
  1. 介绍了核工业西南物理研究院聚变实验增殖堆工程概要设计(FEB-E)中的氚系统设计研究。

    A summary of the tritium system design studies for the engineering outline design of a fusion experimental breeder ( FEB-E ) is presented .

  2. 本文报告了核工业西南物理研究院最近研制开发的新一代全方位离子注入及增强沉积工业机。

    A new generation industrial machine for the plasma immersion ion implantation and enhanced deposition has been recently developed by Southwestern Institute of Physics .

  3. 以核工业西南物理研究院向核工业总公司核情报中心呈交的核科技报告的标引为例,论述了核科技报告标引的步骤、原则和方法,指出了主题标引中常见的错误。

    Through the study on reports of nuclear science and technology presented by Southwestern Institute of Physics , illustrates the indexing steps , principles and methods , and mistakes often made .