
  • 网络Asparagus juice
  1. 5.121℃、3min的热杀菌(TP)处理能有效杀灭芦笋汁中的微生物至未检测出水平,延长芦笋汁的贮藏寿命。

    Thermal pasteurization ( TP ) at121 ℃ for3min could effectively kill microbials to the undetectable level and prolong the storage time of green asparagus juice .

  2. 果糖是芦笋汁沉淀物中主要的糖,葡萄糖也参与了沉淀的形成。

    Fructose was the main sugar in sediment of green asparagus juice .

  3. 用微核(MN)试验、姐妹染色单体交换(SCE)及精子畸形试验探讨芦笋汁对环磷酰胺(CTX)致突变作用的影响。

    Micronucleus ( MN ) test ? sister chromatid exchanges ( SCE ) and sperm malformation test were used to study the effects of asparagus officinalis on the mutagenic activities of cyclophosphamide ( CTX ) .

  4. 结果:浓度从10-50lμ/ml的大蒜汁和新鲜芦笋汁对SGC-7901细胞都有抑制增生作用,并随着药物浓度的升高,作用时间的延长,对SGC-7901细胞的抑制率也升高。

    The results showed that fresh asparagus juice and garlic juice with densities of 10-50ul / ml had inhibitory effects on gastric cell line SGC-7901 , the inhibitory rates were increased in both dose-dependent and time-dependent way .

  5. 浓缩处理对芦笋汁挥发性风味成分有明显影响。

    Condensation treatment significantly affected volatile flavoring compounds in green asparagus juice .

  6. 复合芦笋汁加工工艺研究

    Study on processing technology of the compound asparagus juice

  7. 浓缩工艺对芦笋汁的品质和抗氧化活性有明显影响。

    Condensation technology significantly affected the quality and antioxidant activity in green asparagus juice .

  8. 芦笋汁在贮藏过程中的质量变化与温度密切相关。

    The quality change of asparagus juice during storage were a close relation to temperature .

  9. 芦笋汁饮料的研究

    Study of asparagus juice beverages

  10. 贮藏温度、光照和产品包装材料对芦笋汁色泽稳定性产生很大影响。

    Storage temperature , light and package materials obviously affected the color stability of green asparagus juice during storage time .

  11. 但这两种取汁工艺均降低了芦笋汁中的可溶性蛋白和总酚含量。

    The soluble protein and total phenolics contents in green asparagus juice were decreased by these two juice extraction technologies . 3 .

  12. 芦笋汁沉淀物的主要成分是糖,其次还包括蛋白质、果胶和总酚。

    The principle component in sediment of asparagus juice was sugar . Secondly , protein , pectin , and total phenolics were contained in sediment .

  13. 把芦笋汁、枸杞子和红枣提取液经沉淀、超滤处理,并与蜂蜜按适当比例调配后制成芦笋营养液。

    The Asparagus Nutritional Liquid Was produced by the mixing precipitating anent and UF membraced asparagus juice and extract of wolf berry and jujube with honey .

  14. 芦笋汁是一种相对较新的加工产品,其加工过程一般要进行热烫、榨汁、酶解和杀菌等加工单元操作。

    Asparagus juice is a relatively new product . Blanching , squeezing , enzymatic treatment , and pasteurization are usual unit operations during asparagus juice processing .

  15. 该文在黑米酒的生产过程中,加入芦笋汁参与发酵,研制出的芦笋黑米酒,具有风味独特,营养丰富的特点。

    Asparagus black rice wine , which has particular flavor and ample nutrition , can be produced by the fermentation adding asparagus juices during the production of black rice wine .

  16. 分别在芦笋汁中加入苹果、蜂蜜、糯米和黑米等,进行了果香型、蜜香型、米香型芦笋酒的发酵研制,并对其产品进行质量指标对比。

    Honey , apple , polished glutinous rice and black rice were added to the asparagus liquid respectively to develop four new types of asparagus wine . The quality indexes of those products were also compared .

  17. 报道了以芦笋汁、芦笋复合汁为原料,利用果酒酵母2·185、2·374为发酵菌种的发酵试验。

    A method of asparagus compound wine was reported in this article . Fruity wine yeast 2 · 185 、 2 · 374 were used as fermentation strain , with the material , asparagus juice and asparagus compound juice .

  18. 统一集团回应表示这些芦笋汁可能是厦门和东莞的小经销商销往大陆的,总共500-600盒饮料将被尽快收回。

    In response , United Group , said inventory has been started , this asparagus juice may be sold by small traders in Xiamen and Dongguan , the number of about 500-600 boxes will be recycled through three channels .

  19. 台湾塑化剂风波还在蔓延,前一天台湾食品业龙头老大统一集团被曝出旗下3种运动饮料、芦笋汁和7-SELECT低钠运动饮料中含有塑化剂。芦笋汁已经销往大陆。

    Yesterday , Taiwans leading food company United Group has been discovered 3 kinds of products Bao Jian sports drinks , asparagus juice and 7 - SELECT sodium sports drink contaminated by plasticizers , including asparagus juice has been exported to the mainland .

  20. 芦笋复合汁的加工工艺和配方的优化

    Optimization of Processing Technology and Ingredients of Asparagus Compounded Juice

  21. 芦笋混浊汁的生产工艺研究

    A new process for the turbid asparagus juice

  22. 芦笋枣汁清爽啤酒的研制

    Development of asparagus and jujube juice beer

  23. 探讨了稳定剂对芦笋复合果蔬汁的稳定性的影响。

    In this manuscript , the effects of the stabilizers on the stability of asparagus compounded juice were studied .

  24. 澳大利亚牛眼肉配以土豆泥,胡萝卜,芦笋和黑胡椒汁。

    On a bed of Cheese Potato Mash , Grilled Baby Carrots , Asparagus and Black pepper Jus .