
  • 网络nuclear fission reaction
  1. 氦-3的电能转化效率为60-70%,高于核裂变反应,而且转化过程中几乎不产生任何放射性废物。

    Helium-3 has a higher efficiency of conversion to electricity than fission , at a rate of 60-70 % , and can produce energy with little to no radioactive waste .

  2. 受控核裂变链式反应

    Controlled nuclear fission chain reaction

  3. 首先在液滴模型、壳修正模型等相关的理论模型的基础上,利用铅、铋这两个重要核材料质子裂变反应截面的实验数据得到了一系列的理论参数。

    The fission cross sections in energy regions without experimental data and those of other important nuclear materials have been predicted by making use of the theoretical model such as the liquid drop model and the experimental data of proton fission reaction cross sections of Pb and Bi .

  4. 文章介绍了我国发展的瞬态核裂变、核聚变反应过程释放的脉冲中子、伽马混合辐射场探测系统和测量技术。

    To explore the performances of a prompt fission or fusion reaction , sophisticated diagnostic techniques and equipments have been developed and established in China .

  5. 对于提供核能源或中子源的核裂变反应系统,需从理论上给出它的临界安全性和中子能谱,通常通过k本征值问题的计算来实现。

    The nuclear fissile reaction system , which provides nuclear energy or neutrons , theoretically demands its criticality safety and neutron energy spectrum to be predicated .

  6. 核反应堆的工作原理和其他的发电站很相似,不过它们并不是使用煤炭或煤气来生成热量,而是利用核裂变反应。

    Nuclear reactors work in a similar way to other power plants , but instead of using coal or gas to generate heat , they use nuclear fission reactions .