
yàng běn
  • sample;specimen;model;sample book;advanced copy;style book
样本 [yàng běn]
  • (1) [specimen;sample book]∶商品图样印本

  • (2) [style book]∶解释、描写或用图样说明盛行的、公认的或官方认可的式样的书

样本[yàng běn]
  1. 负责各类有关产品的营销活动布局的平面设计,以及海报、样本、画册、POP等宣传资料的设计;

    Be responsible for graphic designing each kind of related product layouts and poster , sample book , brochure and POP promoting material .

  2. 建立船用柴油机症状与故障样本集,作为基于RBF神经网络故障诊断的专家知识库,以实现船用柴油机故障的智能诊断。

    The sample book of symptom and trouble for marine diesel engine is set up as specialist knowledge base on the principle of RBF neural network , trouble-shooting is applied to the trouble diagnosis in marine diesel engine .

  3. 这次调查的结果进行了加权处理,以包容样本中的偏差。

    The results of the survey were weighted to allow for variations in the sample .

  4. 求职者必须要提交一份笔迹样本。

    Job applicants have to submit a specimen of handwriting .

  5. 规则要求样本必须装在两个水密容器中。

    The rules state that samples must be enclosed in two watertight containers

  6. 我们还没有时间分析那些样本。

    We haven 't had time to analyse those samples yet

  7. 彼得·库克答应给我们每人寄送一份合同样本供阅读。

    Peter Cooke undertook to send each of us a sample contract for perusal

  8. 早期更为普通的样本卖不到这种价钱。

    Plainer examples of the early period do not fetch anything like these sums .

  9. 如果你只采集了一个样本,那么所有的数据就有问题了。

    If you only take a sample then all the statistics are up the spout .

  10. 他们邀请有才气却尚未幸遇伯乐的电影制作人提交作品样本。

    They are inviting talented , but unheralded film-makers to submit examples of their work .

  11. 认为民主国家互不争斗的观点是以一个极小的历史样本为根据的。

    The proposition that democracies do not fight each other is based on a tiny historical sample .

  12. 样本量必须增大三倍。

    The sample size would have to be quadrupled .

  13. 所有样本都是随机选取的。

    All samples are chosen randomly .

  14. 由于使用结构风险最小化原则代替经验风险最小化原则,使它较好的解决了小样本情况下的学习问题。

    They can solve small-sample learning problems better by using structural risk minimization in place of experiential risk minimization .

  15. 在合用的小样本中高等真菌的一种惊奇性状是同形种或姊妹种的数量。

    A surprising feature of the higher fungi , in the small sample available , is the number of cryptic or sibling species .

  16. 我自己在斯坦福青少年中心做的研究并未进行大规模调查,只是抽取了小数量的样本进行深入采访。

    My own research at the Stanford Center on Adolescence uses in-depth interviews with small samples of youngsters rather than large-scale survey .

  17. 皮尤在全国范围内展开调查,从其1807个父母样本中得出结论:课外活动能集中体现教育孩子方面的差异。

    Extracurricular activities reflect the differences in child rearing in the Pew survey , which was of a nationally representative sample of 1,807 parents .

  18. 但是这个第三类群体不仅是出乎意料的,而且十分明显,数量庞大——占我们样本数量的三分之一——成为这个研究的关键性发现。

    But this third group was not only unexpected , it was so distinct and so large -- nearly one third of our sample -- that it became a key finding of the study .

  19. 当老鼠察觉到某种气味时,它们会停下来摩擦自己的腿,以表明样本被感染了。

    When the rats detect the smell , they stop and rub their legs to   indicate   a sample is infected .

  20. 通常,一百个样本要花费实验技术员超过两天的时间来检测,但是一只老鼠只需要花费不到二十分钟。

    Traditionally , a hundred samples would take lab technicians more than two days to   examine , but for a rat it takes less than 20 minutes .

  21. 样本是高雄地区129位产后六周的产妇接受问卷调查。

    A descriptive correlational method of investigation was implemented .

  22. 科学家们重新分析了美国宇航局宇航员在1972年阿波罗登月任务期间收集的月球外壳样本。

    The scientists re-analysed a sample collected by NASA astronauts during the 1972 Apollo mission .

  23. 但在诺如病毒或轮状病毒携带者的粪便样本中,科学家们发现了一种新的形态。

    But inside the stool samples of patients with either norovirus or rotavirus , scientists discovered something new .

  24. 德国的一项小型研究发现,狗识别出新冠病毒阳性样本的准确率为94%。

    A small German study found that dogs could identify positive COVID-19 samples 94 % of the time .

  25. 她给他一个密封的小玻璃罐子,要他回家装些样本带来。第二天,陈先生再来,女医生却发现玻璃罐仍是空空如也。

    On the following day , Mr Chen came again , but the woman-doctor found the glass pot still empty .

  26. 加强进口冷链食品新冠病毒风险监测截至2021年1月13日24时,全国海关共抽样检测样本近130万个,检出核酸阳性结果47个。

    By Wednesday , approximately 1.3 million cold-chain products had been sampled for nucleic acid testing , with 47 tested positive .

  27. 他们还收集了10个明显久坐不动者的样本,并计算了每个样本中的细菌数量。

    They also collected samples from 10 people who are decidedly more sedentary , and they tallied9 the bacteria present in each .

  28. 新冠病毒核酸检测移动实验室可现场分析核酸样本,45分钟内出结果。

    The COVID-19 Mobile Laboratory can analyze nucleic acid samples on the spot , allowing people to obtain results within 45 minutes .

  29. 24小时后,研究人员测试了样本,以检测细胞中和头发生长有关的特定蛋白质是否发生了变化。

    Then , 24 hours later , they tested the samples to detect whether specific hair-growth proteins in the cells had changed at all .

  30. 研究人员也曾训练狗来分辨人类唾液和汗液样本中是否有新冠病毒,准确率相当高。

    Researchers have also trained dogs to distinguish between positive and negative COVID-19 samples from human saliva or sweat with fairly high levels of accuracy .