
pèi tào zī jīn
  • counterpart funding
  1. 同时在水利利用外资工作中还面临着国际金融组织赠款减少、外资项目配套资金和还贷能力不足、项目管理体制不顺等问题。

    However , issues of decline of grants from international financial agencies , insufficient counterpart funding , weak repayment capacity and overlapped project management institutions , etc have to be taken into consideration .

  2. 为了吸引外商投资,地方政府给予外商投资者税收优惠、减免土地使用费、为外商投资项目提供配套资金投入和经营服务、贷款担保以及优惠的贷款利率等激励政策。

    The local government attracts foreign investment through providing preferential policies , for example , tax concession , reduction and exemption of land royalty , counterpart funding and management service for foreign investment program , financial guarantee and favourable interest rate .

  3. 本课题来源于国家电子发展基金陕西省配套资金项目,主要任务是为适应市场需求,研制一种新型高效的基于MPEG-4标准的网络视频监控系统。

    The main task is developing a new efficient digital network video surveillance system based on MPEG-4 to adapt to market demands .

  4. 大中型水利工程建设地方配套资金筹集方法探讨

    Discussion on local counterpart funds raise in large and medium size water conservancy project construction

  5. 为了留住世界级的科学家,政府打算为这些资助提供同等的配套资金。

    To retain world-class scientists , the government intends to match these grants with equivalent sums .

  6. 五是严格资金管理,保证配套资金到位。

    Management of funds must be strictly controlled and allocation of counterpart funds must be ensured .

  7. 结论①各级政府重视改水降氟工作,配套资金落实到位及时,工程建设按期完成。

    Conclusions ① The government at all levels attached importance to the work of the water improvement .

  8. 实物投资渠道(主要是让房地产开发商为城市基础设施提供配套资金);

    Practicality investing trench , which mostly consists of corresponding capital for urban infrastructure provided by real estate exploiters ;

  9. 这是国家自然科学基金委员会第一次向一个由外国公司建立的基金提供配套资金。

    This is the first time that NSFC provides matching funds to a foundation set up by a foreign enterprise .

  10. 如何保证工程建设资金特别是地方配套资金足额到位,已成为制约工程能否完工的关键问题。

    How to allocate local counterpart funds timely for project construction has become the key constrain for on-time completing the project .

  11. 建设用地落实困难和地方配套资金落实较晚,成为某些项目尚未完工的主要原因;

    The construction ground and local funds were carried out with difficulty , which became the main reasons of some projects not yet finished ;

  12. 地方配套资金要抓紧落实,实行责任制,防止资金落空、断档。

    Local funds should also be allotted quickly . Local authorities should exercise the responsibility system to prevent the failure and breaking of capital .

  13. 而地方政府由于受自身财政状况的约束,一时无法提供这么多的配套资金。

    Due to the constraints of their own financial situation , the local government can not provide so many matching funds in that time .

  14. 若干农村地区的调研结果表明,除少数发达地区外,村级社区组织基本上没有能力为农村最低生活保障提供稳定的配套资金。

    The research results showed that village-level communities could not afford stable matching funds , with the exception of a small number of developed areas .

  15. 为了能让暂时工人们能够享用到当局配套资金在手头余裕时把钱存起来以备不时之需,她正游说于树立一套储蓄系统。

    She is lobbying for a savings system in which contingent workers could get some government-matching funds when they put rainy-day money away during fat times .

  16. 目前大中型水利工程投资主要由中央专项资金、省财政资金及市县配套资金三部分组成。

    The current investments of large - and medium-size water conservancy project are sourced from central specialized funds , provincial finance and city or county counterpart funds .

  17. 项目中期,开展白炽灯转型活动,提交项目中期报告,包括白炽灯转型方案实施情况报告、配套资金报告等;

    In middle term , carry out IL conversion activities , and submit interim project report , including IL conversion implementation progress report and co-financing calculating report ;

  18. 按要求提交项目执行自我监测报告、节能量测算报告、配套资金报告以及中英文的项目季度报告、年度报告。

    Self-monitoring report of project implementation , energy conservation evaluation report , co-financing report , project quarterly report , annual report both in Chinese and in English .

  19. 联合国开发计划署为这个项目投入了100万美元,科技部投入300万美元,其余资金则依靠地方政府配套资金及其它较小组织的投入。

    The UNDP is investing US $ 1 million in the project and MOST is providing US $ 3 million , with the remainder coming from local governments and smaller organisations .

  20. 项目终期,完成白炽灯转型工作,提交项目终期报告,包括白炽灯转型方案实施情况报告、节能量测算报告、配套资金报告;

    By the EOP , complete the task of IL conversion , submit the final project report , including IL conversion implementation report , energy conservation evaluation report , and co-financing report ;

  21. 取消亚利桑那州竞选财务制度中的公共配套资金,无视对不限量资金涌入政治体系进行调衡的法规。

    It struck down public matching funds in Arizona 's campaign finance system , showing again a contempt for laws that provide some balance to the unlimited amounts of money flooding the political system .

  22. 进入2009年初,中央政府为了增强地方提供配套资金以及地方政府投资的能力,决定代发2000亿元地方政府债券。

    Into early 2009 , the Central Government to provide matching funds in order to enhance the local and the capacity of local government investment decisions on behalf of the issued 200 billion yuan of local government bonds .

  23. 政府重视和完善结核病规章制度是项目取得成功的重要保证府加大行政干预力度,提供了较为充足的配套资金,并制定了转诊奖励制度。

    Government attention and perfection of the TB regulatory framework is an important guarantee for the success of the mansion increase administrative intervention , provides a more adequate counterpart funds , and the establishment of a referral reward system .

  24. 但与此同时,布局调整过程中又产生了诸如学校缺乏后续配套资金,部分学校班额陡增和教师额外负担加重的问题。

    But at the same time , some problems have come into being in the procedure of the mapping restructure , such as lacking of matching funds , raising more large class scale and increasing the teachers ' work load .

  25. 制约天津市现代物理农业工程技术发展的主要因素在于技术设备成本高、基础研究薄弱,地方配套资金支持不足等。

    But there are also many problems in the promoting process of the physical agricultural engineering technology in Tianjin . It mainly includes the high cost of interrelated equipments , insufficiency of basic research , shortage of governmental finance support and so on .

  26. 该审计机构称,在有些情况下,地方政府为自己辖区内项目承诺的配套资金到位不足一半,即便北京根据刺激计划拨付的中央投资资金平均到位率达到94%。

    The auditor said in some cases local governments had stumped up less than half the funds they had promised for projects in their jurisdictions , even though Beijing had transferred 94 per cent of the money earmarked by the central government for the stimulus plan .

  27. 他们需要的是和这些计划配套的资金。

    They need the support that is supposed to go with those plans .

  28. 因此,应结合高校当前采购工作的特点,规范政府采购行为,建立配套的资金管理模式,做好年度预算编制,提高资金使用效率,使政府采购工作更好地为教学科研服务。

    Therefore , it 's necessary to standardize government procurement , establish corresponding mode of capital management and make the annual budget plan to improve the service effiency of the capital and make it serve teaching and scientific research .

  29. 但是,其发展的潜在威胁也依然存在:有意从事标准化研究的机构在增多;事业单位改制使标准化研究机构面临新的考验;配套政策、资金支持不稳定等。

    The potential threats still exist : research organizations interested in standardization are increasing ; research organizations of standardizations will face new tests for the institution reform ; the policies and financial supports are unstable ; and so on .

  30. 然后研究了与新模式相配套的物流、资金流和信息流的运作方式。

    This part also includes the studies of the operation manners of logistics , capital-flow and information-flow .