
shuǐ sǔn shī
  • water loss
  1. 冷却塔水损失变化规律及节水方法的研究

    Research on Change Law of Water Loss and Method of Water-saving in Cooling Towers

  2. 结果表明:阴极扩散层碳粉载量(即厚度)增加,电池系统水损失量减少,甲醇法拉第效率和能量效率提高;

    The results show that the increased carbon loadings of cathode GDL is helpful to reduce water loss and enhance methanol efficiency .

  3. 湿式冷却塔水损失的高压静电回收实验分析

    Experimental analysis on high-voltage electrostatic recovery technology for water consumption in wet cooling tower

  4. 肉质特性由脂肪酸品质、产脂力和肌肉水损失3个公共因子组成,可解释原40个性状的18.34%的信息量;

    Fatty acid quality factor , fat power factor , and meat water loss factor structured meat quality explaining 18.34 % of the variance ;

  5. 管道的腐蚀和生锈是引起供水到目的地30%水损失,《经济学家》报道。

    Corroding and rusting pipes are one reason why as much as30 percent of water fails to arrive at its intended destination , the Economist reports .

  6. 主要讨论阀控铅蓄电池故障主要原因,包括板栅腐蚀、水损失、早期容量损失、热失控。

    The major cause of failure of VRLA batteries , including grid corrosion , water loss , premature capacity loss and thermal runaway , are discussed in this paper .

  7. 根据推导的灌溉水损失系数公式导出了各种节水灌溉工程措施节水量的计算方法即本文所说的真实节水量的计算方法。

    Basing on the formulas of " the irrigation water loss efficiency ", educe the corresponding formulas of " resources-type " real water saving of all kinds of saving-water irrigation project .

  8. 一个世界银行的研究报告表明,管道的失效是导致公司和公用工程水损失达到140亿美元的主要原因之一。

    Those faulty pipes are among other reasons why companies and utilities whose business is water lose a combined amount of $ 14 billion per year , a World Bank study indicates .

  9. 模拟了横向风对冷却塔热力特性和飘水损失的影响;提出了沿塔周设置回流槽的措施,以减少飘水损失。

    This paper simulates the effect of crosswind on the thermal performance of wet cooling tower and puts forward a feasibility advice of fixing back flow canal around the tower to reduce the water loss .

  10. 山东省年均水污染损失占GDP的0.38%;

    Water pollution losses account for 0.38 % of GDP .

  11. 一种水污染损失经济计量模型及其应用

    An econometric loss model of water pollution and its application to Hohhot City

  12. 工业水污染损失的经济计量模型

    Economic Metrology Model of Industrial Water Pollution Loss

  13. 水污染损失的经济评价方法

    An Econometric Method for Water Pollution Loss

  14. 引用李锦秀教授的一些基本参数,计算全国水污染损失;

    Li Jinxiu 's basic parameters were cited to calculate the countrywide water pollution losses ;

  15. 大中型灌区干渠输配水渗漏损失经验公式探讨

    Discussion on the Empiric Formula for Water-Transportation-and-Allocation Seepage Loss of Main Canal of Large-and-Middle-Sized Irrigation District

  16. 高倍数泡沫灭火系统具有发泡倍数高、灭火速度快、水渍损失小的特点。

    This system has the characteristics of high expansion , high extinguishing speed and little water dip damage .

  17. 水污染损失核算:废水处理水平低,治理投入缺口大。

    Accounting of water pollution losses : In Hainan province , the level of Wastewater treatment was low and the treatment investment was deficient .

  18. 分析了工业水污染损失的主要影响因素,用经济计量方法建立了工业水污染损失的经济计量模型。

    The article analyzes the main effective actors of industrial water pollution loss , and established economic metrology model based on the way of economic metrology .

  19. 水污染损失定量化将有利于水环境管理与决策,促进水资源的科学保护和合理开发,为水环境决策提供判定依据。

    Estimating the economic loss of water pollution is good for the management of water resources , good for the protection and sound exploitation of water resources .

  20. 水污染损失由受害者自身的责任所引起的,排污单位不承担责任。

    If the loss from water pollution is caused due to the victim 's own fault , the pollutant discharging unit shall bear no liability for it .

  21. 在保持凝汽器真空正常的前提下,循环水泵耗电量降低、循环水蒸发损失减少,机组运行经济性明显提高。

    After optimization , keeps the well-balanced condenser vacuum , reduces the power consumption and cycle water evaporation , increases the turbine set 's economic benefit of operation .

  22. 水的损失量非常小,无需大量换水,取水及维持温度所需能量很小。

    The loss volume of water is very small , without needing to change much water , and the energy for getting water and maintaining temperature is very little .

  23. 采用反应气循环使用实现生成水零损失,提出新型水管理系统对膜电极两侧水分布进行了研究。

    The method of reactant recirculation was adopted to eliminate the water loss by tail gases , the new water management system was brought forward to measure water distribution .

  24. 根据区域水量平衡原理,从灌溉水的损失途径分析,提高灌溉水利用率有工程措施、管理措施和技术措施。

    In accordance with regional water volume balance theory , there are structural , management and technical measures to improve efficiency of irrigation water by analyzing how irrigation water losses .

  25. 若系统中水电比例偏小,调峰容量不足;或者在汛期,为了减少水电弃水调峰损失,火电机组需承担调峰运行。

    When the hydro peaking capacity is inadequate ; or in the flood season , it have to reduce surplus water of reservoir , thermal power unit should bear the peaking operation .

  26. 校正结果显示,岩心上提过程导致油、水饱和度损失量最大,其中含水饱和度损失13.7%,含油饱和度损失6.5%。

    The correction result shows that loss amount caused by raising cores is the biggest . In this process , the water saturation loss 13.7 % , and oil saturation loss 6.5 % .

  27. 几十个人星期四下午没有电和水,损失大部分报告在罗德城英属维尔京群岛的首都以及托托拉岛其它地方。

    Dozens of people were without power and water Thursday afternoon , with most of the damage reported in Road Town , the British Virgin Islands capital , and elsewhere on the island of Tortola .

  28. 水污染损失经济分析是环境污染损失经济分析的一个重要组成部分,水污染造成的经济损失,不仅是直接的污水治理费用,还包括间接的和潜在的隐性损失。

    The analysis of the economic losses resulting from water pollution is one of the most important aspects . Economic losses resulting from water pollution include the cost of wastewater treatment and other indirect and latent losses .

  29. 以南方某市为例,计算该市水污染损失,得到了一些有益的结论,给政府部门提供了一个较为准确的损失数据。

    As a case study , this model is used to evaluate the water pollution in a city in the South , and some useful conclusions are drawn which can provide a relatively accurate data for the government .

  30. 煤炭自燃发火不仅会造成煤炭资源与水资源损失,引发森林火灾及环境污染,还会直接导致人员伤亡的严重后果。

    The coal spontaneous combustion ignition not only creates the coal resource and the water resources loss , leads the forest-fire as well as the environment pollution , but also causes serious results which lead people death directly .