
  • 网络Sample Design;sampling design
  1. 对辽宁省国民体质监测样本设计与使用问题的研究

    Sample Design and People 's Physique Monitoring in Liaoning Province

  2. 社会工作评估&单样本设计

    Social Work Evaluation - - Single Sample Design

  3. 一个加/解密系统由明文空间、密文空间、密码方案和密钥空间组成,本文采用了IDEA和RC5算法为样本设计加/解密系统。

    A cryptographic system includes data , algorithms and key .

  4. 文中显示了英国肯特Teston桥和一系列其它样本设计优化的试算结果及相关的算法有效性数据。

    Trials showing results from Teston Bridge , Kent in England and a range of other sample optimal arch designs are presented with associated algorithm efficiency data .

  5. 交互式产品样本设计方法与应用

    The method and application of interactive product stylebook design

  6. 第三部分:研究样本设计与变量选择。

    This section expounds on the principle of samples design and the choice of variables .

  7. 样本设计的六西格玛设计

    Design for Six Sigma of Catalogue Design

  8. 第三章为研究方法和样本设计部分,实际是一个案例分析。

    Chapter 3 , about research methods and samples design , actually , is a case analysis .

  9. 其次,针对财务困境预测,就样本设计、预测变量选择和统计方法选用等方面进行了深入的研究。

    Secondly , detailed research is made on sample design , selection of prediction variables and statistical methods .

  10. 第三部分是调查样本设计与样本调查,具体介绍调查样本设计,问卷调查的组织实施,调查数据的整理与汇总。

    The third part is survey samples design and samples survey , which specific on introducing the design of the survey samples , the organizing implementation of the survey , the consolidation and summary of the survey data .

  11. 利用MATLAB神经网络工具箱,根据样本数据设计了RBF神经网络。

    By utilizing the neural network toolbox of Matlab software , the RBF network is designed using the sampled data .

  12. 为了验证上述研究结论,本文以沪市制造业的上市公司为研究样本,设计并运用Logit模型进一步作了实证研究。

    To validate the research conclusions above , this thesis makes further empirical research on manufacture companies listed in Shanghai Stock Exchange by designing and employing logit model .

  13. 利用拉丁方试验设计方法对ZJ进行样本数据设计,然后采用移动最小二乘响应面方法构建了其扭转刚度和强度近似模型。

    Sampling points of ZJ are obtained by using Latin Hypercube experimental design method , and then build the approximate models of torsion stiffness and strength by using moving least square response surface approximate method .

  14. 浙江省公共卫生监测样本地区设计研究

    Selection of Public Health Surveillance Sample for Zhejiang Province

  15. 优化样本数据设计采用最优拉丁方试验设计方法确定。

    Optimal Latin hypercube experimental design method was used to produce data samples .

  16. 基于B/S结构的电气动工具电子样本开发设计

    Design of Electronic Sample of Pneumatic and Electric Tools

  17. 选取我国A股上市企业的相关数据为研究样本,设计出被解释变量与解释变量的研究模型。

    Select the listed companies in China as the research sample data , the design gives be explained variables and explain the research model variable .

  18. 系统地总结了供水管网状态估计的研究内容,包括参数估计、校核评估、数据(样本)设计。

    The state estimation of water distribution system is systematically summarized , which includes parameter estimation , calibration assessment and data ( sample ) design .

  19. 文章以中国A股市场数据为研究对象,选取曾经在深圳证券交易所和上海证券交易所发行股票的公司作为样本,设计了实证检验。

    The test chooses Chinese A share data as study object and companies , which have been listed on Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchange , as samples .

  20. 结论监测区监测结果与全省结果一致,卫生监测区地区样本抽样设计是合理的。

    Conclusions The data from surveillance areas is consistent with that from whole province epidemic report , and the sampled area for public health surveillance is rational .

  21. 最后,以沪、深两市343家上市公司为样本,设计并运用改进后的盈余/报酬模型进行了实证研究。

    To validate the research conclusions above , based on 343 companies listed , this thesis makes further empirical research by designing and employing improved earnings / returns model .

  22. 采用小样本实验设计,以6名初一年级学生为被试,评估了自我解释训练对初中数学学习困难生解决应用题能力的影响。

    Adopting small sample experiment design with six students of grade one as subjects , this paper evaluates the influence of self-explanation on the poor students of the junior middle school in solving application problems .

  23. 为了更清晰的说明埃及农业在中国市场面临的挑战和机遇,本文以埃及向中国出口的企业为样本,设计了两次小组讨论。

    In order to provide clearer picture on the challenges and opportunities provided by the Chinese market , the study conducted to two focus groups with a sample of Egyptian exporters to / in China .

  24. 该方法利用支持向量回归技术构造图像去噪所需的滤波器,其中特征的提取和训练样本的设计旨在抑制不同类型的噪声。

    The method proposed here employs the regression capability offered by SVM network to construct a filter for image denoising , where our feather selection and training data-set design enables the suppression of various kinds of noises .

  25. 本文从爪极发电机有限元仿真计算出发,通过电机参数样本空间设计,利用支持向量机对其电磁模型进行非线性回归分析,而后利用遗传算法对其结构进行优化。

    This paper mainly aims at nonlinear regression modeling of the claw-pole alternator with support vector machines , which is based on the finite element method simulation , and parameter optimization of the claw-pole alternator is based on genetic algorithms .

  26. 虽然他们无法为一对具体的夫妇设计出一种能够预测心碎综合症致死的概率模型,但他们可以利用统计学,以一群人为样本,设计出一副相对精确的图景。

    While they could not hope to devise a model that predicted the likelihood of death from a broken heart for a specific couple , they could use statistical science to devise a fairly accurate picture across a group of people .

  27. 本研究在借鉴国内外研究成果的基础上,以辽宁省大连市旅行社、房屋中介和律师事务所的顾客为样本,设计了相应的变量测量项目,并且通过预调研对问卷的信度进行了检验。

    Based on literature review , this text takes the customers of travel agency , house intermediary organization and law firm in the Dalian city , Liaoning province as sample , designs relevant scale items , and tests the reliability of the questionnaire by the pre-survey .

  28. 首先提取车身刚度和整车强度分析工况下接头的边界载荷,然后利用拉丁方试验设计方法对接头有限元模型进行样本数据设计,采用移动最小二乘响应面方法构建了接头的近似优化模型。

    First , extracts the boundary loads of joint from the body stiffness and strength models , then sampling points of joint model are obtained by using Latin Hypercube experimental design method , and builds the approximate models by using moving least-squares response surface approximate method .

  29. 20年来国内外学者根据优化和统计分析理论并结合现场试验,提出了系统的理论分析和数值方法,近年来管网不确定分析理论被引入到管网校核评估和管网率定的样本数据设计中。

    In the past twenty years , many researchers proposed some theory analysis and numerical technologies based on optimization , statistic theory and field experiments . In recent years , uncertainty theory is applied in the calibration assessment of water distribution network and the sample design .

  30. 热成形板的应用中:采用最优拉丁方试验设计方法进行样本数据设计,并且采用移动最小二乘响应面方法构建了白车身扭转刚度、白车身关键区域强度、整车正碰多学科系统的近似模型。

    In the application of hot-forming bank : Sampling points were obtained by using optimal Latin squares design of experimental method . The MDO approximated system with the body-in-white stiffness , body-in-white key area strength , frontal crashworthiness has been constructed by means of moving least-squares response surface approximate method .