
  • 网络Separation Index
  1. 实验结果表明,热处理条件对复合膜的分离选择性、渗透通量及分离指数具有明显影响。

    Experiment results show that heat treatment conditions have remarkable effects on the permselectivity , permeability and pervaporation separation index .

  2. 根据研究体系的实际,定义了分离系数、渗透通量以及渗透蒸发分离指数的数学表达式,并以此为基准,考察了分离条件与上述分离特性参数间的关系。

    The expressions of separation factor , permeation rates and pervaporation separation index are defined mathematically for the system . The relationship of these parameters is examined at separation condition .

  3. 当STA的含量为12wt%时,膜的分离指数达到了极大值。

    The PSI of the membranes achieved the maximum when the STA content is 12wt % .

  4. 参比液的水分离指数测定影响因素探讨

    Studies on Influences of Water Separation Characteristics Determination for Reference Fluid

  5. 航空喷气燃料水分离指数测定法

    Testing method for water separation characteristic of aviation turbine fuels

  6. 通过区位商数和分离指数的计算分析,揭示了未来土地利用方式的时空变化趋势。

    The trend of land use structure is analyzed by calculating locational quotient and segregation index .

  7. 差等生境斑块数量减少了2385,分离度指数增加了0.911,最大斑块面积减少了5.4km~2;

    Bad ones decreased by 2385 and separation index increased by 0.911 , and the maximum patch decreased by 5.4km ~ 2 ;

  8. 景观破碎化程度相对较高,分离度指数相对较低,斑块分布较为集中;

    The landscape dominance and fragmentation were relatively high , the Isolation indices were relatively low , and the distribution of patches was relatively centralized ;

  9. 斑块密度、破碎度与分离度指数均可反映景观的破碎化程度,整个研究区景观的破碎度有所增加,尤其是旱地、人为影响林地与荒草地增加显著。

    Patch density , degree of fragmentation and splitting indexes all can reflect the degree of fragmentation . The landscape degree of fragmentation had increased in entire research area . Dry land , human effect forest land and waste-grass land increased obviously .

  10. 研究区的分离度指数、多样性指数和均匀度指数都是逐年增加,表明:绿地景观被割裂的程度和破碎化程度逐年增加,城市绿地景观的各斑块类型逐渐均匀分布。

    The separation index , diversity index and evenness index in study area was increased year by year . It showed that the extent degree and fragmentation of the green landscape was increased , and each patch type was increasingly evenly distributed year by year .

  11. 土地利用斑块形状变得简单规则、空间分布集中,景观边缘密度、形状指数和分离度指数明显降低,降幅超过29%,分维数略有降低,而聚集度升高。

    In the whole landscape , the land use patches became simple and regular , landscape edge density , shape index and splitting index decreased over 29 % , whereas aggregation index slightly increased , when land consolidation has been finished . Land consolidation reduces landscape fragmentation .

  12. 研究了积分分离PID,指数积分PID和FUZZYPID控制算法在发酵过程温度控制中的应用。

    Application of integration separated PID control , exponential integration PID control , and fuzzy PID control of temperature of biological fermentation was studied .

  13. 结果表明:表观流速和分离效率成指数衰减关系,其曲线存在2个分离区域和1个拐点;

    The studies show that the separation efficiency reduces by exponential decay with the table view flow rate increasing , and there are two separation zones and a inflection point in the curve .

  14. 罗非鱼外周血白细胞分离与血细胞指数研究

    The optimal separation condition of leucocytes in peripheral blood and the blood cell index in tilapia

  15. 本文指出了影响物料热稳定性的两个主要因素操作温度T和受热时间t之间的关系,给出了评价热敏物料热稳定性指数I(?)及分离设备的降解指数I(?)

    The relationship between two major factors , operating temperature and heated time , which have a great effects on the thermal stability of heat sensitive materials , are pointed out and the thermal stability index and degradation index are defined for evaluating the materials and separation equipment respectively .

  16. 分离度符合要求。分离度指数在一定尺度上是交通和工矿业用地最大,耕地、林地、牧草地相对较小。

    Resolution between tetrahydropalmatine and other peaks met the requirements . In the scale , the isolation index of the traffic land and industrial land relatively was higher than that of the cultivatable land and grassland .