
  • 网络Sample plot;sampling plot
  1. 每块样地的面积为20m×20m。

    The area of each plot was 20 m × 20 m.

  2. 样地所有木本植物个体总径级分布呈倒“J”型,群落更新良好。

    The DBH size-class structure of all species in the plot generally fitted a " reverse J " distribution , indicating good regeneration across the community .

  3. 物种丰富度随尺度的增加而增加,其中样地尺度上的p多样性贡献最大。

    Species richness increased with increasing spatial scales , and β richness at site scale contributed the most .

  4. 采用GPS定位方法使样地位置和高光谱图像进行了精确配准。

    Plot location and hyperspectral image registration is accurately done by GPS position methods .

  5. 研究方法:用标准样地结合遥感、GIS等手段构建体系。

    The method of the standard sample-plot combined with remote sensing and GIS are employed .

  6. 基于Excel的伐区样地调查数据计算方法

    Methods for Calculating the Data from Sample Survey in Cutting Area based on Excel Setting

  7. 两个样地都是Cu的吸收系数最大,Fe的最小。

    Absorption index of Cu in plot A and C were the largest , and that of Fe were the smallest .

  8. 火烧当年小叶章湿地土壤表层pH略有上升,而火烧次年样地土壤pH变化不大。

    The pH value of the soil increased slightly the same year after fire , but no obvious changes the next year after fire .

  9. 为了估算鹿门寺林场马尾松林生物量,在利用GPS定位进行野外调查的基础上,设立样地,测定了鹿门寺林场的马尾松林的生物量。

    Based on field survey with GPS to fixed position , Pinus massoniana biomass in Lumensi forest farm were measured by setting up sample plots .

  10. 四合木分布区土壤细菌遗传多样性在有煤样地(A)和无煤样地(B)间具有差异性。

    There is a magnificant difference of the genetic diversity of Bacteria in the distributive area of Tetraena Mongolica , between the area with colliery and the one without colliery .

  11. 在羊草样地中,CH4的通量值也为负值。

    The value of CH4 flux is also negative in Leymus chinensis plots .

  12. 大多数样地的聚集指数R显著大于1,林木以均匀分布居多。

    The aggregation index of most plots in these stands was significantly larger than one , which indicated that the distribution pattern of tree individuals was uniform .

  13. 夏秋季节,日平均土壤CO2释放速率最大的样地均为沟底沙棘群落样地,最小的样地均为沙地;

    In the summer and autumn , the maximum of diurnal mean CO_2 flux all occurred in Form . Hippophae rhamnoides , and the minimum in sandy land .

  14. 杨树人工林下的A、B两个样地的土壤有机质、全N和速效N含量在2cm土层中较高;

    The organic content , total N and alkali-hydrolysable nitrogen content of Populus spp plantations plot A and B is higher in the 2 cm soil layer ;

  15. 摘要4、结合Gls和MATLAB技术实现对样地遥感信息和地理环境信息的自动提取。

    Combined GIS with MATLAB , the automatic extraction of RS and geography information of sample plots was realized . 5 .

  16. 同时,各个样地还具有特异的AOB类群。

    Also , each site had its own specific AOB populations .

  17. 运用地统计软件GS+FORWINDOWS计算样地各灌木种群的各向同性半方差函数的参数,并绘制其克立格(Kriging)图。

    Using the software GS + for Windows , the parameters of the isotropic semivariogram were calculated and the Kriging map was drawn for each shrub population in the plot .

  18. 样地间土壤水解N、NH4~+-N、速效P、缓效K、速效K呈显著差异,正是不同植被类型影响所致。

    The conspicuous difference of soil Hydrolysable N , NH4 + - N , total P , available P , slowly available K , rapidly available K were brought by the influence of different vegetation pattern .

  19. 在林分样地调查分析的基础上,研究了3个不同生长发育时期即未结果期、结果初期和盛果初期锥栗人工林各器官N、P、K、Ca、Mg的养分浓度及其变化。

    Based on the sampling analysis , concentration and variation of five elements which are N , P , K , Ca and Mg in different organs for three growth stages of Castanea henryi plantation have been studied .

  20. 横向上灌木生物量的最大值出现在距离河道450m的样地内。

    Transversely , the maximum appeared at the plot of 450m distance from the river course .

  21. 落叶松人工林下的C、D和林缘G3个样地在各土层中速氮值均较低,而全磷值较高;

    The alkali - hydrolysable nitrogen of Larix gmelini plantations plots C , D and G are lower in each soil layers , but the total phosphorus value are higher ;

  22. 结果表明,对所研究的植被类型,样地布置为10m×10m及20m×20m可满足不同研究精度的要求。

    The results showed that the sampling sites of 10m × 10m and 20m × 20m were satisfied for different precision of study .

  23. 在陕北黄土区3块油松人工林样地中,对油松人工林生态系统各组分中N,P,K,Ca,Mg等5种营养元素的含量、分配格局和积累规律进行了研究。

    The contents , accumulation and distribution of 5 nutrient elements ( N , P , K , Ca , Mg ) were studied in 3 sample plots of Chinese pine plantation in the loess region in Shaanxi Province .

  24. 利用DGPS采集的地面控制点进行遥感图像精校正,实现地面样地与卫星数据相应位置的配准。

    Using the ground control points collected by DGPS to correct the image , the corresponding image data were registered by the sample plots .

  25. 采用静态密闭箱/气相色谱分析方法对长白山阔叶红松林两个样地的N2O排放通量进行了测定。

    The soil N 2O emission fluxes in the two plots of broad-leaved Korean pine forest were measured by static closed chamber-gas chromatograph in Changbai Mountain .

  26. 与样地CK相比,各类型退化样地的土壤有机质、水解N、有效P、速效K质量分数都降低,而土壤全K质量分数都升高。

    Contrasting to no interference sample CK , soil organic matter , hydrolyzed N , effective P , available K quality score of different types of degraded forest sample were reduced , while the Total K quality score was elevated .

  27. 结果表明,长白山阔叶红松林25hm2样地内胸径≥1cm的木本植物共51个种,59158个活的个体。

    The results show that there are 51 woody species and 59 158 living individuals .

  28. 本研究运用投影寻踪回归(PPR)方法对上海市7个样地的实际调查数据进行分析。

    With the method of Projection Pursuit Regression ( PPR ), we analysed the date collected from seven sample spots in Shanghai .

  29. 采用4块100m×100m的天然林样地材料,分别利用角尺度和双相关函数分析4块大样地中不同面积的窗口(小样地)对应林木个体的空间分布格局。

    Data from 4 100m × 100m natural forest plots , then uniform angle index and pair-correlation function are used to analyze the spatial patterns of trees in forest plots with varying areas .

  30. 就乔木(DBH>2.5cm)而言,3个样地的物种多样性和均匀度指数从1982年至1994年都已增长。

    For trees ( DBH > 2.5 ), species diversity and evenness indices increased from 1982 to 1994 in all the three forests .