
  • closed loop servo system
  1. PMAC控制下的高精度转台双闭环伺服系统调试

    Debugging of high precision revolving table dual close loop servo system controlled by PMAC

  2. 文中分析了D/A变换器(DAC)的工作特性以及在全闭环伺服系统中的应用特点。

    The features of D / A converter ( DAC ) and its application in full close-loop servo system are introduced in this paper .

  3. 雷达伺服系统是全闭环伺服系统。

    Radar servo system is a full close-loop servo system .

  4. 用计算机辅助的根轨迹法综合数控机床的闭环伺服系统

    Systhesis of the NC Machine 's Closed Servo-loop using Computer-aided Root Locus Method

  5. 力平衡式加速度计闭环伺服系统动态数学模型

    Dynamic meth-madel of a force-balance accelerometer dosed-loop servo system

  6. 闭环伺服系统的稳态性能分析

    Steady-state performance research of close-loop servo system

  7. 最后对整个闭环伺服系统位置控制精度进行实验测试。

    Analyze the main error factors of the testing data . Finally , test the experiment precision of the closed-loop servo system control .

  8. 分析闭环伺服系统前向通道上精密传动装置的传动误差和回程误差对伺服系统性能的影响,提出计算方法。

    The influences of the driving error and hysterisis error to the closed servo system were analyzed and their calculation methods have been put forward .

  9. 着重讨论了用于模拟目标能量的光衰减器和实现平面反射镜二维转动的闭环伺服系统的设计方案,并对其主要性能参数的确定做了技术探讨。

    Emphatically discuss the design schema of Light Attenuator of imitating energy and Closed servo-control of realizing the mirror reflector to turn to move in space , and make the sciential analysis about the definition of the main function parameter value .

  10. 惯性稳定环节是一个闭环伺服控制系统,伺服系统由直流力矩电机驱动,惯性陀螺仪做稳定探测。本文设计了电流环硬件PI调节电机驱动电路和以DSP为主控器件的的控制电路。

    Stable part of the inertia , the paper designed a current loop PI regulator motor drive circuit hardware and DSP-based controller parts of the control circuit .

  11. SC-2A光栅检测闭环伺服控制系统动态特性分析

    Dynamic Performance Analysis of SC-2A Grating Measurement System with A Close-Loop Servo Controller

  12. 通过工控机、PCI-1720卡、PCL-836卡、伺服驱动器、伺服电机、电动缸等形成半闭环伺服控制系统,实现对驾驶员座椅的振动控制。

    This project that used indus - trial personal computer , PCI-1720 , PCL-836 card , servo driver , servo motor to constitute a half closed loop servo-control system , so vibration of driver 's chair is real-time controlled .

  13. 智能协调全闭环位置伺服系统的设计

    Design of the intelligent harmony close - loop position servo system

  14. 半闭环交流伺服系统滑模观测器研究

    Position observer with sliding mode of a semi-closed loop AC servo mechanism

  15. 转角-线位移式全闭环位置伺服系统及误差分析

    Corner-linear-displacement in Full-closed Loop Position Servo System and Error Analysis

  16. 交流伺服电动机采用半闭环伺服控制系统。

    Communicate the servo electric motor adoption half shuts wreath servocontrol system .

  17. 角位移检测传感器是闭环伺服控制系统中重要的反馈元件。

    Angle sensor is an important feedback component in close-loop servo control system .

  18. 闭环伺服电路系统是稳频控制的关键环节之一。

    The peripheral loop servo circuit system is the key of the frequency stabilization control .

  19. 基于机械速度反馈的全闭环位置伺服系统振荡现象的消除

    Elimination of Oscillation of the Full Closed - loop Position Servo System on the Mechanism Velocity Feedback

  20. 在双闭环直流伺服系统中,需要传感器检测电流和转速的反馈值。

    A sensor , detecting the feedback value of current and revolution , is needed in double closed DC servo-system .

  21. 从提高系统定位精度出发,对SC&2A光栅检测闭环伺服控制系统的动态特性进行了理论分析,并给出了一种微机实时动态控制方法。

    The dynamic performance analysis of SC-2A grating measurement system with a close - loop servo controller and a control method using microcomputer is described in this paper .

  22. 本系统采用全闭环伺服控制系统,执行电机采用响应速度快、控制精度高、制动性能好的永磁同步电机,取代直流电机。

    This system uses closed loop servo control system , and motor uses fast response , high control precision permant magnet synchronous motor in place of DC motor .

  23. 对于全闭环的伺服系统由于其本身的半定制特性,其关键是外环调节的设计使整个伺服系统达到稳态和动态的响应要求;

    The key point of design of servocontrol system with full closed loop control is how to make the servocontrol system to satisfy the response demand of steady and dynamic state .

  24. 然后推导出双闭环调速伺服系统的传递函数,进而推导出基于雷达伺服系统的交叉耦合控制模型,最终得到系统的控制模型。

    And then derive the double-loop speed control servo system transfer function . And further derive the radar-based cross-coupling control servo system model , finally get control of the system model . 2 .

  25. 由于闭环数字伺服系统大都带有“整量化”过程,给对它的运动分析带来困难,至今未有完整的分析方法。

    Since the closed-loop digital servo systems are almost always accompanied with the process of integral quantization , it is difficult to analyse their motion and there has not yet been a perfect analytic method to solve this problem .

  26. 通过对数控机床全闭环位置伺服系统的分析和仿真,证明机械速度反馈能有效地消除由于机械传动链刚度不足引起的振荡,并在调试过程中得到应用,收到良好效果。

    Analyzing and simulating the full closed-loop position servo system of CNC machine tools , this paper proves that mechanism velocity feedback can eliminate the oscillation caused by the lack of rigidity of mechanical driving chain , which is applied in the test process and good result are achieved .

  27. 基于PCI总线的全闭环交流伺服控制系统

    Full-closed Loop AC Servo Control System Based On PCI Bus

  28. 在半闭环交流位置伺服系统上所做的实验表明,采用Fuzzy-PID双模控制器与采用经典PID控制器相比,阶跃响应的调整时间减少了33.7%,并且无超调,轨迹跟踪误差减小了47.2%。

    Experiment results show that the fuzzy-PID double mode controller reduces settling time by 33.7 % without overshooting and decreases tracking error by 47.2 % in comparison to standard PID controller .

  29. 与闭环直流伺服控制系统相比较,其价格约低一个数量级。

    This system costs ten times lower as compared with closed loop dc serve control system .

  30. 同时在文中阐述了三闭环位置伺服控制系统的设计过程,给出了计算机的仿真结果。

    Synchronously the process to design the servo control system with three closed loop is described at length in the article , and the simulated result is provided in this paper .