
  • 网络current limit;Ilim
  1. 其中电流极限比较器和另一个子模块电流极限状态机协同工作实现了电流控制模式,并且产生了PWM控制信号,同时还限定了最大的输出电流值。

    The current limit comparator and another sub-module current limit state machine work together to achieve the current control mode , and generate the PWM control signal , and also limit the maximum output current value .

  2. 设计了一种采用跨周期调制与电流极限状态机相结合工作模式的新型电源管理IC;

    A novel control circuit of power supply management Integrated Circuit ( IC ) with PSM and current limit state machine is designed in this paper ;

  3. 一种新的电流极限可调状态机电路

    A Current Limit Regulated State Machine Circuit

  4. 一种新型的电流极限比较器

    A novel type of CMOS current comparator

  5. 电流极限比较器和电流极限状态机电路相结合,避免了变压器产生的音频噪声;

    The combination of current-limited comparator and current-limited statemachine reduces the noises generated by transformer .

  6. 新型电流极限比较器由电流检测电路和电流比较电路两个部分组成。

    This paper proposes a new current-limited comparator including current detect and current comparison circuits .

  7. 通过状态机对负载进行离散侦测以及电流极限模糊控制模式,提高了电源的响应度;

    Response speed has been improved by both the state machine , which makes discrete detection on load , and current limit fuzzy control .

  8. 表19&1列出了根据用户谐波负荷相对于所接系统大小的谐波电流极限值。

    Table 19 - 1 lists the harmonic current limits based on the size of the user 's harmonic loads with respect to the size of the power system to which it is connected .

  9. 提出了一种异步电机全转速范围内最大转矩输出控制策略,该策略能够最大限度地使用电机和控制器的电压电流极限,提高输出转矩,该策略也可以运用在无刷双机械端口电机上。

    Later , a kind of asynchronous machine maximum output torque in full speed range control strategy is proposed . This algorithm ensures the furthest using of voltage and current abilities of the controller for the largest output torque .

  10. 理论研究进而表明等离子体的参与有以下几个突出的优点:1.由于等离子体电荷中和效应可以使器件在高于真空电流极限下工作,进而有更高的输出功率;

    The introduction of plasma into generators of coherent electromagnetic radiation potentially has several beneficial effects ( a ) due to the charge neutralization in the plasma , the devices can operate with large beam current above the vacuum space-charge limiting ;

  11. 采用跨周期调制和电流极限状态机相结合,引入模糊控制理论和混沌理论,使新型开关电源在能量转换效率、瞬态响应速度、负载调整率、抗扰动性能等方面的特性得到显著提高;

    By combining pulse skip modulation mode with current limit state machine , and introducing fuzzy control theory and chaos theory , characteristics of the novel switching power supply , such as energy transfer efficiency , transient response , load regulation rate and anti-interference , have been greatly improved .

  12. 重点对绝缘门双极晶体管(IGBT)的极限电流与极限功耗进行了研究。

    This paper emphasizes the research on IGBT limiting current and on state limiting power loss .

  13. 应用拉普拉斯变换推导峰电流与极限电流的关系

    Relations between the Peak Current and the Limit Current from Laplace Transform

  14. 利用拉普拉斯变换及实验所得结果,推导出内场致发射电极应用在线性电势扫描法中峰电流与极限电流的关系,为进一步研究提供了定量的依据。

    Relations between the peak current and the limit current derived from laplace transform . It provides a quantity basis for subsequent research .

  15. 由此,提出了提高体导电能量传递效率的方法:阻抗法和电压法。通过电路分析,还发现了体导电能量传递系统的另一些重要特性:植入电池的充电条件和充电电流传递效率极限。

    Two methods for enhancing recharging current transmission efficiency have been proposed : those are impedance method and voltage method .

  16. 同时,根据氢分压对极化电阻、交换电流密度以及极限电流密度的影响估算了氢气氧化反应的表观反应级数。

    The empirical reaction order was estimated from the dependence of electrode polarization resistance , exchange current density , and limiting current density on the hydrogen partial pressure ( PH2 ) .

  17. 分析表明:该方法实现电机的最大功率限幅控制,使开关器件电流上限实现极限利用,大大提高了调速系统功率电路的可靠性。

    The analysis shows that the current cut-off negative feedback method can realize maximum limited power control of motor , maximum current use of power switched component and reliability enhancing of power inverter .

  18. 当一束带电粒子在等离子体中传播时,将会产生回流,使总电流小于阿尔芬极限电流,但若在沿束流运动方向有扰动时,则会在等离子体中激起静电双流不稳定性。

    When a beam of energetic electrons propagate into the plasma , it will produce a return stream to make the total current less than the Alfven critical current , if there are perturbations parallel to the beams velocity direction , it can feed the two-stream instability .

  19. IGBT极限电流与通态极限功耗的研究

    Research on IGBT limiting current and on state limiting power loss

  20. 低杂波电流驱动的密度极限分析

    Density limit analysis for lower hybrid current drive

  21. 主机的额定电流低于最大安全电流极限。

    Rated current of the main motor is lower than the maximum safety limitation .

  22. 同步电机稳定极限对应于与V型曲线上稳定极限区相对应的励磁电流If和电枢电流IM,稳定极限的计算传统上有两种方法:电势向量图法和实测法。

    Stability limit of synchronous electric machine matches with the exciting current If and armature current IM in the stability limit area of V-curve , traditionally , there are two methods to solute the stability limit : drawing potential vector and field exploring .

  23. 还研究了电流对输出功率的影响,在电流达到空间电荷极限以前,微波输出功率和电流的平方成正比。

    In addition , it is shown that the scaling of output power is proportional to I ~ ( 2 ), when the current is less than the space charge-limit .

  24. 比较了采用交指型极板与常规极板的PEM燃料电池的局部电流密度和伏安曲线大小,指出交指型极板可提高电池的局部电流密度和极限电流密度,从而改善电池性能;

    The local current density and limit current density can be improved by adopting the interdigitated flow field , thus the PEMFC performance can be modified .