
  • 网络water resources supply and demand balance
  1. 福建省中长期水资源供需平衡主导因素分析

    Analysis of Dominant Factors on Water Resources Supply and Demand Balance in Fujian Province in the Future

  2. 本文在分析灌区水资源利用现状、水资源供需平衡的基础上,提出了实现水资源供需平衡的工程措施,探讨了灌区的发展规模,并指出节水是灌区发展的基础。

    The paper put forward engineering measures of water resources supply and demand balance , discuss development scale of irrigation area , point out that water saving is the base of the development of irrigation area .

  3. 针对实例引入基于面向对象的UML标准建模语言进行水资源供需平衡评价系统分析和系统设计;用RationalROSE进行系统UML软件模型的建模;

    The UML was introduced to modeling the real software for evaluating the balance between supply and demand in water resource system in its analysis and design by using Rational Rose , drawing out some C + + Class of instance from the real system .

  4. 基于模拟技术的灌区水资源供需平衡分析

    Analysis of water supply and demand equilibrium based on simulation technique

  5. 昆明城市发展的水资源供需平衡研究

    Study on the Water Supply-demand Balance During the Development of Kunming

  6. 西安市水资源供需平衡预测天津市水资源供求平衡战略

    Balance Strategy Research of Water Resource Supply and Demand in Tianjin

  7. 西安市水资源供需平衡的趋势预测

    Prediction of Supply-Demand Balance of Water Resources in Xi'an City

  8. 水资源供需平衡动态模拟分析方法

    A dynamic modelling method on supply and demand balance of water resources

  9. 数字模拟技术在水资源供需平衡中的应用

    Application of mathematical simulation technique to supply and demand equilibrium of water resources

  10. 集贤县水资源供需平衡分析与展望

    Supply and Demand Balance Analysis and Forecast of Water Resources in Jixian County

  11. 水资源供需平衡分析在沈阳区域的应用探讨

    Application of studies on balance of water supply and demand in Shenyang region

  12. 农业高新技术开发区水资源供需平衡分析

    Analysis of the Water Resource Distribution Balance in Shenyang Hui Mountain Hi-tech Agricultural Zone

  13. 长江三角洲地区水资源供需平衡的估算模型研究

    Study on Supply and Demand Balance Model of Regional Water Resources for Yangtze Delta

  14. 城市水资源供需平衡及预测分析&以开封市为例

    Analysis of Water Balance and Predection of Water Demand and Supply in Kaifeng City

  15. 河津市水资源供需平衡的趋势预测及其对策研究

    Forcast of Water Supply & Water Demand and It 's Policy in Hejin City

  16. 北京市水资源供需平衡趋势预测及分析

    Forecasting and analysis of balance between water resources supply and actual demand in Beijing City

  17. 济南市东郊区水资源供需平衡分析

    Analysis of the Balance of Supply and Requirement of Water Resource in the Jinan East Zone

  18. 北京市水资源供需平衡分析及开发利用初探

    Analyse and Develop and Utilize Visiting for the First Time inEquilibrium of Supply and Demand of Water Resource in Beijing

  19. 流域水文模型是进行水资源供需平衡分析、进而进行优化配置的前提和基础。

    Hydrological model is the prerequisite and foundation for water supply and demand balance analysis as well as optimizing configuration .

  20. 通过对水资源供需平衡的分析,发现用水矛盾更加尖锐。

    The supply and demand balance of water resources is analyzed and we find that the water conflicts are even acuter .

  21. 我国水资源供需平衡在空间上的巨大差异造成了区际调水的需求。

    The significant imbalance between demand and available supply of water in different regions of China leads to the requirements of water transfer .

  22. 本文重点讨论城市区域稳定性问题、城市水资源供需平衡问题和城市开发建设可能涉及的工程地质问题。

    The paper focuses on the regional stability of a city , supply-demand balance of urban water resources and engineering geological problems that may be involved during urban construction .

  23. 黑河中游典型灌区水资源供需平衡及其安全评估

    Analysis on Supply and Demand of Water Resources and Evaluation of the Security of Water Resources in Irrigation Region of the Middle Reaches of Heihe River , Northwest China

  24. 在此基础上,建立了面向生态城市的水资源供需平衡分析概念框架,并对供需平衡的基本内涵进行了界定。

    Based on these mentioned above , the conceptual framework of ecocity-oriented water resources supply-demand balance analysis is established and the basic intension of the balance is addressed in detail .

  25. 因此研究区域水资源供需平衡,对促进区域社会、经济、环境的协调持续发展具有非常重要的理论和现实意义。

    So studying on the balance between supply and demand of region water resources has very important theoretical and practical significance to sustain the development of society , economy and environment .

  26. 第四章针对柯坪县供水现状,进行了供水预测和水资源供需平衡分析。

    In the chapter four , in the basis of the current situation of water supply of Kalpin County , water supply was forcasted and supply and demand of water sources were analysed .

  27. 提出了面向生态城市的水资源供需平衡分析原则,强调了水质水量的统一性,人与自然的和谐性,生态环境需水的优先性。

    The principle of ecocity-oriented water resources supply-demand balance analysis is put forward , and the integrity of water quality and quantity , harmoniousness of human being and nature , and the priority of ecological environment water demand are emphasized .

  28. 利用相应的预测模式,预测未来年份人口与社会经济的发展状况及社会各部门生产生活的需水量,并进行水资源供需平衡分析。

    Utilizing corresponding prediction mode , to predict population , social economy state of development and water requirement of all society department in the coming years ; to carry on the analysis of equilibrium of supply and demand of water resource .

  29. 本论文在对辽宁省水资源开发利用状况调查分析的基础上,定量评价辽宁省水资源质量状况,分析了水资源供需平衡及其水功能需求;

    Based on the investigation and analysis of the situation of water resource development and utilization , the water resource quality was assessed quantitatively , and the balance of water resource supply and demand and the corresponding water functions were analyzed .

  30. 按照合理的用水定额和水资源供需平衡分析,预计到2000年,总需水量将达到0.68亿立方米;到2020年,总需水量1.2亿立方米。

    In accordance with the quota of water demand and balance between supply and demand of water resources , the total water demand will get to 68 million m 3 by 2000 year and 120 million m 3 by 2020 year .