
  • 网络frw;wood fire retardant;ZRJ-A
  1. 研究结果表明:DPB是一种性能较好的木材阻燃剂、但处理木材的DPB易流失、且化学稳定性很低。

    The experiments showed that DPB is a well wood fire retardant , but it 's leachable and chemistry stability is low .

  2. 实验表明:DPB是一种性能较好的木材阻燃剂,但DPB处理木材的抗胀缩率和阻湿率值均很低。

    The experiments showed that DPB is a well wood fire retardant . but ASE and MEE of modified wood are low .

  3. 用CONE法研究木材阻燃剂FRW的抑烟性能

    Study on the smoke inhibition of wood fire retardant FRW by cone calorimeter

  4. 用热分析法研究木材阻燃剂FRW的阻燃机理

    Study on fire-retardation mechanism of fire retardant FRW by thermoanalysis

  5. 木材阻燃剂FRW的阻燃机理

    The Fire-Retardant Mechanism of Fire-Retardant FRW for Wood

  6. 木材阻燃剂SLB处理木材的阻燃性能研究

    Study on the Fire-Retardant Properties of the Treated Wood with SLB Fire-Retardant

  7. 新型木材阻燃剂FRW

    FRW Fire Retardant for Wood

  8. 新型木材阻燃剂FRW的阻燃性能FRDL-112阻燃剂在落叶松材上的应用

    Fire-retardancy of A Novel Fire Retardant FRW Application of FRDL-112 Fire Retardant on Larix Timber

  9. KY-Fw木材阻燃剂对木材吸湿性和尺寸稳定性的影响

    Effects of KY-Fw wood fire-retardant on wood hygroscopicity and dimensional stability

  10. 选用新型木材阻燃剂FRW处理杨木单板,研制阻燃性能优异的FRW阻燃杨木胶合板,并对其各项物理力学性能和阻燃性能进行了测试。

    The veneer used for manufacturing the excellent FRW fire-retardant plywood of Populus was treated by the patented product of FRW fire retardant .

  11. 抗流失性木材阻燃剂的研究(Ⅰ)

    Studies on fire retardants to impart leach resistant for wood (ⅱ)

  12. 磷氮系木材阻燃剂的研究

    Studies on phosphorus - nitrogen system fire retardants for wood

  13. 六甲基磷酰三胺木材阻燃剂的研究

    A Study on Hexamethyl Phosphoramide as a Flame - retardant for Wood

  14. LFP&86型木材阻燃剂性能的研究

    A Study on Properties of the LFP-86 Fire Retardant

  15. 磷酸胍木材阻燃剂研究

    Study of flame retardant of guanidine phosphate to wood

  16. 三种木材阻燃剂对木材吸湿性及尺寸稳定性影响的比较研究

    Comparison of the Effects of Three Wood Fire-retardants on Wood Hygroscopicity and Dimensional Stability

  17. 木材阻燃剂技术进展

    Progress in Fire Retardant for Wood

  18. 该木材阻燃剂具有较好的阻燃性和一定的抗流失性,所选择的阻燃处理条件可作为工业生产的参考。

    This fire retardant has fine flame resistivity and certain leach resistant to wood , and the treating conditions of fire retardant can be used as a reference in industrial production .

  19. 落叶松木材的阻燃剂溶液真空加压处理和CONE试验结果表明,微波改性落叶松木材易于进行FRW阻燃处理,阻燃效果明显。

    The results of the vacuum-pressure-treatment of larch wood by fire retardant solution and the CONE test showed that the larch wood treatment by fire retardant wood ( FRW ) was easier and the effect of fire retardant treatment was obvious .

  20. 三种以聚磷酸铵为主剂的木材阻燃浸渍剂的试验研究&(二)应用性试验

    A Study on Three Kinds of Fire Retardants Impregnating Solutions Based on Ammonium Polyphosphate ( APP ) used for Wood Part ⅱ Feasibility of APP Treated Wood

  21. FTIR显微技术在阻燃木材炭化过程及阻燃剂渗透研究中的应用

    Application of FTIR Microscopy in the Research of Charring of Fire Retardant Wood and Penetration of Fire Retardant into Wood

  22. 综述了木材阻燃处理的重要性、木材阻燃剂及其分类、阻燃剂的阻燃机理和木材改性的处理方法;

    The importance of wood material treated with fire retardant , fire retardants and their categories , the way of wood modification and the mechanism of fire retardant were also reviewed .

  23. 在综合分析热分析法、锥形量热仪法和FTIR法获得的FRW阻燃机理研究结果并吸收木材阻燃机理研究现有成果的基础上,推导进而提出了木材阻燃剂FRW的阻燃机理。

    On the basis of comprehensive study of the result of the thermal analysis , the cone calorimetry and the FTIR for wood treated with fire-retardant FRW , by combining the current theory for fire-retardant wood , the fire-retardant mechanism of FRW was proposed .

  24. 研究结果表明:(1)经过阻燃处理的木材其热释放速率有不同程度地降低,降低的多少与木材的种类和阻燃剂的含量有关,而且阻燃处理还延长了木材的点燃时间。

    The results can be shown as follows : ( 1 ) Fire retardant woods decrease HRR significantly , the amount reduced relates to materials ' kind and the contents of fire-retardant pharmaceutical , and prolong the time to ignition .