
pín yóu
  • lean oil;be poor in oil resources
贫油 [pín yóu]
  • (1) [lean oil]

  • (2) 已经从其中解吸了吸收的气体后的吸收油

  • (3) 地质学上指某一国家或地区石油蕴藏量极少

  • 贫油国

贫油[pín yóu]
  1. 富油/快速淬熄/贫油驻涡燃烧室低NOx排放

    Low NO_x emission of rich-burn , quick-mix , lean-burn trapped vortex combustor

  2. 对涉及多旋流燃烧室稳定燃烧的贫油熄火征兆现象进行了CFD数值研究。

    The lean blow out symptoms in combustion chamber with double swirling were studied .

  3. 对有两种头部的燃烧室进行了冷态流场的数值模拟,用粒子动态分析仪(PDA)测量了两种头部的速度场和喷雾场,结合慢车工况的贫油熄火试验结果进行了分析。

    Computation was conducted for flow field of these combustors . Flow field and fuel spray of the two designs were measured by Phase Doppler Analysis ( PDA ) .

  4. 而rw对油膜最大压力、最高温升及摩擦系数的影响较小高温升燃烧室贫油熄火稳定性研究

    Besides , the film thickness is greatly dependent on the value of r w , but the maximum pressure , the maximum temperature and friction coefficient are related with the value of r w to limited extent . Research on the lean blow-out stabilities of the high temperature rise combustor

  5. 多旋流器阵列贫油直喷燃烧室流场的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of flowfield in a multi-swirler array lean direct injection combustor

  6. 航空发动机高温升燃烧室贫油熄火及冒烟性能研究

    Research on the High-Temperature Rise Combustor Lean Blow-out and Smoke Emission Characteristics

  7. 中国是个贫油国。

    China is a station being poor of oil .

  8. 实验考虑了进气速度、进气温度对贫油熄火油气比的影响。

    The effects of inlet temperature and inlet velocity were taken into account .

  9. 蒸发管供油的单驻涡燃烧室贫油点火试验

    Ignition performance of a single trapped vortex combustor with evaporation tube as fuel supply

  10. 局部富油供油扩展燃烧室贫油点火熄火边界研究

    A Study of Local Rich Fueling Design for Widening Combustor Lean Ignition and Blowout Limits

  11. 内燃机活塞环组的贫油润滑状态及摩擦功损失

    The Starved Lubrication State and Friction Power Losses of Piston Rings in Internal Combustion Engine

  12. 贫油润滑活塞环组油膜厚度的计算方法

    Calculating Method of Oil Film Thickness in Piston Ring Pack with Consideration of Starved Lubrication

  13. 对模型燃烧室在贫油预混条件下产生的燃烧不稳定性的特性进行了初步研究。

    A preliminary investigation of low frequency combustion instability has been conducted in an atmospheric combustion facility .

  14. 旋流杯燃烧室头部流场与喷雾对贫油熄火的影响

    The Effect of Flow Field and Fuel Spray of Combustor with Swirl Cup on Lean Blowout Limit at Idle Condition

  15. 贫油润滑下活塞环组膜厚计算的改进及其验证

    Improvement and Validation of the Calculation of the Thickness of Lub-oil for Piston Ring Pack in Case of Starved lubrication

  16. 过去的半个世纪中国油气勘探在被世界公认贫油的陆相湖盆创造了奇迹。

    China has made major breakthroughs in oil and gas explora-tion of lake basin area in the past five decades .

  17. 在贫油润滑条件下,织构面的摩擦系数与磨损均明显小于光滑面;

    Under poor lubricated condition , the friction coefficients and wear of textured surfaces were lower than those of untextured surfaces .

  18. 陆相生油理论的发展和勘探实践的突破,使中国摆脱了贫油的困境。

    The development of the terrestrial theory on petroleum generation and its breakthrough in exploration have extricated China from its oil-poor predicament .

  19. 我国是一个富煤贫油的国家,石油供应不足是影响我国能源安全突出的问题。

    Our country is abundant in coal and deficient in oil , the short supply of oil turns to be a serious problem .

  20. 国需民用的石油产品主要还是依赖进口,不仅如此,我们还饱受中国贫油论的束缚。

    China needs civil petroleum products mainly rely on imports , not only that , we also have " lack oil of China " manacle .

  21. 高温升燃烧室头部燃烧组织方案设计,以改善高温升燃烧室的贫油熄火边界及冒烟性能。

    A new high temperature rise combustor design with a three-swirler and hybrid injector to improve the smoke emission and lean blow-out characteristics was presented .

  22. 在此基础上,根据贫油熄火理论,结合他人的试验研究,对二级旋流燃烧的贫油熄火征兆进行了数值预测。

    On this basis , according to theory of lean blowout , and taking other experimental research as references , flame failure symptom was numerically predicted .

  23. 本文研究偏心射流的倾斜角对燃烧效率、贫油吹熄特性和出口温度场的影响。

    The effect of the air jet with oblique angle on combustion efficiency , fuel-lean limit and temperature profile at the combustor exit was investigated experimentally .

  24. 燃煤热载体炉燃料成本低,符合我国的富煤贫油和合理利用能源的政策。

    The cost is much lower by using coal as the fuel , it is suitable to the national resource conditions with plenty of coal but poor of oil .

  25. 贫油含苯高,洗苯塔后煤气含苯高,造成粗苯产量低。

    The content of benzene in poor-oil was too high ; the content of benzene in gas after benzene-washing tower was too high ; the output of benzol consequently too low .

  26. 目前的低污染燃烧室主要有燃油分级燃烧室、贫油预混预蒸发燃烧室、贫油直接喷射燃烧室和富油燃烧急冷贫油燃烧室。

    Currently the low pollution combustion chamber mainly has the types of grade fuel combustion , oil-poor premixed pre-evaporation combustion chamber , oil-poor direct injection combustion chamber and oil-rich combustion-quench-oil-poor combustion chamber .

  27. 使用小流量数喷嘴可显著改善大比重油的贫油点火性能,但点火的压力-速度边界和富油点火边界缩小了。

    Using a small flow number atomizer may obviously improve the lean ignition limit of the high density fuel , but the ignition velocity-pressure limit and the rich ignition limit are shrunk .

  28. 在对熄火特性进行深入研究的基础上,运用三维、两相紊流燃烧理论进行了航空发动机燃烧室贫油熄火的数值模拟。

    On the base of deep investigation of the blowout characteristic , by using of the theory of three-dimension , two-phase turbulent combustion , fuel-short blowout in aeroengine combustor is simulated numerically .

  29. 我国原油需求对外依存度逐年上升,结合我国“贫油少气相对富煤”的能源状况,发展煤基甲醇燃料符合我国的国情。

    Since it is short of oil resource and coal resources are plentiful in our country , to make efforts to develop coal-based fuel is an important way to resolve the issue of energy safety .

  30. 而我国是贫油国家,情况尤为突出,可供使用的石油储量会更少,能源和原料供应面临严峻的挑战。

    As our country is short of oil , the situation of the oil supply is particularly prominent . The available oil reserves are keeping dwindling and we are facing severe challenges in energy and raw material supply .