
  • 网络Nuclear event;nuclear incident
  1. 前苏联中亚地区的一次核事件对北京地区的环境影响

    Environmental impact of the nuclear incident occurring in the Middle Asia of the former Soviet Union on Beijing area

  2. 设计来保护中心在核事件中不受影响。

    Designed to keep the centre intact during a nuclear event .

  3. 具有场外危险的事故〔国际核事件分级〕

    Accident with off-site risk [ International Nuclear Event Scale ]

  4. 这起事件就被认定为国际核事件分级表的1级事故。

    This incident rated a 1 on the ines scale .

  5. 航空伽马能谱测量在突发核事件中的应用

    The application of airborne radioactive survey to the investigation of nuclear accidents

  6. 但在3月12日,日本面临另一个危险:核事件。

    But on March12th the Japanese faced another danger : a nuclear accident .

  7. 还有切尔诺贝利和三哩岛核事件至少部分上

    And the nuclear accidents at Chernobyl and Three Mile Island were at least all

  8. 7级是国际核事件分级的最高等级,历史上只有1986年的切尔诺贝利事故达到了7级。

    The highest level for nuclear accidents ( seven ) had previously only applied to the Chernobyl disaster in 1986 .

  9. 无明显场外危险的事故〔国际核事件分级〕这故事说明,我们遇事要随机应变方能避免危险。

    Accident without significant off-site risk [ International Nuclear Event Scale ] It is wise to turn circumstances to good account .

  10. 本程序是为离线分析由大面积双维位置灵敏电离室采集的多参数核事件数据设计的。

    The program is designed for processing the multi-parameter experimental data acquired by the large area position sensitive ionization chamber in nuclear reactions .

  11. 三里岛核事件并未导致人员死亡,不过它造成的破坏和清理费用却高达近10亿美元。

    No one died at the Three Mile Island accident , but the facility incurred nearly $ 1 billion of damages and clean-up costs .

  12. 这是这一年3起核事件中的第二起,发生在泰碧岛(在萨凡纳附近)水域。

    This is the second of three broken arrow incidents that year , this time taking place in the waters off Tybee Island near Savannah , Georgia .

  13. 1957年,该厂的一个装有放射性废料的容器发生了爆炸,该事故被国际核事件分级表评定为6级。

    Caused by the explosion of a tank that contained radioactive waste , this crisis is recorded as a level 6 " serious accident " on the ines scale .

  14. 当初的切尔诺贝利核事件迫使成千上万人逃离,并造成了几百万英亩的森林和农田被污染。

    ' And in my estimation this tragedy is starting to look a lot like Chernobyl , 'which forced the evacuation of thousands of people and contaminated millions of acres of forests and farmland .

  15. 目的提出了微粒态空气低水平特征放射性核素识别和干扰因素剔除方法,为监测核事件释放的放射性核素提供可靠的依据。

    Objective For providing the reliable evidences in monitoring a radionuclide released events , the techniques of identifying the characteristic radionuclides and its elimination of the interfering facors be promoted in a low level particulate air samples .

  16. 核恐怖事件相对风险评估的简易概率方法

    Simple Probabilistic Method for Relative Risk Evaluation of Nuclear Terrorism Events

  17. 核恐怖事件的防范与应急措施

    Events Protection and Emergency Measures in the Nuclear Terrorism Attacks

  18. 从中日核潜艇事件看我核潜艇的突防(下)中国核潜舰的突防

    China 's Nuclear Submarine and Its Defense Penetration Capability

  19. 五个月前的海啸和核泄漏事件让日本受到重创,而如今日本经济正惨遭新一轮打击。

    FIVE months after a tsunami and nuclear meltdown assailed Japan , the economy has been pummelled by fresh blows .

  20. 日本核泄漏事件重新唤起民众对辐射疾病的恐惧。

    The serious radiation leaks at Japan 's damaged Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear power plant have reawakened public fears about radiation sickness .

  21. 国际反恐合作与不引渡问题探析&以首例核暗杀事件嫌疑犯的引渡案为切入点

    Cooperation and Non-contradiction in International Antiterrorism Operations : A Case Study of Contradiction of the Suspect in the First " Nuclear-Assassination "

  22. 然而,福岛第一核电站事件的一个教训是,在核安全之类的复杂事务上是很难做到万无一失的。

    Yet one lesson of Fukushima is that in complex matters , such as nuclear safety , absolutes are hard to come by .

  23. 福岛核泄漏事件已经过去了20个月了,反对开发核电的活动分子一度撼动了自由民主党的最终选举结果。

    More than 20 months after a nuclear disaster in the country , anti-nuclear activists are shocked over the Liberal Democratic Party 's victory .

  24. 如果核电站事件,当地的州政府和联邦机构、电力设施部门要有紧急应变计划。

    Local and state governments , federal agencies , and the electric utilities have emergency response plans in the event of a nuclear power plant incident .

  25. “如果在东京发生一次曾经在俄罗斯发生的切尔诺贝利那样的核泄漏事件的话,后果会要更加严重。”一位从东京最繁华的购物和娱乐中心银座经过的市民李先生说。

    " A Chernobyl-type leak here would be far worse than in Russia ," said Lee Uranaka , a passer-by in Tokyo 's Ginza shopping and nightlife district .

  26. 因此,既然美孚居民打算入禀司法覆核,事件应交由法院裁决,清楚厘定到底产权如何安排。

    As Mei Foo Sun Chuen residents are planning to apply for judicial review , it should rest with the court to ascertain what proprietary rights the developer enjoys .

  27. 在这方面,其影响堪比1986年的切尔诺贝利核泄漏事件,这场灾难在西方引发的有关核能的质疑声要超过苏联。

    In this , its effect resembles that of the 1986 Chernobyl disaster , which provoked more questioning about nuclear power in the West than in the Soviet Union .

  28. 国际核安全事件分级表的4到7级则被官方称为“事故”,它们往往表示有一人或多人因遭受辐射而死亡&但也并非总是如此。

    Levels 4-7 on the ines scale are officially called " accidents " and often , but not always , signal that one or more fatalities from radiation exposure have occurred .

  29. 周五,中国政府表示,中方会支持联合国采取“必要”的行动制裁朝鲜,从而在朝鲜本月最新的核试验事件中维护联合国权威。

    China on Friday said it supported " necessary " action against North Korea by the U.N. Security Council to preserve the authority of the United Nations in the face of Pyongyang 's latest nuclear weapon test this month .

  30. 米特·罗姆尼引用的评论文章写道,“我们的国家似乎正在受各种事件的摆布,而不是去创造。”他谈到了致使一名美国大使死亡的利比亚袭击事件,伊朗核武器事件,以及美国与以色列的关系等等。

    The column extends Mitt Romney 's critique that " our country seems to be at the mercy of events rather than shaping them . " He talks about the attacks in Libya that killed a US ambassador , about Iran 's pursuit of nuclear weapons and about the US relationship with Israel .