
  • 网络closed meeting;closed-door meeting;conclave
  1. 这个一年一度的闭门会议在人民大会堂举行,聚集了来自全国各地的近3000名代表,但它基本上是一个橡皮图章式的立法机构。

    This annual Conclave in the Great Hall of the people , drawing almost 3000 delegates from all corners of the country , is basically a rubber-stamp legislature .

  2. 共和党籍的众议院议长约翰博纳(JOHNBOEHNER)在与本党成员举行闭门会议后,没有拿出解决危机的任何具体计划。

    John Boehner , the Republican Speaker , emerged from a closed-door meeting with party members without any concrete plan to solve the crisis .

  3. 在布鲁塞尔和欧盟(eu)财长们开完闭门会议一天后,卡恩发表讲话称,他认为欧元并没有处于风险之中。

    Speaking a day after a meeting behind closed doors with European Union finance ministers in Brussels , Dominique Strauss-Kahn said he did not believe the euro was at risk .

  4. 欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)原本即将启动调查。该机构在6月份一个闭门会议中通知成员国,它已掌握非常确凿的证据,证明华为和中兴在业务快速增长期间获益于非法补贴。

    The European Commission was poised to open its investigation after informing member states at a closed-door meeting in June that it had very solid evidence that both companies had benefited from illegal subsidies to develop their fast-growing businesses .

  5. 舒瓦洛夫在莫斯科召开的一个闭门会议上告诉投资者,俄罗斯政府拒绝采纳一些经济学家的建议他们曾建议利用外汇储备,为占gdp10%的预算赤字融资,以促进经济增长。

    Moscow was rejecting the advice of those economists who had suggested using the reserves to finance a budget deficit of 10 per cent of GDP to promote growth , Mr Shuvalov told investors at a closed-door meeting in Moscow .

  6. 如果Facebook创始人扎克伯克(MarkZuckerberg)、谷歌CEO施密特(EricSchmidt)、互联网巨头迪勒(BarryDiller)和亚马逊创始人贝佐斯(JeffBezos)齐聚一堂,在西雅图的亚马逊总部开闭门会议,美国人一定会加以关注。

    If Mark Zuckerberg , Eric Schmidt , Barry Diller and Jeff Bezos all got together for a closed-door meeting at Amazon 's headquarters in Seattle , people in the U.S. would take notice .

  7. 目前,安理会正在针对利比亚形势召开闭门会议。

    A closed session discussing the situation in Libya is underway .

  8. 塞浦路斯和欧洲方面都再次召开闭门会议,商讨如何修改这项协议。

    And both Cypriot and European officials are now back behind closed doors debating potential modifications .

  9. 他指出,该宣言的内容不是他们在闭门会议中所同意的内容。

    He indicated that it was not what they had agreed to during the closed session .

  10. 副总统拜登将于今天晚些时候公布一些闭门会议的细节。

    Vice President Joe Biden was expected to deliver remarks at a second day of closed-door meetings today .

  11. 在闭门会议中他告诉众议院和参议院的民主党人是站在正确历史的一边。

    In closed-door sessions he told House and Senate Democrats they are on the right side of history .

  12. 来自中国、法国、德国、俄罗斯、英国和伊朗的高级外交官在维也纳举行闭门会议。

    Senior diplomats from China , France , Germany , Russia , Britain and Iran have met in Vienna .

  13. 这些官员将在众议院情报委员会举行的一个公开会议上亮相,然后举行一次闭门会议。

    The officials will appear before the House Intelligence Committee in an open session , followed by a closed one .

  14. 但是,下列是委员会成员在闭门会议中总结出的独立的结论和推荐。

    However , the conclusions and recommendations reflected below are those of committee members alone , taken in closed session .

  15. 世界贸易组织发言人基思·罗克韦尔表示,奥孔乔-伊韦阿拉在闭门会议上被推举为总部设在日内瓦的世贸组织的新掌门人。

    WTO spokesman Keith Rockwell says Okonjo-Iweala was proposed as the new head of the Geneva-based organization in a closed-door meeting .

  16. 这次历时一天的闭门会议的议题估计包括用什么新的激励手段能够劝说伊朗同意回到谈判桌前。

    The one-day closed-door meeting was expected to include discussions on new incentives for Iran to return to the negotiating table .

  17. 欧洲电信业期待已久的整合大潮也将成为首席执行长们参加闭门会议的议题。

    A long-expected wave of European telecom consolidation will also be on CEOs ' minds when they gather for closed-door meetings .

  18. 该党领导人星期五在跟较小的政党举行闭门会议,尽可能地争取更多议员的支持。

    Party managers were closeted in meetings with small political parties on Friday to enlist the support of as many lawmakers as possible .

  19. 联合国召开闭门会议讨论以色列对加沙地带的军事打击,之后巴勒斯坦常驻联合国观察员提出以上要求。

    The Palestinian permanent observer to the UN has made the appeal following a closed-door session called to discuss the Israeli offensive in Gaza .

  20. 立法会议员不时与区议会议员行闭门会议及共进午餐,以便就彼此关注的事项进行讨论及交换意见。

    Meeting-cum-luncheons are held in camera with District Council members from time to time to discuss and exchange views on matters of mutual interest .

  21. 在与民主党议员的一次闭门会议中,议长南希·佩洛西详细介绍了她计划在周三任命众议院经理人的计划。

    In a closed-door gathering with Democratic lawmakers , Speaker Nancy Pelosi detailed her plan to move on Wednesday to appoint the House managers .

  22. 过去一年里,经合组织秘书处一直在主持闭门会议,努力最终确定有关限制出口机构煤炭融资的通用规则。

    The OECD secretariat has been hosting closed-door meetings for the past year in an effort to finalise common rules on restricting export agency coal financing .

  23. 在宣布这一决定之前,北约成员国外长在一次闭门会议中听取了克林顿国务卿汇报奥巴马总统本星期早些时候所宣布的新的阿富汗战略。

    The announcement followed a closed-door briefing for NATO foreign ministers by Secretary Clinton on the new Afghan strategy announced by President Barack Obama earlier this week .

  24. 民主党正在召开闭门会议,对参议院两个法案进行融合,希望在本周末之前使最终版本尘埃落定。

    Democrats are meeting behind closed door to two senate bills , hoping to bring the finish product to the floor by the end of the week .

  25. 西非国家经济共同体代表团上周抵达几内亚首都科纳克里,与推翻总统阿尔法·孔戴的军事政变领导人举行会谈。他们与几内亚政变军队领导人举行了闭门会议,之后看望了被关押在军营的孔戴。

    A delegation from ECOWAS arrived in the Guinean capital Conakry last week for talks with the leader of a military coup that removed President Alpha Conde .

  26. 在联合国安理会召开这次闭门会议之前,安理会5个常任理事国美国、俄罗斯、中国、英国和法国以及日本和韩国举行了会谈。

    The closed Security Council session followed talks among the permanent five members the US , Russia , China , the UK and France plus Japan and South Korea .

  27. 今天,七个主要经济体的财政部长和央行行长结束了为期两天的闭门会议,会议在距伦敦约40英里的英国庄园举行。

    Finance ministers and central bankers from seven major economic powers completed 2 days " of closed-door meetings today in an English country house about 40 miles from London .

  28. 这次闭门会议是为了讨论一份报告,报告称联合国支持的刚果行动已经失败。

    They were speaking after a closed door session of the Security Council which was called to discuss a report suggesting that the UN-backed operation in Congo had failed .

  29. 有关反对内比都的南掸邦军正在与内比都举行闭门会议的传闻流传在各和平组织之间,据来自中缅边境的消息。

    Reports about the anti-Naypyitaw Shan State Army ( SSA ) 'South'holding closed door meetings with Naypyitaw is spreading among ceasefire groups , according to sources from the Sino-Burma border .

  30. 穆阿里姆说,“他们在闭门会议中提出了黎巴嫩的问题,但是领导人们决定说,在黎巴嫩不在场的情况下讨论黎巴嫩内问题是不适当的。”

    He said " The issue of Lebanon was raised during the closed session , but the leaders decided it was not appropriate to discuss Lebanon during its absence . "