
xiào zhǎnɡ fù zé zhì
  • Principal responsibility system;president's responsibility system
  1. 美国大学的组织控制模式是典型的董事会领导下的校长负责制。

    The structural control pattern of American universities is the typical president 's responsibility system under the leadership of the board .

  2. 现代学校制度对完善校长负责制的意义

    On the significance of modern school system to principal accountability system

  3. 对校长负责制下校长权力的认识

    Understanding Headmaster 's Power under Headmaster 's Responsibility System

  4. 理解和实施校长负责制应着眼于实践需要

    Understand and enforce the headmaster leadership system with an eye to the practice

  5. 对校长负责制的再认识

    Reconsideration on the System Charged by a Headmaster

  6. 校本管理:完善校长负责制的新视点

    School-based Management ( SBM ) & The Viewpoint of Perfecting the System of Principal Responsibility

  7. 试论校长负责制的重构与再造校本管理与校长负责制运行环境之比较

    Comparison of Operating Environment between " School-Based Management " and " Principal Responsibility System "

  8. 学习型组织在学校组织中实施,为学习型组织的校长负责制的构建开辟了生存的土壤。

    Study-type organization has set up soil for construction of study-type headmaster-directed system in school organization .

  9. 文件指出,食品安全校长负责制将会实行。

    Principals will be held accountable in any food safety incidents , according to the document .

  10. 校长负责制的实施是学校管理体制的重大改革。

    The implementation of principal 's responsibility system is a great reform of school management system .

  11. 校长负责制与校本管理的提出和实施,使人们更为深切地体会到校长领导的重要作用。

    The institution of principal responsibility system and school-based management make people realize how important the principal is .

  12. 建立高校董事会领导下校长负责制模式的设想

    A tentative plan of establishing the system of president in charge under the leadership of board of directors in colleges

  13. 校长负责制的巨大历史功绩虽毋庸置疑,但传统的校长负责制并不是完美的体制。

    The great achievement of the headmaster-directed system is undoubted , however , the traditional headmaster-directed system is not a perfect one .

  14. 对美国的校本管理运动进行研究,对我国的基础教育改革和贯彻落实校长负责制具有重要借鉴价值。

    The research on it offers valuable reference to both the elementary education reform and the implementation of the principal-management system in China .

  15. 时至今日,进一步优化和完善校长负责制则是我国继续推进学校内部管理体制改革的内在要求。

    To these days , optimizing and perfecting it further is the internal requirement for the continuous reform of school internal management system .

  16. 西方校本管理理念对我国教育管理体制改革,特别是对我国实行的校长负责制具有指导作用,文章力图寻求西方校本管理中适合中国国情的闪光点,以期解决现实问题。

    Western School-based management ideas play an instructive role on China 's educational management system reform , particularly the undergoing Principal Responsibility System .

  17. 董事会领导下的校长负责制成为主要的形式,董事会制度得到发展、规范和完善。

    And the leading system of them is becoming riper . The Principal Responsibility System Led by the Directorate has become the main form .

  18. 把德育管理新体制的建立与校长负责制的实行紧密结合起来,整体规划学校德育管理体制改革是关键;

    It is the key point to connect the building of the new system with the operating of being in the charge of school master .

  19. 其中,学校内部管理体制的研究着重指出现行校长负责制、学校教职工聘任制及分配制度存在的不利因素;

    In the study of school management system , the thesis states emphatically the unfavorable factors in headmaster responsibility system , staff appointment system and distribution system .

  20. 中小学实行校长负责制后,校长的权力如何有效的使用和控制,显得十分重要。

    After the application of the headmaster-in-charge system , how to use and regulate the headmasters ' power effectively appears extremely important in primary and secondary schools .

  21. 通过总结英国校本教师管理的有效策略,归纳出英国对我国基础教育新课程改革背景下中小学校长负责制下的校本教师管理可资借鉴的宝贵经验。

    From the effective strategies of UK school-based teacher management we conclude valuable experiences to our practice with the background of new curricular reform and the principal responsibility system .

  22. 据此,笔者以公立学校为研究对象,在我国现有外控式校长负责制管理体制下,探索适应公立小学的校本管理模式。

    Therefore , under the current headmaster-in-charge system , focusing on the public schools , the writer tries to explore the school-based management model which is suitable for them .

  23. 在管理体制方面,要明确政府与学校的关系、落实真正的校长负责制;

    On the aspect of the educational administrative system : we should definitude the relation between the government and school , should fulfill the real system of schoolmasters ' leading .

  24. 20世纪80年代,我国开始在中小学推行校长负责制,传统的教育管理体制开始动摇,教育管理重心开始下移。

    In the late of 1980s , China began to carry out Principal Responsibility System among primary and middle school , which caused the focus of the education management to move down .

  25. 如今面对世界范围的教育改革浪潮,具有中国特色的校长负责制是否符合21世纪初国际教育改革的新趋向和国内教育改革的新要求?

    Does the headmaster leadership system with China 's characteristic meet the new demands and the new trend of the international education reform and the national education reform in the early 21st century ?

  26. 本文首先交待了有关校长负责制的几个理论问题:历史考察、国际比较、本质特征、实践特点和策略分析;

    First , this thesis discussed several theory questions about the System of Principal Responsibility : the inspecting of history , the international comparing , the property and characteristic , the analyzing of tactics .

  27. 股份制学校在管理模式上实行董事会领导下的校长负责制,重视学校管理的科学化水平,其股东在经济利益上只收获股息。

    The share-ownership school implements the system of principal responsibility under the leader of board of directors , and pays more attention to the scientific level of management . The share-holders only gain the dividends .

  28. 建立相关的教育理论、管理体制、法律法规,促使校长负责制有效实施、确保校长的责权利是本文的目的。

    This paper aims at establishing the related educational theories , management system , laws and regulations to impel the effective implement of this system and guarantee the headmaster 's power , responsibility and interests .

  29. 第五部分研究从校长负责制到法人治理结构的转型,包括两个问题,一是中小学法人内部治理结构的基本模式假设,二是中小学法人治理结构建构的策略和保障机制。

    The fifth part studies how to fulfill the transition from the system in which headmasters take main responsibilities to the corporate governance structure , including the basic mode of the administration structure and the constructing tactics .

  30. 目前,随着我国社会背景及教育改革目标、任务的变化,找到一个改进和完善中小学校长负责制的切入点迫在眉睫。

    At present , with the changes of our social backgrounds and the objectives and tasks of educational reform , nowadays , we need to find a breakthrough to improve and perfect the System of Middle-Primary School Principal Responsibility .