
gēn jiē
  • piece-root grafting
根接[gēn jiē]
  1. 她紧张不安,还在一根接一根地抽着烟。

    She was nervous and edgy , still chain-smoking .

  2. 他紧张不安,还在一根接一根地抽着烟。

    He was nervous and edgy , still chain-smoking .

  3. 这使您可以针对整个架构只设置一次根URI,并使每个元素都将根据标准的根接收到自己适当的模型参考URI。

    This allows you to set a root URI once for an entire schema and have each of the elements receive their appropriate model reference URIs , based on a standard root .

  4. 麦根接菌后在15℃下培养,48h后侵入表皮层细胞,60h后进入皮层,120h后进入中柱。

    The fungus penetrated into epidermal cell in 48 h after inoculation at 15 ℃, entered cortex in 60 h and reached stele in 120 h.

  5. 统治阶层的支柱一根接一根地摇摇欲坠。

    One by one the pillars of the establishment are crumbling .

  6. 她让我们当中那些肥胖、酗酒、一根接一根地抽烟、丢掉工作的人感觉自己还不错。

    She made the fat , boozy chain-smokers and job-losers among us feel O.K. about ourselves .

  7. 磷酸化21的磷酸根接在丝氨酸羟基,PP21不含磷酸酪氨酸或磷酸苏氨酸,或含量极微。

    The phosphoryl group in phosphorylated P21 was attached to the serine hydroxyl group and no phosphotyrosine and phosphothreonine were detected .

  8. 在他身边,无聊的农民和商人坐在没卖出去的茶叶麻袋上,玩着扑克打发时间,一根接一根地抽烟,当然,还喝着永远喝不完的茶。

    All around him , sitting on unsold sacks of tea , were idled farmers and merchants who bided their time playing cards , chain smoking and , of course , drinking endless cups of tea .

  9. 水稻潜根线虫接虫期、接虫量对水稻叶绿素含量及相关生化指标的影响

    Effect of Rice Root Nematode on Chlorophyl Content and Relative Biochemical Index of Rice Plant

  10. 一根枝子接在一棵多产的树上之后,枝子仍然活着。

    After a branch has been grafted into a productive tree , the branch continues to live .

  11. 截瘫平面下腰骶神经根吻接后神经生长能力观察

    Ability of nerve regeneration after transferring lumbar nerve root to sacral nerve root below the paraplegic plane

  12. 本机适用裤耳、橡根、接链、魔术贴包边条等之切除,长短可根据要求通过计数器调整,全自动拉切,运转平稳,操作方便。

    Size but the root According to require and change through counter , full-automatic to draw cutting , it is stable to operate , Easy to operate .

  13. 这根断骨能接好吗?

    Can this broken bone knit up ?

  14. 对了约翰怎么样了他那几根手指头还接得上吗

    How 's John , by the way ? Were they able to sew his fingers back on ?

  15. 本热水器配置一根柔软的接地线,用于连接标准的三线、接地插座。

    This water heater is supplied with a flexible , grounded power cord that connects to a standard three-wire , grounding-type receptacle .

  16. 结论:通过硬膜外L5S2前根交叉吻接可以更有效地建立人工反射弧重建膀胱功能的动物实验模型。

    Conclusion : The model of bladder functional reconstruction with artificial bladder reflex arc can be well established by extrameningeal L5 S2 anterior roots cross anastomosis .

  17. 方法:家犬5条,行硬膜外L5S2前根交叉吻接,饲养1年后刺激反射弧并记录膀胱压和尿道压变化。

    Method : Extrameningeal L5 S2 anterior roots cross anastomosis were performed in 5 dogs and a year latter , the changes of bladder pressure , urethra pressure responded to electrical stimulation on each side were recorded .

  18. 所有分机的内部结构与功能一致,通过一根电缆线串接,每台分机由一只单片微处理器监控,既能检测与之相连的各传感器信号,又能输出监控信号。

    All extensions of the same internal structure and function , through a cable series , each extension by a single-chip microprocessor control , can detect all sensors connected to the signal , while monitoring the output signal .

  19. 目的:为下腹壁反射重建膀胱功能手术时脊神经前根和吻接平面的选择以及脊神经前根的定位提供解剖学依据。

    Objective : To provide anatomic basis for the choice of proper spinal roots , idea level of cross anastomosis and the identification of anterior spinal roots during the operation of bladder functional reconstruction with lower abdominal reflexes .

  20. 探究了百兆网线的工作原理,根据原理提出了用同一根双绞线接两个水晶头当作两根四芯网线使用的方法,并用它解决了图书馆局域网的实际问题。

    The operating principles of 100M Ethernet lines were studied . According to these principles using the same UTP put a method forward connected with the next two crystal UTP as the four core lines , and it can be used to solve the library LAN practical problems .

  21. 把这根管子和那根接起来。

    Join this pipe to the other one .

  22. 结论:(1)利用下腹壁反射重建膀胱功能,宜采用T11或T12前根与S3或S4前根吻接并需作神经移植;

    Conclusions : ( 1 ) During the operation of bladder functional reconstruction with the lower abdominal reflexes , T 11 , T 12 and S 2 ~ 4 anterior spinal roots cross anastomosis shoulder be taken and the nerve grafting are needed because of the distance between them .

  23. 结论:(1)利用跟腱反射重建膀胱功能时宜选用L5前根与S3或S4前根交叉吻接;

    Conclusions : ( 1 ) S 1 ~ S 3 or S 1 ~ S 4 anterior spinal roots cross anastomosis should be taken during the operation of bladder functional reconstruction with Achilles tendon reflex ;