
  • 网络core department;core sectors;central department
  1. 广州电信网管维护中心是广州电信网络运行维护作业层的核心部门。

    Network Management and Maintenance Center ( NMMC ) of Guangzhou Telecom is the core department of local network operation and maintenance .

  2. 但是,从各部门职能上看,特别是从产品开发的核心部门&技术开发部的职责看,产品开发工作并没有明确的定义和分工。

    But from the department functions side , especially from product development core department - technology development look , development work is not explicitly defined .

  3. 微软的核心部门WindowsPC部收入锐减29%,为31.1亿美元,加剧了该公司在最近一期财季的下滑。

    A29 per cent plunge in revenues from Microsoft 's core Windows PC division , to $ 3.11bn , aggravated the decline in the latest quarter .

  4. 包含许多韦尔先生购买业务的非核心部门,则被赋予听起来就属昙花一现的名字花旗控股(CitiHoldings)。

    The non-core division , which includes many of Mr Weill 's purchases , was given the transient-sounding name of Citi Holdings .

  5. 位于都灵的米拉菲奥里(Mirafiori)大工厂是菲亚特集团下属菲亚特汽车公司的核心部门,该公司最近麻烦不断。

    The giant Mirafiori plant in Turin is the heart of Fiat Auto , the troubled car division of the Fiat group .

  6. 这是本文的核心部门。

    This is the main body of a book core part .

  7. 我开始怀疑是否我对核心部门产生不利影响。

    I began to wonder whether I was plain bad to the core .

  8. 这两个部门是文章的核心部门。

    They are the core of the article .

  9. 亚洲零售和商业银行业务将转移到该集团新的非核心部门。

    The Asian retail and commercial unit is to be transferred to the group 's new non-core division .

  10. 银行业作为金融的核心部门,在经济发展中占据了重要的地位。

    As the core of financial areas , banks play a significant role in the development of economy .

  11. 金融是国民经济的核心部门,在经济发展中发挥着配置资源的重要作用。

    Finance institutions are the key departments in the national economy , and play important roles in resources allocation .

  12. 但茨万吉拉伊所在的反对党仍可能会拒绝该协定,因为穆加贝依旧能够掌控核心部门。

    Mr Tsvangirai 's party may yet reject the deal , as it lets Mr Mugabe control the key ministries .

  13. 如果出售股份的交易得以完成,这将是华为第二次出售其非核心部门之一的权益。

    If completed , the stake sale would be the second time Huawei has sold an interest in one of its non-core divisions .

  14. 基于面向对象剖析和设计来设计网络加密锁的服务程序是体系的核心部门。

    The key part is that on the basis of Object Oriented analyze and design designs the service routine system of net software dog .

  15. 因此,企业的人力资源管理部门的作用就凸显出其重要性,在企业中的地位从原来的被边缘化变成了企业的战略核心部门。

    So human resource department is becoming more and more important , which has become the enterprise strategic core divisions from the original edge department .

  16. 金融是国民经济的基础和核心部门,现代市场经济是金融经济,本质上也是一种知识经济、网络经济。

    Finance is the core and foundation of our national economy . Modern market economy is financial economy , knowledge economy and internet economy in nature .

  17. 银行业是金融业的核心部门,银行业开放是整个金融业开放的重要组成部分。

    Banking services is the core of financial services and the opening of banking services is the important component of the whole opening of the financial services .

  18. 这些组织无论是企业的核心部门,还是提供保障的周边部门都会严重影响企业的竞争能力,阻碍了企业进一步发展的道路。

    No matter the core departments or other supporting departments will seriously affect the competitiveness of enterprises , hindering the further development of enterprises in the road .

  19. 其中旅行社和景区游览为旅游产业核心部门,表明这两个部门是完全依赖旅游活动而生存和发展的产业。

    Travel agencies and scenic tours are the core sectors of the tourism industry , because these two departments are survival and developing completely dependent on tourism activities .

  20. 随着金融机构核心部门的国有化,美国自由市场信条就已经自毁,而其他国家保持全面控制的做法得到认可。

    With the nationalisation of crucial parts of the financial system , the American free-market creed has self-destructed while countries that retained overall control of markets have been vindicated .

  21. 银行业作为我国国民经济的枢纽与核心部门,其运行效率和稳定性直接关乎国家金融体系和宏观经济的平稳健康发展。

    As the core sectors of the national economy , the efficiency and stability of the banking sector is directly related to the stable and healthy development of the macro-economic .

  22. 网络经济正在席卷全球,作为国民经济核心部门的银行业在这股浪潮的冲击下,也发生着翻天覆地的变化。

    Nowadays , the new network economy is sweeping the globe heavily . As the core of the national economy , banks are changing greatly in the impact of this wave .

  23. 巴茨正在裁撤雅虎的非核心部门,但数月前她决定,该公司必须在搜索市场上保持可信的份额(目前约为20%)。

    Bartz is shedding non-essential Yahoo units , but she decided months ago that the company had to maintain a credible share of the search market , currently about 20 per cent .

  24. 金融是现代经济的核心部门,而利率作为金融资产的价格度量,在金融市场的资源配置中发挥不可替代的重要作用。

    Finance is the core of modern economy . Interests rate , as a measure of financial asset prices , play an irreplaceable role in the allocation of resources in the financial markets .

  25. 房地产工程部是房地产企业的核心部门之一,成功实施工程部管理人员的绩效考核是提升项目管理水平、实现企业目标的基础保障。

    Real estate engineering department is the central department of real estate enterprise . The successful performance evaluation of engineering department manager is the essential guarantee of enhancing the project managing level and realizing the objectives of the enterprises .

  26. 新成立项目管理的核心部门-空间工程部,项目管理主任带领各项目经理统管所有型号项目;优化调整管理流程,明确各部门的职责,明确项目经理的职责权限。

    The new core department & space project department , is established , in which the project management director leads project managers to manage the whole model projects ; and management procedure is adjusted , the responsibility of different departments and managers is denned .

  27. 目前,在全球最发达国家的政府部门、公司和军工企业机构中,项目管理已成为其运作的中心模式,国外大型公司均在其运营的核心部门采用项目管理的方式,取得了显著的效果。

    Nowadays , even the most developed countries in the world have applied project management as the central means to manage government departments , company institutes and military / civilian enterprises . Meanwhile , lots of foreign large-scale companies have also introduced project management to their core operational departments .

  28. 体育健身娱乐业是体育产业的核心部门之一,该产业部门的发展不仅会提升体育产业的级位,而且还能推动全民健身活动的开展。

    Bodybuilding and sports entertainment industry is a major form of sports industry , and its development is bound to push forward not only economical development , but also the bodybuilding activities of the whole people , which contribute to the development of ethical and cultural progress of our China .

  29. 壳牌的五大核心业务部门都在中国开展业务。

    All five of Shell ′ s core businesses are active in China .

  30. 赫司特公司出售两家非核心业务部门

    Hoechst Sells Two Non - Core Assets