
xiào yǒu
  • alumnus;alumna;schoolmate;school friend;schoolfellow;old boy;alumnus or alumna
校友 [xiào yǒu]
  • [alumnus or alumna] 学校的师生称在本校毕业的人,有时也包括曾在本校任教职员的人

校友[xiào yǒu]
  1. 大多数人都是通过校友关系谋得其职位的。

    The majority obtained their positions through the old boy network .

  2. 找工作时校友关系很管用。

    The old boy network helps in getting jobs .

  3. 我们试图同所有的校友取得联系,但有一两个未能找到。

    We tried to contact all former students , but one or two slipped through the net .

  4. 校友关系当然是帮了忙的。

    Of course , the old school tie has been a help .

  5. 我母亲是剑桥校友。

    My mother is a Cambridge alumna .

  6. 卢达克里斯和美国银行前任首席执行官肯·刘易斯,以及《VICE》的第一位女主编埃利斯·琼斯都是我的大学校友

    Ludacris and the former CEO of Bank of America Ken Lewis are alumni of my college , as well as VICE 's first female editor-in-chief , Ellis Jones .

  7. 或者是一个我希望能打开未来大门的校友网?

    Or an alumni network that I hoped would open doors down the line ?

  8. 而低层次大学也可以拥有和名校对手一样强大的校友网。

    And lower-tier schools can have alumni networks just as strong as their big name counterparts .

  9. 事实上,可以说,低层次大学的校友网更加强大,因为校友们明白你未必有捷径可走。

    In fact , lower-tier school alumni networks are arguably stronger , because fellow alumni recognize that you didn 't necessarily have an easy path to follow .

  10. 有钱的大学大肆宣扬它们的名声带给毕业生的好处:即强大的校友网、明星教员以及简历提升。

    Wealthy universities talk up the benefits their name will give graduates : namely , strong alumni networks , star faculty , and a r é sum é boost .

  11. 在常规招生制度下,高年级学生必须在5月1日之前选择就读哪所学校。提前录取实际上让他们少了6个月的时间来参观更多的学校、做更多的研究、与现在的学生和校友交谈,这可能会帮他们做出更明智的决定。

    Under regular admissions , seniors have until May 1 to choose which school to attend ; early decision effectively steals six months from them , months that could be used to visit more schools , do more research , speak to current students and alumni and arguably make a more informed decision .

  12. 今天早上我在街上碰见一位老校友。

    I came across a old alumna in the street this morning .

  13. 女校友协会是我和现在学校行政部门之间的纽带来自《简明英汉词典》

    The Alumnae Association is my link to the school 's present administration .

  14. 根据中华校友会的信息,通过中国竞争激烈的考试体系被大学录取的学生当中,19.39%的人选择经济学专业,19.06%的人选择商务管理专业,这意味着经管类专业几乎占据了热门专业的半壁江山。

    According to China University Alumni Association , among those who score well enough in China 's highly competitive exam system to get into university , 19.39 % choose to study Economics and 19.06 % select Business Management , which means business & management related majors account for almost half of the popular majors .

  15. 用ASP实现网上校友信息系统

    Developing an Alum Network Information System by Using ASP

  16. 去年,哈佛商学院(Harvardbusinessschool)的迈克尔??波特(MichaelPorter)在对本校校友进行了大规模的问卷调查后发布了一份报告。

    Last year Michael Porter of Harvard Business School published a report based on a large-scale survey of HBS alumni .

  17. “校友圈子就像一本绝妙的小黑册子,在你离校多年后都可以使用,”伦敦商学院(LondonBusinessSchool)校友交流管理人詹妮•索德林德表示。

    " The alumni network is like a giant little black book you can access years after you leave ," says Jenny Soderlind , alumni communications manager at London Business School .

  18. 例如,在伦敦商学院,mba学生和校友都会为mim学生提供辅导。

    At lbs , for example , both MBA students and alumni coach the MIM students .

  19. 很多贷款人本身是MBA的校友,而全世界100所顶级商学院中的60所是该平台的合作方。

    Many of those lending money are MBA alumni themselves and 60 of the world 's 100 top business schools are partners on the platform .

  20. 说实话,考虑到Facebook最先着眼于大学社交网而成立,我很惊异它没有进一步发展毕业生校友社交。

    To be honest , Im surprised the alumni network aspect was not developed more by Facebook , considering that university networks was where it first got its start .

  21. 英国华威商学院(warwickbusinessschool)个人与职业发展主管卡罗尔鲁(carolrue)正在为需要建议的校友提供电话咨询。

    At Warwick Business School in the UK , Carol rue , director of personal and career development , is giving phone consultations to alumni in need of advice .

  22. 卫尔斯理的校友中包括两位国务卿,一位开创新时代的弦理论物理学家,一位NASA航天员,还有韩国的首位女性大使。

    Its alums have become two secretaries of state ; a groundbreaking string theorist ; a NASA astronaut ; and Korea 's first female ambassador .

  23. 在与一位上海的imd校友见面后,我被介绍进了非常活跃的上海imd联谊小组。

    After meeting a Shanghai IMD alumnus , I was introduced into the dynamic Shanghai IMD community .

  24. 但是美国受托人与校友委员会的AnneNeal说,更高的价格并不能保证更好的综合教育。

    But Anne Neal from the American Council of Trustees and Alumni says higher prices do not a better general education .

  25. 在欧洲所有商学院中,高管MBA校友在毕业3年后的平均薪资为14.3万美元,管理硕士毕业生为5.4万美元。

    Across all European schools , the average salary of alumni three years after graduation ranges from $ 143,000 for executive MBA graduates to $ 54,000 for MiM graduates .

  26. 在通过申请的45名学生中,Matthew和另外4个一年级校友成为了进入中粮的首批哈佛实习生。

    Of the 45 students who have permission to work in China , Matthew and four other Harvard freshmen are the first to take internships with COFCO .

  27. 在毕业三年后的平均工资这个类别上,斯坦福大学商学院的优势越来越明显,且据校友报道,该院MBA毕业生平均薪资过去6年来都是最高的。

    Stanford has increasingly dominated the category for the average salaries earned by alumni three years after graduation , and alumni have reported the highest post-MBA salaries for the past six years .

  28. 一些学生在攻读mba期间进入该中心参与研究,其中包括2009级mba校友理查德卡珀顿(richardcaperton)。

    Some students , such as Richard Caperton , an MBA alumnus of 2009 , join the centre in a research capacity during their MBA programme .

  29. 我们每天在facebook和twitter上与未来的学生及校友进行多次互动如果我们把这么大量的信息以电子邮件的方式发送,我很怀疑他们是否同样能看到。

    On Facebook and twitter we interact with prospective students and alumni multiple times each day I doubt it would be as well received if we sent this volume of e-mail to our constituents .

  30. 坦率地说,即将结束的校园招聘季活动,对我来说一直是件很难的事情,对于许多参加MBA学习的校友来说,也是如此。

    Frankly , the season for on-campus recruitment activities , which is drawing to an end , has been a very difficult one for me , and many of my fellow MBA participants .