
  1. 水经蒸馏可变得纯净

    Water can be made pure by distilling it .

  2. B类水经简单处理作为A类进水;

    The B water as influent water of A through simple treatment ;

  3. 含铅废水经Hap处理后可达到生活饮用水标准。

    The wastewater can reach drinking standard after treated by Hap .

  4. 在循环冷却水系统中,由碳酸离解平衡并引入修正系数推导出循环冷却水经浓缩后总碱度和pH值的理论模型,然后运用VISUALBASIC编写程序进行预测。

    Based on carbonate equilibrium and citation of amending coefficients , the theoretical expressions of total alkalinity and pH can be obtained after concentration in cooling water and can be predicted through Visual Basic program .

  5. 方法对3天龄SD大鼠的活体皮肤进行氯仿涂搽、接触10和20min的处理,采用静式渗透模型,以氚水经皮渗透量作为皮肤屏障功能的评价指标。

    The tritium water penetration amount through skin was applied as an index of evaluating skin barrier function .

  6. 论文研究了浮选介质水经磁化处理后,赤铁矿的上浮率,介质表面张力与捕收剂用量和介质pH值的变化关系及其作用机理。

    The paper describes the relationship between a floatation ratio , medium 's surface tension and collector 's dosage and medium 's pH and their working mechanism after the floatation medium water is magnetized .

  7. 污水厂出水经紫外线(UV)消毒后在排放过程中会出现微生物的复活现象,为此考察了采用UV氯和UV过氧乙酸(PAA)控制光复活的效果。

    After ultraviolet radiation disinfection of the effluent from WWTP , microorganisms can revivify due to the photoreactivation effects . This study is aimed to control photoreactivation by applying chlorine , peracetic acid ( PAA ) and UV disinfection .

  8. Milli-Q水经亚沸处理能显著提高ES细胞保持未分化状态的能力,优质胎牛血清能提高ES的AKP阳性度和克隆形成率。

    Purification of Milli-Q water by sub-boiling distilled and employment of qualified FBS could increase the AKP staining positive level and total clone formation rate of mouse ES cells .

  9. 而接触溶剂汽油4h组,氚水经皮渗透量在各采样时段,均明显高于对照组(P<0.05)。

    In the group exposed to gasoline 4 h , the 3H water penetration amount through the skin was significantly higher than that in the control group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  10. 结果表明,尾水经电化学处理返回选别流程,不仅可大大减少Na2CO3用量,而且还获得较清水流程更好的选矿指标。

    Experimental results indicate that not only most Na_2CO_3 were diminished but also better dressing efficiency of industrial water flow were got in process which treated water get back to dressing flow .

  11. 所产生的浓缩水经铜回收浓缩系统(RO)浓缩后进入萃取系统,回收电解铜,实现了废水处理的闭路循环。

    And the effluent quality reached requirement for production water . The concentrated water entered into the extraction system through copper concentration system ( RO ) for copper recovery , so that the closed recirculation was achieved for wastewater .

  12. 结果连续接触溶剂汽油0.5、1、2h组的大鼠皮肤,氚水经皮渗透量有所增加,但与对照组相比无统计学差异。

    Results The results showed that the amount of 3H water was not obviously increased in those exposed to gasoline for 0.5,1 and 2 h ( P > 0.05 ), but the 3H water penetration amount through the skin increased linearly with the time .

  13. 水经透析进入植物根部。

    Water passes into the roots of a plant by osmosis .

  14. 生活饮用水经餐具煮沸后金属元素含量分析

    Analysis on the Content of Metal Elements in Drinking Water Boiled in Tableware

  15. 否则书经提炼犹如水经蒸馏,淡而无味。

    else distilled books are , like common distilled waters , flashy things .

  16. 《水经注》被动式研究

    Research on the Passive Form of " Shuijingzhu "

  17. A类水经污水处理后排放。

    The A water is discharged after wastewater treatment .

  18. 《水经注》中被动句考察

    Passive Voice Used in Notes on the Waterways

  19. 水经分解成氢、氧二种气体。

    Decomposition of water produces oxygen and hydrogen .

  20. 了解安阳市桶装饮用水和桶装饮用水经饮水机后的卫生状况。

    NF membrane treatment for bottled drinking water and improvement of water reuse rate ;

  21. 池塘里的水经蒸发减少。

    Evaporation reduced the water in the pond .

  22. 《水经注》山水景物描写的特点

    Poetry about description of scenery ; Characteristics of the Landscape Description in Shui Jing Zhu

  23. 水经电解而产生的氢。

    Hydrogen generated from water by electrolysis .

  24. 郁金香之国的水经东欧五国的经济形势

    Economic situation in five East European countries

  25. 我的《水经注研究》终于在去年九月出版了。

    My studies on Shuijing Zhu finally were made available to the public last september .

  26. 如图所示,大量水经高温加热后泵入地底,

    And here , massive amounts of water are super-heated and pumped through the ground ,

  27. 《水经注》地名反映的词汇现象

    The Word Phenomena Reflected by Proper Names for Places in the Notes on Book of Waterways

  28. 冷却水经专用冷却塔系统提供给主冷凝器。

    Cooling water is supplied to the main condenser via a dedicated wet cooling tower system .

  29. 另一种是容器内装满了水,让水经小孔漏出,从指示水平面高度的刻度线读出时间。

    In another form , water escaped through a hole in a vessel marked with graduated lines .

  30. 来自大鳙山的婺水经金华(婺州)流进富春江。

    Wu water from Dayong Mountain flew through Jin Hua ( Wu State ) into Fuchun River .