
pèi wǔ jìn jì
  • 熟语incompatibility of drugs in a prescription
  1. 目的探讨热重(TG)、差热(DTA)分析技术在药物配伍禁忌研究中的应用意义。

    Objective : To study the application of thermogravimetry ( TG ) and differential thermal analysis ( DTA ) in incompatibility of drugs .

  2. 方法:通过CHKD期刊全文库检索2000年~2004年395篇关于配伍禁忌的文章,调查在联合用药、更换静脉输液时存在配伍禁忌的药物。

    MET_HODS : 395 articles about incompatibility published during 2000 ~ 2005 were searched from CHKD and summarized retrospectively to find out the incompatible drugs in combined medication or replacement of intravenous infusion .

  3. 1例德巴金与咪达唑仑配伍禁忌的报告

    Report of a case of incompatibility between sodium valproate and midazolam

  4. 抗菌药物与其他药物连续输注的配伍禁忌

    Incompatibility of Continuous Intravenous Infusion between Antibacterial Agents and Other Drugs

  5. 结果乳酸环丙沙星与易善复注射液存在配伍禁忌;

    Results Ciprofloxacin lactate injection and the Essentiale are incompatible .

  6. 结论注射用加替沙星与注射用阿昔洛韦存在配伍禁忌。

    CONCLUSIONS : There is incompatibility between gatifloxacin for injection and aciclovir for injection .

  7. 如果药物与静脉所输的液体是配伍禁忌的,就要用两次葡萄糖屏障液。

    If the drug and IV solution are incompatible , use two glucose barriers .

  8. 输液管理软件《306种药物配伍禁忌》临床应用效果观察

    Exploring the effect of transfusion administration software on managing pharmaceutical incompatibility of 306 drugs

  9. 静脉输液药物配伍禁忌调查

    Investigation into Pharmaceutical Incompatibility in Intravenous Infusion

  10. 目的:防止药物丢失,及联合用药时配伍禁忌的发生。

    Objective : To prevent from waste of medicine and incompatibility of drugs in one prescription .

  11. 丹参注射液的配伍禁忌

    Incompatibility of Salvia Miltiorrhiza Injection

  12. 目的:研究穿琥宁注射液与临床常用抗生素针剂的配伍禁忌。

    Objective : It is to study the incompatibility of Chuanhuning and antibiotic injection in a prescription .

  13. 结果:复方白毛藤中诸药无配伍禁忌,协同作用强,制剂性状稳定。

    The results showed that compound solanum lyratum Thunb injection had strong synergism , better stability and no incompatibility .

  14. 方法:查阅分析近年来国内医药期刊公开发表的有关丹参注射液与其它药物间的配伍禁忌文献。

    METHODS : The reports on incompatibility of salvia miltiorrhiza injection with other drugs in recent years were reviewed .

  15. 结果:从稳定性考虑,有88对药物存在配伍禁忌;从安全性考虑,有20对药物存在配伍禁忌。

    RESULTS : 88 pairs of drugs were incompatible considering stability , and 20 pairs were incompatible considering safety .

  16. 结果部分进口药品说明书中、英文标注不对应,配伍禁忌部分、药理学说明等方面存在严重问题。

    Results In the specifications of some imported drugs , inconsistency exists between the Chinese part and English part .

  17. 主要反映在给药方案、重复用药、溶媒不当、药理拮抗、配伍禁忌、毒性相加及用法错误等方面。

    Irrational uses reflected in dosage project , repeated medication , dissolvant mismatch , pharmacologic antagonism , chemical incompatibility and toxicity addition .

  18. 结果:静脉药物输液存在溶媒选择不合理、载体量过小、给药方法不合理、配伍禁忌等现象。

    Results : There were many unreasonable prescriptions : wrongly selected solvent , too little solution , unreasonable medication route , admixture prohibition , etc.

  19. 目的了解牛黄解毒片在使用中所发生的不良反应、配伍禁忌,促进合理用药。

    Objective To find out the Adverse Drug Reaction ( ADR ) and incompatibility of Niuhuang Jiedu Tablets , and promote its rational use .

  20. 本文综述了聚醚类离子载体抗生素对动物的毒性反应、与其它抗菌药物的配伍禁忌、引起中毒动物死亡的机理及中毒防治的研究进展,为合理应用这类药物提供参考。

    The toxicity of ionophoric antibiotics , the incompatibility between ionophores and antimicrobials , the mechanism and treatment of ionophore poisoning were reviewed in this paper .

  21. 抗生素应用不合理的现象主要为:联合应用药理性拮抗及毒副作用增加,抗生素应用指征不明确,给药方法存在问题和用药配伍禁忌等。

    The main unreasonable usage of antibiotic combination showed accentuated antagonism and ill-effect , the aimless of application , unreasonable methods and match abstinence between in drugs .

  22. 最后重点介绍了系统所特有的配伍禁忌检查功能的实现方法。

    Lastly is , as a great emphasis , an introduction of the implementation method of incompatibility inspection , which is a peculiar function of this system .

  23. 结论:加强新药配伍禁忌知识的学习,有利于防止配伍禁忌的发生。

    CONCLUSION : Attention should be paid to the prevention of incompatibility , and it is important for the medical workers to strengthen incompatibility knowledge about new drugs .

  24. 结果:不合理用药发生率为2.28%,其中药物不良相互作用占88.46%,配伍禁忌占11.54%。

    RESULTS : The total rate of irrational drug use was 2.28 % , among which the drug interaction counted for 88.46 % and drug incompatibility 11.54 % .

  25. 已有文献报道,用肝素联合抗生素封管,治疗血液透析深静脉留置导管相关性感染;然而,肝素与抗生素有配伍禁忌,效果欠佳。

    It reported the treatment of deep vein indwelling catheter-related infections in hemodialysis by closing catheter tubes with antibiotics and heparin ; however , heparin and antibiotic was incompatible and ineffective .

  26. 结果:改进后的病区调剂室药品调剂流程,为合理、优化,同时能使药师更好地研究合理用药,包括药物相互作用、配伍禁忌、不良反应等。

    Results : It is much more advisable after recombination and is better for pharmacist to participate the clinical practice , including rational administration , drug interactions , chemical incompatibility and the adverse effects etc.

  27. 药物和成膜材料之间无沉淀、变色等配伍禁忌现象发生,易涂展,涂布后具有快干性能,能够形成干燥的薄膜。

    There was no such incompatibility phenomenon between the drug and film materials as precipitation and discoloration , Niclosamide film coating agent was easy to coat , fast to dry after coating , capable of forming dry films .