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  • Proofreading;check against the authoritative text and annotate
校注 [jiào zhù]
  • [check and annotate] 把书籍或文件中的错误校订后再进行注释

  1. 从《屈原赋校注》看姜亮夫的校注方法

    Research on Jiang Liangfu 's Note Method from " Qu Yuan fu School Note "

  2. 第二部分为主体部分,对江总诗歌进行校注。

    The second part is a main body part , it is the arrangement and note his poems .

  3. 文章对这本新发现的茶书进行校注研究,旨在为我国茶史研究提供一份珍贵资料。

    This paper tries to provide notes for the newly-found book preserve some precious data in tea history study .

  4. 《敦煌变文校注》、《敦煌变文选注》等对《王昭君变文》所作的校理疏释中,存在一些可商榷之处。

    There are some supplements to be made in the Collation of Dunhuang Bianwen and Annotation of Duanhuang Bianwen .

  5. 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》,校注(第二作者)。武汉:湖北教育出版社,1999。

    Romeo and Juliet , annotated by Yuan Shen and Li Zhimin ( Wuhan : Hubei Education Press , 1999 ) .

  6. 这四部书都以字词校注为重点,而对故事流变的探究比较薄弱。

    These four books for key words to work , but the explorations of the story rheological are weak to some extent .

  7. 王建研究的全新里程碑&读王宗堂先生的《王建诗集校注》

    A New Milestone for the Study of WANG Jian & While reading The Collation and Annotation of the Collection of WANG Jian s Poems by Mr. WANG Zong-tang ;

  8. 吕薇芬、杨镰合著的《张可久集校注》,在注释上存在误注、漏注等疏失,从而影响了对张氏作品的深入解读甚或误读。

    Some interpretation mistakes are in the work Collation and Annotation of Zhang Kejiu 's Collective Works written by Lu Weifeng and Yang Lian , which affect the correct understanding of Zhang 's works .

  9. 在此基础上,以语音学、文字学、方言学、训诂学等理论为指导,为闽南方言古戏文的校注总结出一些行之有效的原则。

    On this basis , this paper , taking as guidance the theories of phonology , philology , dialectology , and critical interpretation of ancient texts , tries to summarizes some effective principles for emendation and annotation of ancient actors ' lines in South Fujian dialect .

  10. 南戏研究的进一步深入和不断出现的语言研究成果表明其中亦存在失校、误校、误注、释义不确等问题。

    With further study of it , indicates there also exists problems such as missing collation , missed collation , missed notes , not correct interpretation etc.

  11. 将梁启超墨学研究的主要内容归纳概括为三个部分:(1)《墨经》校释,重点阐述了牒经标题公例校注法。

    There are three parts : ( 1 ) Collated and Annotated the " Mojing ", expounding the general rule about title of " Mojing " .