
  1. 中国投资公司(cic)董事长楼继伟无法掩饰自己的喜悦。

    Lou Jiwei , the head of China Investment Corp , cannot contain his glee .

  2. 中国投资有限责任公司(chinainvestmentcorporation,cic)董事长楼继伟将于本周出席达沃斯(davos)的一个小组会议,届时他将引起与会金融家们的浓厚兴趣。

    When Lou Jiwei , the head of the China Investment Corporation , appears on a panel at Davos next week , he will attract a flurry of interest from financiers .

  3. 美国财长杰克•卢(JackLew)和中国财长楼继伟同意共同努力,在钢铁和铝等行业削减全球过剩产能。

    Mr Lew and his Chinese counterpart Lou Jiwei agreed to work together to cut global excess capacity in sectors including steel and aluminium .

  4. 中投董事长楼继伟手下有一个由经验丰富的中国专业人士组成的团队,其中包括首席投资官高西庆和首席风险官汪建熙(jessewang)。

    Below Lou Jiwei , CIC chairman , is a team of experienced Chinese professionals who include Gao Xiqing , chief investment officer , and Jesse Wang , chief risk officer .

  5. 楼继伟在克林顿全球倡议大会(ClintonGlobalInitiative)香港会议上表示:我的信心应源自政府政策,但如果它们每周都在变化,你怎么能期望我有信心?

    My confidence should come from government policies . But if they are changing every week , how can you expect that to make me confident ? he said at a Hong Kong meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative .

  6. 在中国建行承诺投资之前一周,中投公司(cic)董事长楼继伟向同一家国有媒体新华社表示,中国企业应该考虑俄罗斯众多的投资机遇,而且中投已计划成立一只直接投资基金。

    The pledge comes a week after Lou Jiwei , chairman of China Investment Corporation told Xinhua , the same Chinese state media outlet , that Chinese companies should look to Russia for rich investment opportunities and that CIC planned to launch a direct investment fund .

  7. 他还会晤了中投公司的负责人楼继伟。

    He also met the head of CIC , Lou Jiwei .

  8. 但中投董事长楼继伟只是在打造一家企业。

    But chairman Lou Jiwei is simply building a business .

  9. 楼继伟表示,欧洲人现在“不带任何条件来找我”。

    Mr Lou says Europeans now " come to me without conditions " .

  10. 楼继伟最近刚刚访问过英国。访英期间,他探讨了中方对英国基础设施潜在投资的细节。

    He recently returned from a visit to Britain , where he discussed details of potential Chinese investment in infrastructure .

  11. 他们中包括获任财政部长的中国主权财富基金前董事长楼继伟。

    They include Lou Jiwei , former head of the sovereign wealth fund , who has been named finance minister .

  12. 根据楼继伟所说,仍有约100座城市,400个区县债务率超过100%。

    But still , there are around 100 cities and 400 counties with ratios over 100 percent , according to Lou .

  13. 财政部长楼继伟说,“影响和后果”将在今后5到10年显现出来。

    Finance minister Lou Jiwei said the " repercussions and fallout " will emerge over the next five to 10 years .

  14. 上周,财政部长楼继伟又将这一数字降至7%,而且说增长水平甚至有可能会更低。

    Last week , finance minister Lou Jiwei moved that to 7 % , and said an even lower number was possible .

  15. 中国财长楼继伟称,每个国家都必须“强化国内改革”以实施这些规则。

    Lou Jiwei , China 's finance minister , said each nation must " enhance domestic reforms " to implement the rules .

  16. 财政部副部长楼继伟说:我们听取了群众希望起征点应该高些的意见。

    " We learned from this hearing that people hope the cutoff point should be even higher ," said Lou Jiwei , vice-minister of Finance .

  17. 外界担心,中投正在进行的投资,是北京方面获取全球资源类资产控制权这一战略议程的组成部分。楼继伟昨日再三表示,这一担心并无必要。

    Mr Lou yesterday repeatedly dismissed concerns that CIC was making investments as part of Beijing 's strategic agenda to acquire control of global resource assets .

  18. 楼继伟在文中提出,中国企业和投资者除了帮助建造基础设施外,也希望在西方拥有并运营这些基础设施。

    In his article , Mr Lou suggests Chinese companies and investors want to own and operate infrastructure in the west as well as help build it .

  19. 楼继伟近日表示,剩下的大部分资金将用于购买公开交易的产品,不过其中一部分可能用于更直接的股权投资。

    Most of the rest will be dedicated to publicly traded products , although some could be used for more direct stakes , Mr Lou said yesterday .

  20. 年报的序言部分提到了中投董事长兼首席执行官楼继伟7月份说的一句话,即中投对2011年的投资前景“持谨慎乐观态度”。

    Lou Jiwei , chairman and chief executive , said in a foreword dated in July that the fund had a " cautiously positive outlook " for 2011 .

  21. 据中国国务院收到的一份提议,楼继伟将领导一个同时负责管理国内外投资的单一机构。

    Under one proposal before the State Council , China 's cabinet , Mr Lou would head a single institution responsible for managing investments both at home and abroad .

  22. “凭借充裕的资金,中投公司已做好充分准备,迎接2009年以及未来的投资机遇,”楼继伟在年报中表示。

    " With ample funds , CIC has made full preparations to embrace investment opportunities in 2009 and in the future , " Mr Lou said in the report .

  23. 中国央行上周向银行业注入短期流动性,一度让市场兴奋。但上周末,中国财政部部长楼继伟没有鼓励刺激传闻,又给市场浇了一盆凉水。

    But at the weekend , finance minister Lou Jiwei backed away from encouraging stimulus speculation , deflating the excitement that followed last week 's short term liquidity injection .

  24. 中国财政部长楼继伟表示,这一信托基金的建立表明,“我们在支持新成立的多边开发银行的同时,与现有多边开发银行的合作也在不断发展。”

    Finance Minister Lou Jiwei said the establishment of the trust fund signals that " our partnership with existing multilateral development banks is growing , even as we support new ones " 。

  25. 然而,据外国的交易撮合者称,楼继伟表示,今后在管理基金方面,他将更像是一个农民,为寻求可持续的稳定回报而耕作。

    But in future , according to foreign dealmakers , Mr Lou says he will see himself managing the fund more like a farmer , tilling the soil for sustainable , steady returns .

  26. 楼继伟赞赏英国是世界最开放的经济体之一,拥有一套健全的司法体系。他还表示,中投已在英国市场建立了可观的头寸。

    Mr Lou praised the UK as one of the most open economies in the world with a sound legal system , and said CIC had built up considerable positions in the UK market .

  27. 到了今年第二季度,中投确信全球市场已经趋稳。楼继伟表示,该基金可用作海外投资的1100亿美元资金,目前已累计投放近半。

    CIC decided that global markets had stabilised by the second quarter of this year and Mr Lou said the fund had now invested about half the $ 110bn it had available for offshore investment .

  28. 对卡塔尔基金的界定是不透明且具战略性质;中国的基金也一样。但中投公司董事长楼继伟强调,这只新基金将坚持商业化运作。

    Qatar 's fund is defined as non-transparent and strategic , as is China 's. But Lou Jiwei , chairman of the China Investment Corporation , insists that the new fund will operate on commercial lines .

  29. 楼继伟3月7日在全国电视台发表的这番言论在社交媒体上引发轩然大波,许多中国人借此机会发泄自己对政府的失望,他们认为政府与群众关心的问题脱节。

    Lou Jiwei 's remarks on national television on March 7 caused a storm on social media , with many Chinese venting their frustration at a government they say is out of touch with their concerns .

  30. 楼继伟没有提出任何具体的标准,他只是表示,中投公司将尽量增加“透明度”,与所投资国家的监管机构保持对话。

    Without setting any reporting benchmarks , Mr Lou said the CIC would be as " transparent " as such an institution could be , and maintain a dialogue with regulators in countries in which it invests .