avoid a sense of clumsiness .

  14. 仿真结果显示了船艏结构损坏、碰撞力演变、能量传递和桥墩内部应力变化的详细情景,讨论了船-桥碰撞的力学特征。

    The history and property of the bow damage , the collision force , the energy transform and the tress distribution in the bridge pier are presented and discussed .

  15. 最优航行方法中采用实时获取船舶导航仪器传入到系统中的数据,并根据这些数据进行计算,给出船舶当前最佳船艏向,实现基于电子海图显示与信息系统的最优航法。

    It figures out the best head bearing of the ship with the real time transfer data from navigation apparatus to the system , accomplish the advanced navigation function in ECDIS .

  16. 文中以汇兴轮的整个船艏换新为例,介绍通过预制大型分段进行吊装来缩短修复周期,提高修船效率。

    With the example of replacement for the bow " HUI XING ", this paper introduces how to shorten repair period and raise efficiency by precasting large parts of projection and sectional hoisting .

  17. 船桥碰撞事故时船艏对桥墩的冲击力,以及由此引起桥墩、墩柱和桩基的动态变形和内部应力历程,可以通过非线性动态有限元数值仿真全程再现。

    The dynamic deformation and inner stress distribution of pier column , pile cap , piles caused by impact force during ship bridge collision can be simulated by employing nonlinear dynamic finite element program .

  18. 同时该方法能够对影响船舶甲板上浪的因素进行快速有效的分析对比,可广泛应用于船艏甲板上浪问题的研究。

    At the same time , the method can be used in analysis different factors which influence the green water phenomenon of the ships , and can be applied to the further research of green water problem .

  19. 对于船艏高能搁浅的情况,损伤路径会向船体外侧偏离,船舶与礁石之间的接触由剧烈的冲击逐渐过度到侧向挤压和滑动摩擦;

    For bow hard grounding , damage path will go toward the side of ship hull , and the contact between the ship and the rock will change gradually from intense impact to lateral press and slip friction .

  20. 结果发现,横向加强材会限制船艏外壳及甲板的变形模式,以至于显著地影响到整个船艏结构的破坏特征、碰撞力和能量吸收。

    It was discovered that the distortion modes of ship hull and decks are restricted by the transverse frames , which also evidently act important effect to the damage mode of whole ship bow structures , collision force and energy dissipation .

  21. 这种机器人不仅大大提高了船艏艉大曲率、小面积钢板的加工效率,而且也提高了其加工精度,从而大大提高了水火弯板成型自动化程度。

    This kind of robot can not only raise the efficiency of process a kind of plate with big curvature and small area consumedly , but also can raise the accuracy of it , so it can improve the automatization of the technology .

  22. 散货船船艏底部结构砰击加强的设计研究

    Design Research for the Bow Structure of Bulk under Slamming

  23. 你们船有艏侧推器还是艉侧推器?

    Do you have bow thruster or stern thruster ?

  24. 大型船船台下水时艏部强度计算分析

    Calculation and analysis of king-size tanker stem structure for launching strength

  25. 从安装维修横隧道型艏推装置,降低船阻力和确保艏部流线光顺流畅不产生气泡等方面推荐采用大伸出上翘型球鼻艏。

    The large-protruded upward-bending bulbous bow is recommended after studying various related aspects such as the arrangement of ducted bow thruster , reducing of ship resistance , keeping bow lines fair and smooth , and prevention against air-bulbs .

  26. 本文对若干艘方形系数为0.80左右的肥大船在具有球鼻艏和只有常规船艏及满处相压载航行状态下,船型和静水阻力性能间的关系进行了分析。

    In this paper , the dependence of the ship resistance in the still water on the ship forms for several ships with block coefficients around 0.8 , with and without bulb-bows , is analysised .