
  • 网络MRI;MRI scanner
  1. 研究人员通过核磁共振扫描仪来研究读者的大脑活动。

    The researchers studied readers ' brains using an MRI scanner .

  2. 在核磁共振扫描仪内,研究对象只有30秒的时间完成每项任务,一共有45项导航任务。

    In the MRI scanner , they were given 30 seconds for each of the 45 navigation tasks .

  3. 核磁共振扫描仪由磁体子系统、梯度子系统、射频子系统、床体子系统等部分组成。

    MRI scanner includes magnet subsystem , gradient subsystems , RF subsystem , and bed subsystem .

  4. 为了研究我们大脑感知能力停滞的速度,专家对400名实验参与者进行了研究。这400位实验参与者在一部价值三百万英镑重达20公吨的核磁共振扫描仪上接受了检查。

    The speed at which our cognitive abilities switch off was revealed in tests on 400 people who were placed in a & # 163 ; 3 million 20-tonne medical MRI scanner .

  5. 狗通常在实验室环境中并不容易放松,但是通过抚摸和喂食大量食物的训练方法可以让狗在核磁共振扫描仪下安稳的坐着。

    Dogs are not usually relaxed in a lab environment , but with a little petting and lots of treats they can be trained to sit still even in an MRI scanner .

  6. 在测试中,志愿者被要求观看一系列的幻灯图片并进行记忆,研究人员同时用功能性核磁共振扫描仪对他们进行跟踪,获得血液流通和大脑活动的三维图像。

    The test involved looking at and remembering a large set of picture slides while the volunteers were screened by fMRI scanner , which gives a3-D image of blood flow , hence of cerebral activity .

  7. 只用核磁共振扫描仪里的磁铁来检测寄生虫产生的废物。目前这种磁铁需要书桌大小的设备来支持工作,但是新加坡与麻省理工学院学术联盟的研究人员认为,他们可以将该设备缩小至平板电脑的大小。

    Instead , it uses the magnets like those found in an MRI scanner to measure a waste product the parasite makes . Right now the magnets require a desktop-size device to work , but the researchers from the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology think they can reduce that to the size of a computer tablet .

  8. 因此根据组织的含水量,核磁共振成像扫描仪区分不同的组织。

    Thus an MRI scan distinguishes among tissues based on their water content .

  9. 在研究中,当12名志愿者同时看一幅图像时,研究者们用核磁共振成像扫描仪来监控他们大脑的活动。

    In the study , 12 volunteers watched an image while researchers monitored their brain activity using MRI scans .

  10. 核磁共振成像扫描仪需要将病人身体的一部分暴露在非常强大的磁场内以刺激组织内部的氢原子。

    With the MRI scanner , the part of the patient 's body that needs to be observed is exposed to a very strong magnetic field which excites hydrogen atoms in its tissues .