
  1. 旅游地质新发现&黄果树石林

    A New Discovery in Tourist Geological Resource : Huangguoshu Stone Forest

  2. 黄果树瀑布是中国最大的瀑布之一。

    The Huangguoshu cataract is one of the largest waterfalls in china .

  3. 正面以贵州省黄果树瀑布作主题。

    The obverse shows the Huangguoshu waterfall in Guizhou province .

  4. 黄果树喀斯特洞穴群苔藓植物群落

    The bryophytes communities in karst caves of huangguoshu , guizhou , china

  5. 黄果树风景名胜区低效林分改造措施及生态恢复对策

    Improvement Measures in Deteriorated Forests and Management of Ecosystem Restoration in Huangguoshu Scenic Spot

  6. 我在远处看黄果树瀑布。

    I saw Huang-guo-shu waterfall in the distance .

  7. 贵阳:游览世界出名的黄果树大瀑布。

    Guiyang : Tour the world famous Huangguoshu Waterfall , the largest waterfall in Asia .

  8. 原本壮观的黄果树大瀑布,也受上游来水减少的影响,瀑布水流足足“瘦身”四分之三。

    The water flow of Huangguoshu Waterfall has shrunk to one fourth of the original .

  9. 黄果树&喀斯特瀑布王国

    Huang Guoshu kingdom of karst falls

  10. 黄果树自动大扶梯的设计

    Design on Huangguoshu Automatic Large Staircase

  11. 瀑布景观的综合美学评价研究&以黄果树瀑布群为例

    A Comprehensive Appraisal of the Development of Waterfalls & Case Study : Huangguoshu Waterfalls , China

  12. 从安顺去黄果树多远,大约多少票价坐汽车?

    How far is it from Anshun to Huangguoshu , about the number of car fare ?

  13. 石灰华的生物成因研究&以四川九寨沟和贵州黄果树等地石灰华为例

    A STUDY ON BIOGENETIC OF CALCAREOUS TUFA & Examplified by the tufa in Jiuzhaigou , Sichuan , and Huangguoshu , Guizhou

  14. 亚洲最大的瀑布黄果树瀑布,仅一天门票收入就超过2百万元。

    And at Huangguoshu Waterfall , Asia 's largest waterfall , ticket sales reached over two million yuan in just one day .

  15. 水上石林距黄果树瀑布10公里左右,是一处新开发的旅游景点。

    The aquatic Stone Forest , some ten kilometres from Huangguoshu Waterfall , is a Burgeoning tourist spot on a small fiver .

  16. 黄果树瀑布,位于镇宁布依苗族自治县城西南15千米的白水河上。

    The waterfall with the same name is situated on Baishui or white water river about15km southwest of the county seat of zhenning .

  17. 壮阔的黄果树瀑布为亚洲最高瀑布,落差有惊人的77.8米,宽幅达101米。

    The highest waterfall in Asia , majestic Huangguoshu " Yellow Fruit Tree " Waterfall plunges a dramatic 77.8 meters across a 101-meter-wide span .

  18. 遥感技术支持下的黄果树风景名胜区自然旅游环境状况

    Primary research on the present situation of the natural tourism environment of Huangguoshu scenic area by the support of remote sensing and geological information system

  19. 由于西南地区遭遇特大旱情,漓江、黄果树等西南以山水闻名的旅游景点在不同程度上受到了影响。

    The serious drought in Southwest China has tremendously affected Lijiang River , Huangguoshu Waterfall and some other famous scenic spots featuring mountains and waters .

  20. 1996至1997年间,贵州烟草产业一度走向了辉煌,成功打造了遵义、黄果树等一批全国知名卷烟品牌。

    In the reform and opening up from 1996 to 1997 , created a " Zunyi ", " Huangguoshu " well-known cigarette brands , in this period Guizhou tobacco industry once toward its glory .

  21. 然而黄果树景区无论是接待游客数量,还是门票收入,都与在国内外远播的声名不相匹配,其中旅游景区管理体制不顺是主要制约因素。

    However , the numbers of tourists or ticket sales in this scenic spot do not match its great reputation at home and abroad . The poor management system is the main restricting factor leading this mismatch .

  22. 近年,在黄果树风景区又发现了几处可供游览观赏的瀑布,洞穴和奇峰异石为景区更添异彩。

    In recent years , several more waterfalls along with caves and picturesque rocks of scenic value have been discovered in the vicinity of the Yellow Fruit Tree Waterfall , adding to the allure of the scenic spot .

  23. 她指着窗外说:就在山窝那棵大黄果树下面,一下子就走到的。

    Just down in the valley , under the big yellow fruit tree , she told me , pointing outside the window . It takes only a couple of minutes to get there . With these words , she clattered downstairs .

  24. 并结合该区自然、社会、经济发展的实际情况,从生态、生活和生产方面提出了黄果树风景名胜区石灰岩山地生态建设的对策建议。

    Taking into consideration the conditions of the region 's environment , society and economics , these management measures are put forward with proposals for ecosystem construction based on ecology , production and sustainability in Huangguoshu Scenic Spot and karst regions generally .

  25. 我无聊地站了起来,望着窗外浓雾里迷茫的山景,看到那棵黄果树下面的小屋,忽然想去探望那个小姑娘和她生病的妈妈。

    Bored , I stood up , looked out the window , and watched the hazy mountain scenery in the thick fog . I spotted the small hut under the yellow fruit tree , and suddenly got the idea that I should visit the little girl and her sick mother .