
shuǐ zhàn
  • battle fought on the sea, river, etc;sea-fight
水战 [shuǐ zhàn]
  • [sea-fight] 指在水上进行的战斗

水战[shuǐ zhàn]
  1. 一次吴越发生战争,吴王任命商人做统帅,冬天和越人进行水战。

    Once the state of Wu went into war with the state of Yue . The king appointed the merchant to be the general to fight the Yue soldiers in the river in winter times .

  2. 中国古代水战中隐形作战的船舶和兵器

    Ship and Weapon in Invisible Water Fight of Ancient China

  3. 美国海军陆战队水战生存训练初探

    Research on US Marine Corps Combat Water Survival Training

  4. 听说你和你两个朋友打水战。

    I heard you were fighting with your pals .

  5. 第一次鸦片战争中的水战

    Water Combat during the First Opium War

  6. 至于工程师们是如何水淹斗兽场来创造这种水战效果的,仍然是个谜。

    It 's still a mystery how engineers flooded the arena to create this aquatic effect .

  7. 氛围、水战土壤皆被销誉的或有毒的工具所净化。

    The air , the water and the land are polluted by waste or poisonous things .

  8. 官僚口水战已经持续了一年,一名知情人士表示。

    There has been bureaucratic bickering for a year , said one person familiar with the matter .

  9. 有些其他的人可能宁愿写一部伟大的美国小说,而不愿去赢得水战或驾驭马。

    Some other fellow would prefer writing the great American novel to winning the water-fight or mastering the horse .

  10. 简要介绍关国海军陆战队水战生存训练系统、水战生存分级训练的内容、各级别训练应注意的事项等方面的概况。

    This paper introduce the system of Marine Corps combat water survival training , the training content and watchful proceeding .

  11. 卢安达总统卡加梅与抨击他的一名英国记者在社交网站推特上打起口水战。

    Rwandan President Paul Kagame has exchanged angry words on the social networking site Twitter with a British journalist who criticized him .

  12. 尽管围绕着南北双方没有划定的边界线口水战不断,这两位领导人还是向埃塞俄比亚总理梅莱斯提出派遣一支维和团的正式要求。

    Amid word of fighting along the undefined North-South border , the two leaders are making a formal request to Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi to send a peacekeeping mission .

  13. 我宁愿赢得游泳池的水战,或继续跨骑一匹一直想要挣脱的马,而不愿意去写一部伟大的美国小说。

    I 'd rather win a water-fight in the swimming pool , or remain astride a horse that is trying to out from under me , than write the great American novel .