
jiào kān
  • collate;collation;emendation;Xiaokan,officer
校勘 [jiào kān]
  • [collation] 搜集某书的不同版本,并综合有关资料,互相比较、核对,别其同异,定其正误

  • [Xiaokan,officer] 宋代校订宫中藏书的官名

校勘[jiào kān]
  1. 明清白话小说校勘札记

    Notes on Emendation of Novels in the Vernacular Chinese in the Ming and Qing

  2. 对比校勘能更好地做到返本,推理校勘则更有助于开新。

    Emendation by contrast can return the original while reasoning emendation redounds to innovation .

  3. 可以调用setlocale()来确定字符集、错误消息类别、货币值格式、数字转换、字符串校勘和字母排序。

    The setlocale () call determines the character set , error messages catalogs , monetary value formatting , numerical conventions , string collation , and alphabetic ordering .

  4. 在校勘方面将做详细的举例说明。

    We will give some detailed examples from collating the aspect .

  5. 敦煌吐鲁番医药文献校勘例析。

    Examples of collating textual errors within the Dunhuang Turfan medical manuscripts .

  6. 他做了冗长而乏味的校勘原文工作。

    He performed the tedious task of collating texts .

  7. 卢文弨校勘学思想与方法

    Lu Wenchao 's Thought and Methods of Textual Criticism

  8. 这本书你校勘完毕没有?

    Have you completed the collation of this book ?

  9. 校勘四法运用于本次校勘。

    Collation four methods is used in this collation .

  10. 古籍自动校勘的研究和实现

    Research on Automatic Version Comparison and Analysis of Ancient Book and Its Realization

  11. 《十三经注疏校勘记》中的两类校勘记

    Two Kinds of Collating Note in the Collating Notes on the Thirteen Classics

  12. 陈垣先生对校勘学的贡献

    Mr. Chen Yuan 's Contributions to Textual Criticism

  13. 论文对有疑问的又音作了必要的校勘。

    The papers has collated doubtful another sound .

  14. 校勘与校对之异同

    Similarity and difference between proofreading and collating

  15. 校勘一本书的课文。

    Emend the text of a book .

  16. 首先对中国文献校勘基本方法和西方文献校勘基本方法进行简单的介绍,进而再逐一比较它们之间的异同。

    Firstly , brief introduction the basic methods of Chinese and Western literature textual criticism .

  17. 俗字俗语与明清白话小说校勘

    Collation of Vulgar Words and Idioms Novels in the Vernacular in Ming and Qing Dynasties

  18. 他在校勘古典著作。

    He is emending classical authors .

  19. 高亨先生《老子正诂》对《老子》文本的校勘,有近百处与出土文献相合。

    In this book , there are almost one hundred points coincident with the unearthed literature .

  20. 这一部分有三章:其中第四章主要考察章学诚校勘理论和实践;

    This part includes three chapters . The forth chapter considers his collating theory and practice ;

  21. 邵晋涵在历史文献学上的成就贯穿于他的所有学术活动中,主要表现在辑佚、训诂、目录、校勘等方面。

    His achievement primarily exhibited in scattered material compilation , exegetical studies , bibliography and collation .

  22. 校勘学为学者编校文化遗产的书写文本提供诸项原则。

    Textual criticism provides the principles for the scholarly editing of the texts of cultural heritage .

  23. 校勘为保证校勘的可靠性,首先选好底本和校本。

    Collation For achieving the reliability of the collation , the original and the scenario were selected .

  24. 校勘与考释是整理出土文献的两项基本工作。

    Collating and interpretation are the two most basic primary tasks in the study of excavated documents .

  25. 前人以《字林》校勘《说文解字》,取得了一定的成就,但这些校勘中也存在着一些问题。

    Many scholars correcting Shuowenjiezi by Zilin , and got some achievements , but there exists some problems .

  26. 《康熙字典》问世以后,先后有很多人封其进行校勘与研究。

    After the advent of the Kangxi , there have been a lot of its collation and research .

  27. 《汉语大词典》引释《易林》词条校勘意见

    My Collation of Some Citations from Yi Lin as in Entries in A Dictionary of the Chinese Language

  28. 张元济对校勘成果的处理,从发表、名称到写法,都依据具体情况,灵活运用,形式多样。

    He conducted the collation achievements , from publish , name to writing style , according to specific condition .

  29. 同时,从音韵学的角度,对不同版本刘长卿近体诗的用韵字进行了校勘。

    From the viewpoint of the phonology , we emend the words in different editions of Liu 's poems .

  30. 只有版本好,校勘好,才能得到好的版本,达到整理古籍的目的。

    The purpose of ancient book sifting can only be achieved by choosing a good edition and collating it carefully .