
hé kǒnɡ dàn bái
  • nucleoporin
  1. 在此基础上,本研究还进行了小鼠糖皮质激素受体基因、核孔蛋白155基因和常染色体显性遗传型多囊肾病基因1基因剔除小鼠的研究,并分别获得了嵌合鼠。

    During the research , mouse glucocorticoid hormone receptor gene , Nucleoporin 155 gene and autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease 1 gene knockout mice were also studied , and chimeras were obtained individually .

  2. 一种新的睾丸特异核孔蛋白基因特性的研究

    The Characterization of a Novel Testis specific Nucleoporin Gene

  3. 以细胞核核孔蛋白介导的MDR如LRP(肺耐药相关蛋白);

    The ( 3 ) lies the MDR , such as LRP ( lung resistant relevant protein ) , that lead with the cell nucleus spot protein ;

  4. 核孔蛋白(Nucleoporins,Nups)是核孔复合体(Nuclearporecomplexes,NPC)的重要组成成分,核孔复合体可以控制细胞内信号分子在核质间的双向转运,从而控制基因表达、细胞增殖和分化。

    Nucleoporins ( Nups ) are important components of nuclear pore complexes ( NPCs ) . NPCs control gene expression , cells proliferation and differentiation by mediating exchange of cellular signal molecules on both nuclear and cytoplasmic sides .

  5. TPR为核孔复合物相关蛋白;

    TPR was a nuclear pore complex associated protein .

  6. 在整个生命活动中,核孔复合体的组成蛋白总是处于动态变化中。

    The nuclear pore complexes consist of varied proteins that always are in dynamic assembly during the whole life of the cells .

  7. 获得了一个可能在c-AM核-质穿梭过程中具有调控作用的蛋白:核孔蛋白p62。核孔复合物(NPC)是大分子物质进行核。

    One c-Abl binding protein of particular interest was nucleoporin p62 of nuclear pore complex ( NPC ), which is embedding in the nuclear envelope and as the unique channel for trafficking macromolecules between the nuclear and cytoplasmic compartments .