
xiào chē
  • school bus
校车[xiào chē]
  1. 孩子们欢快地跑下黄色的校车,冲进运动场。

    Children scampered off the yellow school bus and into the playground

  2. 校车接送他们上下学。

    The school bus takes them to school and brings them back

  3. 我走到街角等校车。

    I walk to a street corner and wait for the school bus

  4. 校车被炮火击中,引爆了油箱。

    A school bus was hit by gunfire which exploded the fuel tank .

  5. 很多学校面临倒闭的危险,因为学生被校车送到其他社区就读了。

    Many schools were in danger of closing because the children were bused out to other neighborhoods .

  6. 一辆校车试图过河时遭遇洪水来袭,造成逾25人溺水身亡。

    Over 25 people drowned when a schoolbus tried to cross a river and flood waters swept through .

  7. 真糟糕,误了校车了。

    What bad luck ! I 've missed the school bus .

  8. 校车6点开车,过时不候。

    The school bus leaves at six sharp and won 't wait .

  9. 根据美国劳动局的数据,2015年5月共有505,560个注册的校车司机。

    According to the U.S. Department of Labor , in May 2015 there were 505,560 registered school bus drivers .

  10. 校车司机了解了道恩的情况,并邀请她和家人一起搬来住。

    The school bus driver learned about Dawn 's situation and invited Dawn to move in with her family .

  11. 由于黄色在一天中的任何时段都容易辨别,因此学校区域、一些交通标志和校车都会印成黄色。

    Since yellow can be seen well at all times of the day , school zones , some traffic signs , and school buses continue to be printed yellow .

  12. 路上响起了校车的喇叭声。

    The school bus honked12 from the road .

  13. 每天早饭后,威伯都和芬一起走到路上,直到校车开来。

    Every morning after breakfast , Wilbur walked out to the road with Fern and waited with her till the bus came .

  14. 他们保证她很快就会找到和校车上其他女孩的共同点。

    They promised her that she would soon find something that she had in common with the other girls on the bus .

  15. 她明白只要可以每天乘校车到城里去上学,她就可以和其他女孩成为朋友。

    She knew that she would find other girls to be friends with once she could get on the bus to go into the city for school each day .

  16. 埃莉诺和帕克史诗般的爱情故事是从埃莉诺在校车上从帕克背后窥读他的漫画书开始的。

    For example : Eleanor and Park 's epic2 love story begins when Eleanor peeks3 over Park 's shoulder on the bus to school to " eavesread " his comics .

  17. 于是父母便问她发生了什么事情,珍妮向他们解释说,她已经找到与校车上其他女孩的共同之处了,她终于开始和她们成为朋友了。

    Her parents asked her about it . Jenny explained to them that she had found something that she had in common with the other girls on the bus . She was finally starting to make friends with them .

  18. CHRISROCK:在校车上的咒骂中结束我的情人节

    CHRIS ROCK : Getting cursed out on a bus

  19. AnnieStark说校车是他女儿上学的唯一选择。

    Annie Stark says the bus is the only way for her daughter . -

  20. 我现在在校车上,旁边坐的是我的同学:蒂娜,琳达,杰姬和莉落。我不喜欢跟她们鬼扯,所以我正听者我上网新买的CD。

    I am on the School bus sitting by my classmates . Tina , Linda , Jackie and Lisa . I do not like to gossip with them.so I am listening to a new CD I bought last week .

  21. 她在校车下面,身体弯曲成“U”型,就好象她的膝盖可以碰到下巴。你甚至根本看不到她的腹部,因为她整个身体都弯曲着,严重骨折。

    She was bend over in a " U " position under the school bus , like her knees were tucked to her chin , and the belly was , you couldn 't even see the belly because she was bend all the way down .

  22. 我喜欢搭校车,这样就不会因为走路而满身大汗,而且还可以和朋友们聊天,和司机乌斯曼·阿里侃八卦,我们都喊他“BhaiJan”,就是“哥哥”的意思。

    I liked the bus because I didn 't get as sweaty as when I walked , and I could chat with my friends and gossip with Usman Ali , the driver , who we called Bhai Jan , or ' Brother . "

  23. 所以时尚眼镜制造商WarbyParker最近也开设了一家名为SoHo的体验店,还将一部校车改造成了流动商店,计划在未来半年内前往美国9座城市。

    Thus trendy glasses-maker WarBy Parker recently opened a SOHO showroom , and the company has retrofitted a school bus to be a pop-up store-on-the-go that will travel to nine cities over the next six months .

  24. 英国坎布里亚郡凯斯维克附近A66公路上一列校车发生车祸,三人死亡,其中包括一男一女两名青少年。

    Two teenagers , a boy and a girl , are among three people killed in a crash involving a school coach on the A66 near Keswick in Cumbria .

  25. 在中国制造业重镇——东莞市的一家工厂外,校车放下了一群孩子。这些孩子的父母就在这家美驰图(Maisto)玩具厂工作,生产比美高(Bburago)车模收藏品和遥控玩具车。

    Outside a factory in Dongguan , a city in China 's manufacturing heartlands , school buses drop off children whose parents work at the Maisto toy factory , which manufactures Bburago collectable cars and radio-controlled vehicles .

  26. 他们发现校车抛弃在镇外。

    They found the school bus abandoned just outside of town .

  27. 《学童客车(校车)技术条件》标准的研究制定

    Research and Formulation of Standard Safety Technique Condition of School Buses

  28. 看见了黄色的校车,要特别小心谨慎。

    Be especially careful when you see a yellow school bus .

  29. 你觉得中国的校车是不是应该更安全点?

    Do you think school bus in China should be safer ?

  30. 周二,这名男童被嫌犯从校车上带走。

    The boy had been taken from a school bus Tuesday .