
  • 网络Root layer;rootzone
  1. 根系层是运动场草坪坪床结构的最上层,直接影响球场表面使用质量、导水率等性能。

    Rootzone of sports turf is the most importmant layer and it affects the field quality .

  2. 粪斑对结缕草放牧草地根系层土壤氮素的影响

    Impacts of dung pats on nitrogen in root-layer soils of Zoysia japonica pasture

  3. 一个预测作物根系层储水量动态变化的概念性随机模型

    A conceptual-stochastic model for predicting the dynamic soil water storage in crop root zone

  4. 甲霜灵在高尔夫球场根系层和淋溶水中的残留

    A Study on Metalaxyl Residue in Root-System Layer and Leaching Water of a Golf Course

  5. 铵态氮在根系层土壤的无机态氮总量中占优势。

    The form of ammonium N dominated over the inorganic N in the root-layer soils .

  6. 有作物条件下潜水蒸发与作物根系层下的土壤水吸力关系较好,提出了利用土壤水吸力计算有作物条件下潜水蒸发的方法。

    The relationship between evaporation from groundwater and soil moisture suction beneath root zone is very well .

  7. 科尔沁沙地低缓沙丘主要植被根系层土壤水分特性分析

    Analysis of soil water characteristics in zone of main plant roots in low sand dune of Horqin Sandy Land

  8. 干旱半干旱气候区沙质草原的土层是稀缺的自然资源,地表土壤-植物根系层是珍贵的生态系统。

    The top soil layer is the rarest natural resource , and the soil-root layer is the most precious ecosystem on arid and semiarid sandy grasslands .

  9. 降水影响生长季节土壤表层水分变化,森林植物影响根系层土壤水分变化,森林植物影响大于降水影响;

    The precipitation affected the water change in the surface soil layer in growing season while forest vegetation growth affected the water change of root layer .

  10. 固定沙地相对粘重的表土层影响降雨对灌木根系层土壤水分的补充。

    The fine texture of upper soil layer on the fixed sand dune appeared to reduce the replenishment of moisture to the soil of the shrub root layer .

  11. 结果表明:结缕草放牧草地根系层土壤的全氮量和C/N比值的变化与草地土壤总的肥力水平有关,同时也受到草地放牧的强度和历史的影响;

    The results showed that the variations of soil total N and C / N ratio were related to the general fertility levels in the pasture soils , and were also affected by the intensity and history of grazing on the pastures .

  12. 对不同土壤水分条件下生长的3~4a生毛白杨幼林根系分布层土壤水分的动态监测和叶片光合作用的定期测定表明,毛白杨幼树光合作用速率与土壤水分呈正相关;

    According to the periodical determination of soil moisture dynamics and photosynthesis in 3 ~ 4 year - old plantation of Populus tomentosa under different water stress , the photosynthetic rate of young trees was positively correlated with soil moisture .

  13. 用冠层温度定量诊断作物根系活动层

    Quantitative Diagnosis of Crop Root Zone according to Canopy Temperature

  14. 土壤墒情是指农作物主要根系活动层内的土壤水分状况。

    The soil moisture refers to the soil water status in the main root system activity layer of crops .

  15. 森林植被通过林冠层、枯落物层和根系土壤层的分层拦截吸收,起到突出的减洪减沙作用。

    Through the roles of interception and absorption of the canopy layer , litter layer , and root and soil layer , the benefits of flood and sediment reduction of forest vegetation are prominent .

  16. 土壤墒情是农田耕层土壤含水率的俗称,指作物主要根系活动层内的土壤水分状况,是作物生长的控制性因子之一。

    The soil moisture is the local name of soil water content in the farm land . It refers to the soil water status in the main root system activity layer of crops . It is one of the control factors in crop growth .

  17. 黄土高原地区,当地面接纳水量接近或小于夏玉米生育期内多年平均降雨量时,NO3~&N在土体中的淋移深度很难超出作物根系分布层。

    In the Loess Plateau region , it is hardly for nitrate to leach below the root zone in field when the amount of total water both from natural rainfall and irrigation is smaller than or close to the annual average precipitation in corn growing period .

  18. 在林木根系活动层40&60cm范围土壤有机质、氮素增量高于山桃纯林,土壤速效磷增幅较小,土壤速效钾有少量增加。

    In the 40 & 60 cm active layer of the forest root system , soil organic matter and nitrogen were higher than those of the mountain peach pure forest , and the increase in available phosphorus was less , and available potassium increased a little .

  19. 不同植被类型根系提高浅层滑坡土体抗剪强度的试验研究

    Experimental Research on Improving Shear Strength of Soil in Surface Landslide by Root System of Different Vegetation Type

  20. 不同立地梭梭土壤水分盈亏的空间分布与土壤水分剧烈变化层、根系密集分布层相吻合,季节动态则与植物物候期密切相关。

    The profit and loss spatial distribution of soil water is correspondence with soil water sever varied layer and root dense distribution , and the seasonal dynamics are closely relative to the plants ' phonological season of the vegetation .

  21. 麦秸覆盖能够改善盐分在土体中的垂直分布,使土壤根系分布密集层保持较低盐分水平,缓解盐分对作物的危害,并有显著的增产效果。

    Wheat straw mulch could improve soil salt vertical distribution in that salinity within 0 & 40cm soil layer maintained in a lower salt level which reduce ( degree ) of salt damage to crop , and in turn , crop yield could be increased significantly .

  22. 0~10cm土壤层是四种灌木林根系的集中分布层。

    The 0 ~ 10 cm soil layer was the thoroughly concentrate distribution layer of root in the four kinds of bush forestland .

  23. 根系在主要分布层比重过半。

    The root systems of the both locate in the main layer more than a half .

  24. 首先从植被生长的角度对边坡进行重新分类,研究了植被根系对边坡防护层的加固机制,然后采用试验和数值模拟的方法,研究了工程初期和植被长成后边坡绿色防护层的稳定性。

    In respect of vegetation growing , the slope is reclassified ; the roots protection mechanism is studied . Then the stability of the protecting layer is studied by test and numerical simulation .

  25. 圆桶由圆形桶体和桶底构成,根系支架由圆形层网和层网支架构成。

    The round tube is composed of a round tube body and a tube bottom , and the root supporting frame is composed of a round layer net and a layer net supporting frame .

  26. 生态防护对边坡的防护方面是多方面的,分析了植物根系与边坡的力学效应,探讨植物根系加固边坡作用机理,提出根系&土复合层增加抗剪强度公式。

    Bio-engineering protection has multi-functions protection to rock slope . The mechanic effect of bio-engineering to rock slope was analyzed and the mechanic of roots of plant to rock slope was investigated , putting forward to a formula of increasing anti-shear strength of root-soil layer .