
  • 网络santander;Racing Santander;de Santander
  1. 西班牙的桑坦德也让我们看到了未来。

    Santander in Spain also gives us a look at the future .

  2. 皮卡德昨日表示,2.35亿美元的和解协议为他打算从桑坦德银行Optimal部门追回资金的85%。

    Mr Picard said yesterday that the $ 235m settlement represented 85 per cent of what he was seeking from Santander 's Optimal unit .

  3. 桑坦德银行墨西哥分行(santandermexico)上市后,股价上涨了三分之一。

    Shares in Santander Mexico , floated in order to provide its Spanish parent with capital , are up by a third .

  4. 然而,在一次判断失误的海外扩张之后,该行于2007年被竞争对手苏格兰皇家银行(RBS)、桑坦德银行(Santander)和富通银行(Fortis)收购。

    But after an ill-judged overseas expansion it was acquired by rivals RBS , Santander and Fortis in 2007 .

  5. 去年,桑坦德以9倍市盈率的隐含估价收购了巴西雷亚尔银行(bancoreal),而霍伊兰表示,在巴西当地市场实际市盈率为13倍。

    Last year , it bought Banco real of Brazil at an implied valuation of nine times earnings in the local Brazilian market , says hoyland , it was 13 times earnings .

  6. 桑坦德银行曾在一个代号狐狸(Fox)的项目上投资2.3亿英镑,在英国中部的莱斯特兴建了一个巨大的数据中心。该数据中心主要用来存储该行自己的数据。

    Santander has invested # 163 ; 230m in building a vast data centre in Leicester , in the English Midlands dubbed project fox which is designed primarily to store its own data .

  7. 最为荒谬的例子就是西班牙的桑坦德银行(BancoSantander),多数分析师都将其视为欧洲运营状况最佳的银行之一。

    The most absurd example is Spanish bank Banco Santander , which most analysts consider one of the best-run banks in Europe .

  8. 例如,西班牙的银行,包括欧洲市值第二大银行桑坦德银行(bancosantander),迄今相对没有受到信贷危机的影响。

    Spanish banks for example , including Banco Santander ( the second biggest bank in Europe by market capitalisation ) have so far escaped relatively unscathed .

  9. 它刚见证了今年全球规模最大的上市活动桑坦德银行(Santander)巴西子公司发行了总价值80亿美元的股份。

    It had just seen the world 's biggest stock market listing this year the $ 8bn flotation of part of the Brazilian arm of Santander .

  10. 2007年,桑坦德同许多公司一道收购了荷兰银行ABNAmro,并经明智的资产转手倒卖,成为保持盈利的一枝独秀。

    Through a smart bit of asset flipping , it was the only bank that profited from the ill-fated takeover of ABN Amro , a Dutch bank , in2007 .

  11. 万达集团支付的价格,比桑坦德银行(BancoSantander)2005年支付的3.89亿欧元低了约三分之一;2005年是西班牙房地产开发热潮的鼎盛期。

    The Chinese conglomerate is paying about a third less than the 389 million that Banco Santander paid in 2005 , at the height of Spain 's construction boom .

  12. 欧元区最大银行桑坦德银行(Santander)正计划在中国与中国建设银行(CCB)建立一家合资企业,此举将标志着桑坦德银行迈出谨慎的一步,以求在其全球零售网络中填补亚洲空白。

    Santander , the eurozone 's biggest bank , is planning a Chinese joint venture with China Construction Bank in a cautious first step towards filling the Asian gap in its global retail network .

  13. 苏格兰皇家银行于2007年接收了荷银中国的业务。当时由苏格兰皇家银行、西班牙桑坦德银行(Santander)以及比利时-荷兰银行保险集团富通集团(Fortis)组成的银团收购了这家荷兰银行。

    RBS acquired the ABN Amro China operations in 2007 when the Dutch bank was bought by a consortium comprising RBS , Spain 's Santander and Fortis , the Dutch-Belgian banking and insurance group .

  14. 加尔佩林称,当时拉美有不下40个竞争对手,其中只有一小部分能筹得有意义的融资。他自己还从摩根大通、高盛(GoldmanSachs)、通用电气金融(GECapital)、Flatiron以及桑坦德银行(BancoSantander)获得融资。

    Of as many as 40 rivals in Latin America at the time , only a handful could raise meaningful financing , says Mr Galper í n , who also secured funds from JPMorgan , Goldman Sachs , GE Capital , Flatiron and Banco Santander .

  15. 另一方面,凭借接手破产银行并在危机期间保证放贷的能力,一些大银行(我要把桑坦德银行(santander)包括在内)扮演了系统稳定器的作用。

    There are also several large banks , and I would count Santander among them , that have acted as systemic stabilisers by dint of their ability to absorb other failing institutions and maintain lending throughout a crisis .

  16. 但人们担心,在bankia的不良贷款率接近8%、桑坦德和西班牙对外银行的不良贷款率依然高达4%的情况下,它们在西班牙市场的损失会侵蚀这些资本储备。

    But the concern is that , with non-performing loan rates running at close to 8 per cent at Bankia and at a still elevated 4 per cent at Santander and BBVA , Spanish losses could eat into those capital reserves .

  17. 读桑坦德银行的企业社会责任年报

    Grupo Santander 's Annul Report of Corporate Social Responsibility

  18. 伊克尔·卡西利亚斯在与桑坦德竞技赛后向媒体说了他的观点。

    Iker Casillas shared his views on the match in Santander with the media .

  19. 美国经济杂志命名桑坦德圣地亚哥为“拉丁美洲最佳的银行”。

    America Economia magazine names Santander santiago " best bank in Latin america " .

  20. 何塞·穆里尼奥在皇马0-0战平桑坦德竞技后出席了新闻发布会。

    Jose Mourinho addressed the media in a press conference after the0-0 draw with Racing .

  21. 本文作者是桑坦德银行首席执行官

    The writer is chief executive of Santander

  22. 可根据欧洲银行业新规,桑坦德必须筹集90亿美元新资本。

    But under the new rules , Santander must raise $ 9 billion in new capital .

  23. 阿尔瓦罗·阿贝罗阿和哈维·阿隆索在与桑坦德竞技的赛后在混合区接受了采访。

    Alvaro Arbeloa and Xabi Alonso talked to the press in the mixed zone after facing Racing .

  24. 在与桑坦德战成平局后,我们要努力向前看更为重要。

    What 's important is that we managed to move on after drawing our match in Santander .

  25. 自马多夫丑闻曝光以来,桑坦德银行是第一个主动愿意收拾这个残局的金融集团。

    Santander is the first financial company to offer to settle claims resulting from the Madoff scandal .

  26. 他说:“从波尔图转战至桑坦德,我们现在有为期四天的休整。”

    He said : " We now have had a four-day rest from Porto to the Sunderland match . "

  27. 虽然他不能比赛,但丝毫没有影响我们的斗志,我们确信我们会赢得与桑坦德的比赛。

    Despite his absence , our ambition will not be affected and we are convinced that we can win in Santander .

  28. 自从2007年荷兰银行的四分五裂,桑坦德银行收购了雷亚尔银行后,桑坦德银行现在在巴西已确立了地位。

    Santander has strengthened its presence in Brazil , where it bought Banco Real in the carve-up of ABN AMRO in2007 .

  29. 具体而言,沃尔什相信,桑坦德名次下滑,是因为它在饱受冲击的国内房地产市场上遇到了挑战。

    Specifically , he believes Santander has been downgraded because of the difficulties it has encountered in its ravaged domestic property market .

  30. 尼科拉-日基奇强调他目前会集中精力效力于桑坦德竞技,不会理会关于转会尤文图斯和托特纳姆的传言。

    Nikola Zigic insists he is focused on his career with Racing Santander despite speculation linking him with moves to Juventus and tottenham .