
  1. 应用连续函数的性质和闭区间套定理证明lagrange中值定理。

    The lagrange mean value theorem is proved by using the character of continuous function and theorem of nested interval .

  2. 以通常所说的闭区间套定理作为公理推出单调有界数列存在极限和Dedekind定理,并且证明了通常所说的实数满闭区间套定理。

    Based on the view that the theorem of closed mested interval is an axiom , this paper deduces the essential limit of monotonic bounded sequence of number and the Dedekind theorem , and proves the general theorem of bull closed nested interval of real number .

  3. 闭区间套定理的推广及应用

    The application and extension of the theorem of close nested intervals

  4. 利用闭区间套定理证明重要极限的存在性

    Proving the Existence of the Important Limit with Closed Interval Theorem

  5. 关于闭区间套定理

    Theorem of Interlink of Closed Interval