
  • 网络The Reeds
  1. 农夫见还安全,又感到确实有些累了,就坐在芦苇地边休息。

    Thinking the crops were still safe and feeling a bit tired , the peasant sit down beside the reeds to have a rest .

  2. 芦苇地叶面积指数的遥感反演叶面积指数(LAI)的遥感定量方法综述

    Remote sensing Lai retrieval of reed marsh the application of remotely sensed data to the estimation of the leaf area index

  3. 植苇→造纸→废水灌溉→植苇的农工循环生产模式促进了芦苇地系统的发育。

    The mode of reed-planting-papermaking-sewage irrigation-reed-planting cycle is of benefit for the reed constructed wetlands ecosystem .

  4. 对吉林省西部地区芦苇地上部生物量的动态、生物量增长速率、植株的生长速率等进行了研究。

    Aboveground biomass dynamics , biomass growth rate and plant growth rate of Phragmites corn-mums were studied .

  5. 该区域芦苇地上生物量主要由株高和基径决定,而且株高对地上生物量的贡献比基径大。

    While the aboveground biomass of Phragmites australis in this region major decision by plant height and basal diameter , and plant height on the contribution of biomass larger than base diameter .

  6. 第一次看见他时,照片里他拿着书,穿着当下时兴的白色T恤和牛仔裤,身后一片芦苇地,太阳光下,笑得帅帅的。

    First saw him , the photographs of him holding a book , wearing a white T shirt these days and jeans , behind a reed , the sun , smiling handsome .

  7. 结果表明,观测期(2002年9月)棉花地蒸发量为854mm,裸地为606mm,芦苇地为4904mm。

    The result shows that the evaporation of cotton field is 85.4 mm , exposed land 60.6 mm and reed field 49.04 mm in the period of observation ( September 2002 ) .

  8. 2010-2050年苏北滨海地区的土地利用结构变化主要为村镇用地和耕地占总面积的概率逐步增加,而芦苇地和海水养殖所占比率的逐步下降,减少的芦苇地主要向耕地转变。

    The results indicated that the percentage of town land and farmland increased gradually , meanwhile reed land and Marine aquaculture land percentage declined . Reduction of reed land was mainly changed to farmland .

  9. 那是我们在额尔齐斯河边的芦苇地里照的唯一一张合影,背面有我们几个人亲笔写的、要患难与共的誓言。

    That was the only group photo we ever took , in the reed flats by the Ertix , and on the back were vows in our own handwriting to stick together through thick and thin .

  10. 但不包括属于专业性桑园、茶园、果园、果木苗圃、林地、芦苇地、天然或人工草地面积。

    The land of mulberry fields , tea plantations , orchards , nurseries of young plants , forest land , reed land , natural and man-made grassland and other lan are not included in cultivated land .

  11. 那芦苇地里常常有野兽出没,他担心自己的庄稼被野兽毁坏了,就总是拿着弓箭到庄稼地和芦苇地交界的地方去来回巡视。

    He worried that his crops might be ruined by the beasts , so he would take the bow and arrow with him and scouted around the area between the crop land and the reed bed .

  12. 植被覆盖程度越高、地下水位埋深越浅,则蒸发量越大,从而导致裸地蒸发量相对较小,农田年蒸发量稍大,而芦苇地蒸发量最大。

    Higher rates of vegetation cover and the shallower the groundwater , the larger EPT . Therefore , the quantity of EPT is relatively low in bare land , relatively high in farmland and highest in reedy land .

  13. 芦苇地占地率在1996年以后始终是第一障碍因素。人均农业总产值的限制主要出现在1998年之前,之后对可持续土地利用未构成障碍。

    While the reed rate has been taken as the most important obstacle factor since 1996 , the restriction of the per capita farm gross output mainly arose before 1998 , which did not constitute the whole set of the obstacle factors for the sustainable land use later .

  14. 这样的地方就叫做“芦苇之地”。

    It was called " the Field of Reeds . "

  15. 栖息在高杆芦苇畦地的美洲鹪鹩。

    American wren that inhabits tall reed beds .

  16. 页岩中芦苇,地上部分吸收氮磷总量分别是沸石中的3.3倍和2.2倍。

    Total nitrogen and phosphorus contents in the plant organization of reeds in shale were 3.3 and 2.2 times of those in zeolite .

  17. 土壤表层有机碳、全氮、微生物量氮、微生物量磷的含量,湖草洲滩地垦殖水田芦苇洲滩地。

    The contents of soil organic C and N and microbial biomass N and P in 0 ~ 10 cm layer were the highest in Carex spp.

  18. 芦苇轻轻地扭动着腰身,让芦花随着轻风飘走,然后在冬寒中枯黄,在春风中再次苏醒、发芽。

    The reeds are lightly swaying , their flowers floating away on the gentle breeze , then to yellow and wither in winter 's cold , only to germinate and be reborn in the Spring .

  19. 在芦苇群落样地内植物个体与斑块同时存在的情况下,牛采食策略是在斑块处采食,随斑块面积的增加,牛在斑块处采食时间及采食口数逐渐增加。

    Foraging strategies of cattle were that the cattle mainly foraged in the patch area , and their foraging time and bites increased gradually with the enlargement of the patch area .