
  • 网络building mortgage;Home Mortgage Loan
  1. 多谢您在楼宇按揭申请事宜上的帮忙。

    Thank you for your assistance in my application for a mortgage loan .

  2. 对很多人来说,尤其是中产人士,楼宇按揭是家庭一项主要的支出。

    To many people , particularly the middle class , mortgage payments are major items of family expenditure .

  3. 我国不少城市开办了楼宇按揭业务并形成了一整套操作程序,按揭逐渐成为人们融资购房的重要方式。

    But in many cities , there are a lot of house mortgage business which has formed a set of procedures , and mortgage has become an important finance model of commodity buying houses .